Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 288 The party at Pritchett’s house

At the same time, in sunny Los Angeles, California, Ron was sitting on the sidelines of the high school sports field with the Pritchett family, enjoying the football game together.

Today is the day of the Manny High School football team's game. Luke is the commentator for this game, and Mitchell's husband, Cameron, is the coach of the Manny team, so the original dinner plan was directly changed to watch first Dinner after the game.

However, the game is not going well. The score is still 6-0, and Manny's team is the lagging side.

"I really hope that my family can produce even one outstanding child like you, a man who can truly be called a man. I really don't understand what's wrong with the children nowadays? It's just..." Halfway through the complaint, Pritchett looked around guiltily to make sure Gloria was not around, and then whispered the last word: "Sissy!"

"Honestly, I don't think you're ready to have a kid like me in your family. Do you know what this means? It means you have at least one freak like my brother Sheldon in your family. .”

Ron patted Uncle Pritchett on the back and said comfortingly.

"Do you think there are not enough freaks in our family?" Pritchett shook her head helplessly: "Which one do you think doesn't count? A daughter who is like a man? Or a son who is like a daughter?"

Jippritchett, a man who had both children and a daughter in every sense of the word, was suffering in his heart, but no one could tell him about it. At most, he could complain about it to Ron.

Although he has thought about it a bit over the years, there are still some grudges in his heart.

"Uh..." Ron didn't know what to say for a moment: "But at least you still have Joe, right? I heard that you have started to hand over the company's affairs to Claire. I believe you will have more time to accompany him in the future. Growing up with Joe, maybe he can give you some surprises, at least he won't be like my brother Sheldon, who goes out to sell cats on weekends."

"I remember, isn't he a physicist? Why did he suddenly start a pet business? How much does he sell a cat for?"

"No, you misunderstood. Sheldon is not doing business. I think it is more appropriate to say that it is a gift than a sale. His cats are 20 US dollars each, but this money is a gift, which means that every time he gives it If you take out a cat, you have to pay $20 to take it out.”

Two days ago, Sheldon broke up with his new girlfriend Amy for unknown reasons. Although he acted as if everything was business as usual, he inexplicably adopted more than 20 cats and took them home, fuming the entire apartment with pets. The smell kept Ron away from home for two days.

In the end, he had no choice but to call Mary and ask Master Guanyin to take action to contain the monster Sheldon.

Now, after the two reconciled, Sheldon naturally no longer needed those poor cats to soothe his lonely emotions. He gave each cat $20 in the hope that their next owner would take good care of them.

"This is probably because every family has a hard time reciting it, right?" Ron returned his attention to the game. Just when they were chatting, Manny successfully caught the ball. He didn't know if he was distracted or for some other reason, so he asked He ran less than ten yards before running out of bounds.

"What the hell are you doing?" Pritchett frowned: "That kid just ran another 30 yards and won! Even if he was blocked by the opponent, at least he could advance another ten yards or so."

"I think it may be because of the tragic experience of the other team that aroused Manny's excessive sympathy? I remember one time when I was playing football at Harvard, the other team's coach was unable to come to the scene due to illness. It was the other team's home court that day. The atmosphere was made extremely sad by them.”

"Then how did you do it?"

"So we gave them a score of 29 to 0." Ron spread his hands and said, "The game is a game, and favors are favors. I always keep things open."

"Hi, dear, hi, Ron," Claire's husband, Deng Feishan, belatedly greeted them: "How is the war going now?"

"Not good, only three minutes left, six points to go."

"It's still possible for them to turn defeat into victory. The game isn't quite over yet. As long as they score a touchdown and kick the ball in... oops!"

Halfway through Dunphy's words, Manny's team kicked the ball into the spectator stands next to it, hitting Dunphy in the head.

"Mirei's shocking volley kick has never been so high since he broke gender boundaries and joined the modern dance team."

The commentator Luke made a timely addition, while Claire hurriedly checked Dunphy's body back and forth.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all about keeping an optimistic attitude, an optimistic attitude~"

Dunfee put her hands on her hips, smiling, but uglier than crying, while Pritchett covered her face and turned to Ron, her eyes seeming to say, look, I have a stupid son-in-law~

"Seriously, are you okay? What happened to you? Dun Fei?" Ron noticed that Dun Fei was not in a good mood, so he couldn't help but ask more.

"Well, God gave me a blow. This business I just fell through. If I don't rush to sell a house tomorrow, then this will be the first 'no sales month' in my career."

Deng Fei is a professional real estate agent who has been working in this industry for many years. Although he always looks easy to bully, he is actually a leader in this industry.

"Dear, there is no 31st this month." Claire pressed Dunfee's arm distressedly.

"What did you say?"

"Deng Fei, it's April now. There is no 31st this month. Today is the 30th and tomorrow is the 1st."

When Ron revealed the cruel truth, Dunphy couldn't accept it for a moment. Claire asked with concern: "My dear, are you okay?"

"No, it's not good at all! I just realized that I have no tomorrow! I always said that if I persist, the god of luck will always come, but what I waited for is just..."

"No, your luck has come," Ron interrupted Dunphy's complaint: "Dunphy, I have a friend, Fiona, who wants to buy a house in Pasadena big enough for six people to live together. Big house, can this commission be given to you? If you are willing to accept the commission, we can now..."

"Yes! Of course I am willing!" Dun Fei suddenly came back to life.

At the same time, the timeout ended and the football players who returned to the field scored a direct touchdown with the help of a classic pistol formation!

The score was tied at 6:6, and Manny was sent to the field to perform the final kick. As long as he kicked the ball into the goal, they would win. Everyone held their breath nervously.

Toot~ The kick-off whistle sounded, and Manny sprinted and kicked the ball into the goal.

Pritchett pulled Ron to stand up excitedly: "Ron, you are really lucky today! Manny actually kicked the ball in!"

"Really? But can you let go first, Uncle Pritchett, and I'll take a call." Ron broke away from Pritchett's arms and answered the phone, and Letty's voice rang.

"Ron, can you come over here? Something happened to Toretto."

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