Hobbes was so angry that his head was smoking. If six more holes were opened in his head to spray steam, he would be no different from Majin Buu.

"Ron! The whole world knows that you like to carry out costume raids the most, and you also like to use heavy fire bombing scenes! Look, plane bombing with incendiary bombs, coupled with superhero costume raids, what are you doing? Treason!”

Hobbs said, showing him his phone. The footage from yesterday's attack was being played on YouTube. The footage was taken from the surveillance camera in the base. A group of superheroes or super villains slid down the cliff, holding various weapons. , fired at the surroundings, beating the US military, which had always regarded itself as righteous, to the point where it was scared to death.

There are all kinds of barrages above, but most of them have nothing to do with the attack itself. They all discuss the figures of several superheroes. In particular, Wonder Woman and Ghost Rider are the most discussed, and they have vaguely become a new generation of Internet celebrities. momentum.

The most exciting thing is that many people even suspect that these are the superheroes themselves. The dimensional wall was broken and so on. Ron just smiled and said nothing.

"You're still laughing! You're still laughing! Ron, what on earth are you thinking? Do you really want to treason?!" Hobbes became furious when he saw the smile on Ron's face.

"Hey, hey, you can't just say that someone with a good figure and an extremely handsome face under the mask is me, right? Although I am indeed handsome, right?" Ron touched his hand narcissistically. His handsome face.

Amber smiled and kissed him lightly on the face: "Of course, my dear."

The ambiguous air instantly filled the whole room, and Hobbes shouted that he couldn't stand it. The eyes of these two people were almost glued together. They weren't going to perform a live erotica in front of him, were they?

Although he didn't mind watching, there was something important right now.

"You mean you didn't do this?"

"Of course, I was at the Comic Con yesterday and the day before yesterday. If you don't believe it, you can check the surveillance. I was wearing Captain America's clothes and was at the Comic Con all day. By the way, I bought something at the booth yesterday. A Captain America figure, right there."

Hobbs looked along Ron's chin, and there was indeed a Captain America figure lying there on the table as he said.

"What else did you do yesterday? Tell me everything. This is very important." Hobbes looked solemn: "Now Anonymous has listed you as a key suspect, but I can help you prove your innocence."

"OK, I'll have breakfast with my team first in the morning. The hotel waiter has seen us and can testify," Ron said helplessly, but no one saw him. There was a strange light in his eyes.

"Then we came to the Comic-Con together and then separated. First I said hello to my brother Sheldon and the others. They told me that Chris Evans was also walking around the venue wearing Captain America's clothes, and then I went to look for him. I was looking for her and accidentally bumped into this lady, and we got to know each other.

After that, we separated, and I bought popcorn at a stall, but as soon as I bought it, the person next to me knocked it and spilled it, so I had to buy it again, and then I bought a few more figures... These people can give I testify, okay, honey, I have to admit to you, I also hooked up with another woman, you don't blame me, do you? "

Ron recounted his one-day experience one after another. Many characters appeared in his narration, and the suspicious look on Hobbs's face became more and more serious: "Did I really make a mistake this time? Was it really not Ron who did it?"

It's normal to think about it. Regardless of his status or ability, Ron has a place in the intelligence system and financial system. He comes from a traditional Christian family, and he has no reason to do this such as religious fanaticism.

In terms of motivation, Ron has no reason to take action against a U.S. military base. Of course, it would be another matter if he knew that the U.S. troops in that base were all controlled by Aideen. But judging from the information he currently has, Ron Well there really isn't any motive.

Okay, after Ron said that, Hobbes has already believed most of it. The rest is as long as he goes out to find the people Ron mentioned and checks with Ron's own words. If there are no problems, he can be cleared away. All suspicions of Ron.

"Of course I didn't do it," Ron spread his hands: "Although his method is very similar to mine, he is just a poor imitator. If it were me, I would never use such a troublesome method."

Although on the surface Ron spread his hands and pretended to be helpless, in fact he was secretly happy because he knew that Hobbes had believed him, and after him, other people who doubted him would also give up their doubts.

As for the confessions of those people he just mentioned to Hobbes, Ron had no doubt that there would be problems.

You know, San Diego Comic Con is one of the largest two-dimensional exhibitions in the world. The number of visitors every day is absolutely astronomical, so every booth has to face a lot of customers every day.

During the entire Comic-Con, there were not many people dressed as Captain America to buy things, but not too few, at least every day. So, ask them if there is a person dressed as Captain America buying from you on a certain day and time. Questions like this will always be answered in the affirmative.

Hobbes asked in this way and could only come to the conclusion that Ron had been at the meeting.

Of course, he may also be suspicious of this, but Ron also responded accordingly, that is, the small detail of buying popcorn twice in a row he just mentioned.

This was Ron's specially prepared answer in anticipation of Hobbes' suspicion.

It was the second day of Comic Con when Ron went to do trouble, but around three o'clock in the afternoon on the first day, which was also the time when Ron was doing trouble on the second day, he went to the popcorn stand to perform something like this, Then it was played again the next morning.

He had already done some research. The popcorn vendor was a serious drug addict. It would be nice if he could remember what happened. It would be ridiculous for you to expect him to know which day was the first day and which was the second day.

Ron inadvertently caused several similar "little accidents".

The surveillance of the entire venue was deliberately destroyed by Ron for three days. In the absence of surveillance, the participants in these "little accidents" were the best proof that Ron was not present!

In movies, there is a common technique called montage, which refers to putting a series of related or unrelated shots together to create a metaphor.

Here, the memories of each person named by Ron constitute a shot in the montage technique, and Ron becomes an editor, splicing these scattered memories into a complete chain of evidence, successfully clearing himself of suspicion.

"That's right. If it were you, you would definitely use heavy artillery to level that place to the ground." Hobbes apologized and smiled at Amber, who had been rubbing against Ron and was unwilling to put on clothes. "No. Sorry to bother you, please continue..."

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