Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 414 Sheldon ran away from home

Ron never imagined that he was at Max's house, celebrating Caroline getting a new car until noon. He was exhausted. Ron never imagined that the happiness of getting a new car would improve Caroline's combat effectiveness so much. ! The stamina gauge has doubled, almost reaching the same level as Max.

This kind of fighting power is still tiring even with the blessing of a perpetual motion machine~

So, when he returned to the apartment, what he wanted to see most was that Leonard had already bought the meal and he just had to eat it directly. But when he opened the door, he realized that the reality was not what he thought. .

Leonard and Sheldon sat on one side and glared at each other. If you ignore how pitiful they were, not counting the chicken, they were just two fighting cocks put into the arena.

"Hey, what are you doing? Isn't it time to eat now?" Ron asked casually, opening the refrigerator, but he was disappointed by the empty refrigerator.

"Ron, can you imagine? Leonard is crazy! He actually told me that he wanted me to move out. He wanted Penny to come over and let me live with you!" Sheldon was the first to complain angrily. .

"What! Don't!" Ron was shocked when he heard this: "Leonard, if you let Sheldon live with me, I guarantee that you will see his body within a month. I I won’t be able to help but kill him.”

Regarding Sheldon's bad temper, not to mention his biological brother, even his biological son, Ron would not be able to help but want to strangle him to death. God knows how George and Mary can endure it. This kid has been enduring so much. To be honest , if it weren’t for the sake of his parents, Ron would have teamed up with George to trick him into growing avocados in the Brazilian countryside.

Even before we sent him to have his waist cut off, we already had a deep brotherhood. Being a brother with Sheldon was really a test of endurance.

"But Penny and I are engaged, so we have to live together, right?" Leonard said speechlessly.

"What? Are you already engaged?" Ron was even more surprised: "Oh my God, it's only been one night. Come on, tell me, what else have I missed?"

"Rajesh also found a girlfriend named Emily."

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" Ron felt his whole body was shocked: "Raj can actually find a girlfriend?!"

However, Sheldon ignored him and continued to stare at Leonard, preparing to change to a gentle approach: "Do you think this is okay? I am also happy to let Penny come and live with us. During the inspection period, every Zhou can stay here for a day, but of course, she can’t stay here during the days when her temper is the most grumpy.”

"Wow~ Sheldon, you really understand justice. Leonard, do you want to consider compromising?" Ron finally found a box of potato chips from the kitchen cabinet and found a comfortable position on the sofa to start. Go to the theater.

"Uh... you've really thought it through," Leonard rolled his eyes at Ron helplessly and continued to negotiate with Sheldon: "But what we consider more is that we two live together... without you."

Leonard weighed every word carefully, trying not to irritate Sheldon as much as possible.

"I don't understand. How can the three of us live together without me? Ron, what does he mean?"

"What he means is that he and Penny are going to live together now and won't take you to play with him." Ron bit his potato chips: "Let me tell you first, if you two live together, I will never do it." Those who take in Sheldon, you should know this before raising a pet, and you should never abandon it casually~ I will never raise Sheldon for you~"

"I'm not a pet!" Sheldon retorted unhappily.

"OK, listen, Sheldon, I know this is a change and it sounds scary, but..."

"Then where are we going to live?" Sheldon interrupted eagerly.

"I don't know, we just started thinking about this issue," Leonard paced back and forth in the room anxiously: "Maybe I will move in with Petunia, Ron will move in, maybe Petunia will move in, You go live with Ron."

"Absolutely not!" Ron stood up in fright. He really couldn't imagine waking up and facing Sheldon's stinky face every day. He would definitely not be able to help but pull out his Smith \u0026 Wesson pistol and shoot it at his face. Shoot upward until all bullets are empty:

"Do you smoke marijuana? Leonard? If Sheldon and I were asked to live together, I would rather sleep in the office! Forget it, I'd better think about buying another house quickly."

The house he bought from Dunphy before is now occupied by the Gallagher family. Although Ron can move in as the male owner, he feels uncomfortable when he thinks that besides himself and Fiona, there are five children in this house. awkward.

