Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 295 Planning and Persuasion

After rejecting Roman's two unreasonable requests one after another, namely a red McLaren P1 and an orange Pagani Zonda, Roman finally honestly chose a low-key Ford Mustang to modify.

His already unattractive face suddenly stretched, but taking care of Roman's emotions was not Ron's job scope. He had more important things to do, and that was to meet Andy's girlfriend, Deckard Shaw. Meet Victoria Winsiger’s mother.

Let's wait for Toretto to arrive.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Victoria, I didn't expect that both of your sons were sent to prison by my unintentional actions, but don't worry, after this mission, I guarantee that they will be kept intact. Let him go and attend your and Andy's wedding as a free man."

Ron sat across from Victoria, a cafe in a small alley in New York, where Toretto and they had agreed to meet.

"I can't hear the slightest hint of apology from your words. Instead, it sounds like you're showing off. You can handle my two sons by yourself. Do you think you're awesome?"

Victoria didn't touch the cup of coffee in front of her, but instead stared at Ron aggressively. However, Ron didn't seem affected at all. He didn't have any thoughts to deal with it. Instead, he ordered another donut and started eating. stand up.

Although this was very rude, he was indeed hungry. He had only eaten two meals since arriving in New York yesterday morning, and spent the rest of his time modifying and adjusting the car.

In the past, these things could be handed over to Toretto, and Ron could just wander around a few times and start fishing. But now, he can't leave for a moment, because after Toretto is no longer here, he will become the leader of this group. The person who knows the most about cars.

On the ninth day after leaving Toretto, besides missing him, I still miss him~

"I dare not say that he is the most powerful one, but compared with your two sons, he should be a little stronger," Ron replied without humility, almost saying that I am the best in the world written on his face: " I wonder if someone will turn my experience into a movie in the future. How about calling it "Agent Ron"? But I feel that if it is a movie based on me, the box office will probably be better than your 007 series. Shao, what do you think?"

I think you are shameless!

If she could, Victoria wanted to say this now, but the fact was that she couldn't, because not only was her boyfriend a subordinate of this "little brat", but if nothing else happened, when her two sons were released, there was a high probability that He will also work under Ron. It is really unwise to offend Ron now.

What's more, when Ron talked about the 007 series, he used the word "you". Victoria knew that her MI6 background should also be known to Ron.

"I don't think there's anything interesting about a movie about a spy who bullies orphans and widowed mothers."

Well, even after Victoria understood these interest entanglements, she still couldn't swallow it. Even if she could swallow it, she was no longer Victoria.

Fortunately, Ron didn't mind her attitude.

"Maybe Mr. Holmes will find it nice. I'm talking about Mycroft Holmes. I want you to convey a message to him. It's really rude to use women to make things happen in other countries.

I am more looking forward to him having a real duel with me like a man, rather than hiding behind the scenes like a woman and jumping up and down on the stage with a string puppet. "

"No, this Seve is not from MI6," Victoria shook her head: "She has only briefly cooperated with MI6. In fact, even MI6 can't figure out her details.

Owen also came into contact with this woman at that time, and I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup she fed Owen to make Owen so obsessed with her. "

"To be honest, I actually understand this reason." Ron recalled Seve's very charming face and perfect figure, and he probably understood Owen's thoughts.

This is probably the story of a hot-blooded young secret agent being used as a licking dog and then being used by a goddess terrorist with ulterior motives. It is not new at all.

Ring ring ring~

The bell hanging on the door of the cafe rang, and Ron turned around. There was a big bald head with a strong presence. Who else could it be if he wasn't Toretto?

"Ron, long time no see. I originally only had an appointment with Ms. Victoria, but I didn't expect you to be here too."

"Long time no see, bastard~" Ron punched Toretto in the chest: "Do you think I can just sit back and watch when such a big thing happens to you? Okay, can you tell me your reasons now? I am Tell me the reason for your betrayal."

"I only have five minutes now, so to make a long story short," Toretto sat down next to Ron: "I became a father, Elena gave birth to a son for me, and they were controlled by Seve together. I had no choice but to listen to them.

Do you know how it feels when your son reaches out his hands to you and you can't hold him? I think this lady must understand that feeling best, right? "

The atmosphere suddenly became weird. Victoria's anger, which had almost dissipated, was aroused by Toretto's words again, and she glared at Ron hatefully.

Toretto was a little confused: "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're not wrong, some people did wrong, so they have to pay for their actions," Ron said to Toretto and turned to Victoria.

"Let's talk about a deal. Your two sons will go together to save Dom's son, and then I will give them freedom and a new identity. If they want, I can also give them a new job. What do you think of this deal? How about it?"

"Not so good!" Victoria slammed the table: "Don't think I don't know what the Sky Eye is in that woman's hand! Dyke has been known by that woman, and she will always monitor his actions. He doesn't Half a chance! This mission will only send my two sons to death!"

"What if I told you that from today onwards, Seve will never pay attention to him again?"

As soon as Ron said this, the grumpy little old lady immediately turned off the engine: "What?! How is this possible? What are you going to do?"

"Just let him 'die'. No one will focus on a dead man." Ron took out a bullet from his pocket. This was the plan he had prepared before arriving.

Because Deckard Shaw was also on Seve's monitoring list, Ron could only hide him at the base and come here alone, but he had already discussed the plan with Deckard Shaw several times.