What's more, he is now nominally engaged to Collins.

"Well, I'm really a hopeless scumbag~" Ron shrugged, but on the other side, the negotiations between Leonard and Sheldon had entered a heated stage.

"Did you get hit in the head with a coconut?"


"Then I really can't think of the reason. You actually want me to move across the street to live with Ron. How can you have the nerve to say this?" Sheldon asked loudly and angrily.

"Because I love Penny and I want to give her the life she wants!" Leonard's reason is understandable, but Sheldon doesn't think so.

"I understand~" Sheldon showed his little eyes that saw everything: "It seems that your future wife's happy life is more important than mine."


"Wow~" Sheldon sighed mockingly and returned to his bedroom.

"How is it? How does it feel to have two wives? Love Saint Leonard?" Ron joked.

Not to mention, the strange friendship between Leonard and Sheldon, let alone CP, is not much different even if it is a gay couple. Ron even saw some Mickey in them. There are shadows of you and Xiaoka, they are a real gay couple.

If this kind of plot was really produced by a domestic TV series, this episode alone could make at least forty episodes of the series.

Leonard looked at Ron helplessly: "Has your brother always been this crazy?"

"Actually, it used to be a little crazier than this, but now it's better than before," Ron thought for a moment: "At least he didn't invent a machine to ban Penny from entering, or make a Terminator robot killer to kill her. Penny, right?”

"I used to look at his behavior as a joke, but now you need to keep a closer eye on him, because with his current strength, he can really do it. Believe me, you often don't want to see the fiancée you finally picked up being fucked. A robot that looks like the governor screws off his head, right?”

One of the scientific research projects invested by Ron is an intelligent combat robot. Although it is called a robot, it is basically an AI with identification of friend or foe and an automatic combat system. However, in order to satisfy everyone's sci-fi movie complex, a specially made one The shape of the humanoid.

"Absolutely not!"

Leonard imagined the scene described by Ron and became alert: "I will go to the laboratory now and delete Sheldon's entry permit!"

After Leonard left, Sheldon poked his head out of the bedroom: "Leonard is gone?"

"Of course," Ron walked to the bookshelf, picked up a small jar of peanuts and twisted it. A small snake-like prank toy flew out of it, as well as a fifty-dollar bill hidden at the bottom of the jar. Ron took the money to thank him. Dun shook his head and said, "Besides, I just ordered pizza with my mobile phone. I don't have any cash on me. I'll pay with your money. It's shredded pork with Beijing sauce. I hope you like it."

"WHAT!" There was a big question mark all over Sheldon's face: "What the hell is that? You know I only eat sausage pizza from Giacomo's."

"That's a fusion dish recommended by a Chinese restaurant," Ron sat back down on Shaofa and rambled: "Leonard is right, life is always changing, Sheldon, you You have to learn to accept it, like try this new pizza.”

Sheldon, on the other hand, had long been deceived by his two brothers and had a look on his face that said I believe you, waiting to expose Ron's lies.

Soon, the delivery boy delivered the food, but Sheldon looked around and couldn't see anything like pizza: "Ron, I don't think this is pizza."

"This is pizza, just Chinese pizza, and you want to eat it like me."

On the opposite side, Ron picked up a piece of pancake and spread it out in his hand. He skillfully used chopsticks instead of a fork to place the shredded pork with Beijing sauce on the pancake, spread it flat, then rolled it up and took a big bite.

Sheldon clumsily followed the same example, but since he couldn't use chopsticks, he used a fork instead, and put the rolled burrito to his mouth, even though he kept inhaling the alluring aroma of the burrito. Nose, he hesitated again and again but still couldn't put the cake in.

"Ron, I still don't think this is pizza."

"Eat yours~" Ron pushed Sheldon's elbow and the burrito was stuffed into Sheldon's mouth. The aroma of sweet sauce and pork instantly filled his mouth. The sweet taste was so beautiful. Dun couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Oh my God! What did you feed me?!" Sheldon got up angrily and rushed out the door.

"What? Isn't it delicious?"

"No, it's better than any pizza I've ever had, but it's not pizza! I don't like it! Today is Thursday, pizza day." Sheldon left without saying a word and stormed off.

"Well, Sheldon is still Sheldon after all."

Of course Ron knew how strong Sheldon's obsessive-compulsive disorder was, but he knew that Sheldon couldn't always make some changes. Leonard's cohabitation incident was a good opportunity for him. He wanted to try to see if he could reverse Sheldon's twisted personality, but it turned out that he failed again.

"OK, then the remaining shredded pork with Beijing sauce is mine~" Ron looked at the pile of dishes left and smiled happily.

But this happiness didn't last long. At seven o'clock in the evening, just when Ron was thinking about which confidante to go on a date with, he received a call from Leonard.

"Ron! Sheldon is missing! He hasn't come home yet. Usually he is already at home at this time." Leonard's voice sounded extremely anxious.

"Don't worry, we taught him how dangerous it is outside, right? Let me see where he is?" Ron took out his phone and sent a message to Finch, and immediately a message was sent with the coordinates of Sheldon's location. return. The displayed location is actually at the train station.

"Wait, I think something is wrong. Sheldon is at the train station now. You guys are waiting at home while I go to see what's going on?"

In the waiting hall of the train station, Sheldon was sitting on a bench with his small backpack beside him. When he saw Ron coming, Sheldon couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes.

"how did you find me?"

"I'm an agent after all. Tracking a cell phone is just a basic operation. Don't underestimate my work ability, okay?" Ron sat next to Sheldon, and Sheldon moved aside in disgust.

"Well, you are still as unlovable as ever." Ron shook his head helplessly: "What are you causing trouble this time?"

"Nothing, I'm just getting ready to board the train and leave forever."

"Isn't it? You didn't even bring a change of clothes or a toothbrush."

"My plan is to buy necessities when passing by the mall. This is called living on the mountain and living on the water."

"Come on, Sheldon, it's just that something is not going well in your life. Besides, besides Los Angeles and your hometown in Texas, where else can you go? No more negotiation, come home with me." Ron stretched out his hand: "At most I’ll take you in my apartment for a few days, or I’ll take you to Disneyland, okay?”

Ron used his usual trick to coax little kids like Sean, Luke, and Manny. What’s interesting is that this trick has always been very useful to Sheldon, but this time, Ron’s trick didn’t work.

"Ron, Disneyland is not the solution to all problems," Sheldon said in distress: "I'm at a loss. Everything is changing. It's too much to accept. I need to leave and think about it."

"you sure?"

Sheldon didn't speak, just nodded. Ron put his hand on Sheldon's shoulder. Surprisingly, he didn't move away this time: "Listen, Sheldon, although I've always disliked your overreaction and self-centeredness. , complainer...wait a minute, my God, I can talk about your problems for an hour!"

"But no matter what, it can't change the fact that we will always be brothers. Just like my mother said: 'Sheldon is a unique child, and he has his own troubles.' Although I don't understand what your troubles are, But remember, I am always willing to help you, WEARE is tired of logging!"

"I know." Sheldon lowered his head.


The train whistle sounded, and Ron gave Sheldon a final squeeze on his shoulder: "See you soon, brother."

"Goodbye, brother." Sheldon surprisingly took the initiative to hug Ron and stepped onto the train.

"To be honest, I suddenly have the feeling that Brother Xie has grown up. Owen, please tell me if this is an illusion." After Sheldon left, Ron said to Owen Xiao, who popped up next to him out of nowhere.

"I guess that's not an illusion."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you on the way." Ron had called Owen on the way here. He didn't object to Sheldon running away from home, but if someone thought he could take this opportunity to treat him Reaching out, that would be a big mistake.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect him."

"Thank you, but you don't need to be too protective." Ron changed the topic and immediately changed from a sad parting tone to a cheerful tone: "If it's an ordinary person bullying him or something, don't worry about it, or you can also create something for him. Small troubles, such as stealing his wallet while he was sleeping. It would be even better if you could also steal his pants. Remember to take some photos for me~"

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