"This is a blank bullet. Toretto will load it into his pistol later. When we go to intercept him, I will deliberately create an opportunity for you and Dyke to meet alone. Then you will shoot and kill him." He can also express his loyalty to your new boss.

When Dike is shot and falls, my people will immediately put him in a body bag and send him to the morgue. I think the game server does not have enough manpower to send people to see his body. "

"But how do you plan to let Xiao come over to rescue my son? You know, Seifer's base is on a plane. Except for refueling and supply time, it is in the sky at all times, in the blind spot of satellites and radars. Fly between.”

"This is also simple. In fact, we have already guessed the trick of this ghost flight."

Since Ron proposed this plan, he had already matured it: "This is a high imitation of the cross you usually carry. It has a tracker on it. When the next mission comes, you can think of a way." Leave it on the plane, and when the time comes, the two brothers will naturally find the exact place and rescue your son."

"You are really crazy!" Victoria knocked on the table angrily: "You actually want my son to chase a plane in the air! How do you plan to let them chase it? Pray to God to give them a pair of wings. ?”

"Of course, use this."

Ron handed the phone to Victoria. On the screen was a strange-looking armor. Ron was still a little sore when he handed the phone to Victoria.

"This is my secret. I am looking for the individual exoskeleton mecha developed by the team. If two jets are installed on it, it can achieve the effect of short-distance flight. I will ask the plane to send them near the Seifer plane. , and then use it to fly to Cypher's plane.

Until then, my hackers will open the hatch and let them in. "

This is a super simplified version of the exoskeleton mecha developed by Howard and others for Ron.

Ron didn't ask for this flying function. Leonard wanted to cosplay Iron Man and added it. However, in order to realize this function, he had to give up his absolutely handsome appearance and add two extra wings to the outside of the mecha. He wasn't handsome either, so the cosplay plan was abandoned by Leonard, but he didn't expect that it would come in handy for this mission.

"Are you sure this thing is safe?" Victoria felt that she was a little behind the times. She looked at it for a long time and couldn't understand what it was, so she could only ask Ron.

"Of course it's safe (it's not safe at all. It hasn't been tested yet. Ron isn't even sure that this thing can really make people fly). This is the most advanced technological equipment from Caltech. The US military has not yet begun to install it. .”

Ron had an expression on his face that said, "This is high technology, you don't understand." It really frightened the two of them.

"Okay, everything is up to you."

"Didi, didi..."

Ron's cell phone started to vibrate. The four minutes since the tow truck came in, but fortunately they had already finished discussing the plan.

"Then take action, start now."

On the ghost flight hovering over the United States, Seve angrily patted the back of the technician's chair: "Hurry up! Find me a lens! I need to know what on earth Toretto is doing?!"

Four minutes ago, Toretto drove the car into an alley for repairs on the pretext that the engine could not start.

The open hood just blocked the camera on the front of the car, and the large truck that accidentally drove to the entrance of the alley just blocked the camera on the cash machine on the other side of the street, which was able to take pictures of the situation in the alley.

Now, Seve knew nothing about Toretto's situation and could only vent his anger on the technicians.

"Hey! The truck has moved. He has finished unloading the goods and is preparing to leave. Hurry up and regain control of the camera on the cash machine across the street. I want to see what he does!"

Seeing the truck driver return to the driver's seat, Seve quickly ordered.

But before the truck left, the hood of Toretto's car was closed again. He showed a gadget in front of the camera and mouthed, "Look, I've fixed it because of this gadget."

"Then act quickly!" After Seph ordered Toretto, he asked another technician: "Where are the Russian diplomats now?"

"Less than two kilometers away from the mission vehicle."

"Control all cars equipped with self-driving systems around here, and the action begins now!"

The command was uploaded from the plane to each terminal through the operation of the technician. The self-driving car that was originally on standby or was working simultaneously changed its direction and crashed into the direction of the Russian diplomat at full speed.

"Boss, do we need to remind the CIA here about what Seve is about to do?"

After Toretto and Victoria left one after another, Hank asked worriedly.

In this operation, because Arthur's face looked too similar to Deckard Shaw and there was a risk of exposure, Ron could only keep him at the base, and Gizelle had an affair with Toretto and his gang. contact, was also excluded from the action list.

So Ron only brought Hank and Mr. and Mrs. Smith to New York. The driver of the large truck outside just now was played by Mr. Smith.

It's a pity that Seve can't tolerate anything but Toretto, otherwise he would definitely find the truck driver to be as ridiculously handsome as Brad Pitt.

"Of course not. Do you think Hobbes is so strict? He must have said it a long time ago, but look at their preparations?" Ron pointed to the scene of diplomats traveling broadcast on TV: "Arrange defenses It's just as rubbish as shit, I even suspect that the security personnel responsible for the diplomats are undercover agents of Seve."

And Ron's complaint had just ended.


On the TV screen, an out-of-control taxi first knocked over the policeman's motorcycle and was about to continue attacking the diplomats' convoy. He was immediately hit by the second car in the convoy. Just when he thought he had finally succeeded in protecting the diplomats.

Looking up, hundreds of cars on the road were rushing towards this side like crazy beasts. The guard quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to request support, then put the car in reverse gear and backed up quickly.

But the road behind was also cut off. Behind the convoy, driverless cars also controlled by hackers swarmed out from various intersections and attacked the convoy.

The convoy had no choice but to turn a corner and turn onto another road.

At the same time, Hobbes, who had been monitoring the police channel at the cold storage base, received a signal: "Toretto is on Fifth Avenue, leave now!"

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