Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 274 Black Lives Matter and Live Broadcasting (Can I buy a monthly ticket?)

Chapter 274 Black Lives Matter and Live Broadcasting (Can I order a monthly ticket~)

In a luxurious banquet hall in Chicago, as the protagonist of tonight's fundraising dinner, Vice President Robert Stanton stood at the door with a cheerful face to greet every important guest.

Regardless of whether he knew everyone or not, he would greet them at the prompts of his assistants. As a vice president, he did not need to write down everyone's name and occupation. It was enough for these assistants to remember them. He also There are more important things to do.

For example, imagine that after you are re-elected, the new president dies during his term, so that he can become the second lucky person after Truman to succeed to the position of commander-in-chief with a temporary bill.

But soon, the assistant told him the new news in his ear, which made him feel shocked. However, with the quality of a politician, he still maintained a spring-like smile on his face. He smiled and apologized to others, and walked to the corner. .

There, the CIA commander responsible for the security of the dinner was already waiting there.

"What's going on?!" Robert said angrily.

"The black people in the old city didn't know they had taken the wrong medicine. They suddenly gathered in large numbers to demonstrate for a black drug dealer who was shot dead by the police last month. Then when they passed by an Apple mobile phone store, they didn't know who it was and smashed it. Opened the glass shop.

Now the demonstrations have turned into large-scale activities of beating, smashing, looting and burning. Almost all the shops in the old city are being looted. "

"What do the police do when they spend so much taxpayer money every year? Why haven't they been able to suppress those damn niggas until now?" When there were no other people around, Robert did not hide his racist tendencies at all and said carelessly. Cursed.

Discrimination against black people is his personal idea, while racial equality is political, and there is no conflict between the two.

The commander twitched his lips, but decided to forget the discordant words he just heard: "Because almost all of them have weapons in their hands and are equipped with a large number of automatic rifles, which is not much weaker than the police's firepower, so The police have not yet dared to take coercive measures.

If large-scale bloodshed breaks out during your fundraising dinner, it will not be a good thing for you or that person. Therefore, I can only keep urging the Chicago police to increase their police presence.

I suggest that for your safety, can you cancel today's dinner? "

"Absolutely not. We can only win the election by raising more money from those capitalists!" President Robert refused.

"But what should we do with that group of rioters? Their scope of activities is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid there will be some bad news tomorrow."

"Most of the media are on our side. They know how to speak. As long as the police do not have too big a conflict with them, even if some people use this to sway public opinion, it will not cause too much splash."

Robert stretched out his hand to hold the round moon outside the window: "Everything is still under control. This country will continue to walk on the right path under the leadership of the Democratic Party."

"This dinner is mainly to entertain the capitalists here in Chicago. There won't be any big security problems. You can spare some energy and go over to maintain law and order. If you can, don't shoot. Try not to shoot. When I leave Chicago, what do you want to do? It’s all up to you.”

Robert gritted his teeth and transferred some of the police officers who cooperated with the CIA to maintain order to the local Chicago police. Although he said that the lives of these niggas were not as precious as they thought, before the election, everything focused on stability. These niggas must not be allowed to cause any trouble and affect his political career.

On the rooftop parking lot of another shopping mall near the banquet hall, after seeing another pair of police officers withdrawing from the banquet hall, Ron's lips couldn't help but raise with pride:

"OK, the game can finally begin, guys, are you ready?"

Ron turned around. Behind him, Toretto and Hank led two groups of people wearing masks and Avengers cosplay costumes to stand in a row, waiting for his orders.

If the atmosphere wasn't too serious, people who didn't know it would have thought it was a gathering of anime fans.

"Of course, head~" Smith replied confidently: "With the number of people they have, even a frontal attack will be no problem."

"No, no, no, make no mistake, our purpose is not to cause large-scale destruction, that is what terrorists can do,"

Ron checked the weapon again: "As one of the law enforcers in this country, we are the embodiment of justice. Our purpose is nothing more than to expose the ugly faces of the hypocritical politicians at the top of this country. Has anyone been caught?"

Ron fixed his gaze on Toretto. As early as half an hour ago, Ron also discovered that another group of people following them turned out to be the arms dealer Mr. Dunning who was pranked by them at Eagle Castle.

What's even more amazing is that he actually got together with the leading agent of the CIA. Ron felt that things were not that simple, so he asked Toretto to catch it.

"Right here." Toretto threw the large duffel bag in the trunk of the car to the ground, and there was a cry of pain when the bag hit the ground.

"We meet again, dear Mr. Dunning. I guess you didn't finish the game last time, so you must still have regrets in your heart, right? What new tricks do you want to try this time?"

Marvin cooperated and handed over the tool box: "This soldering iron trick is probably a bit outdated. I guess you won't like it, but I heard about a new game recently. Do you want to try steel wire ball?"

Ron took out a steel wool ball for washing dishes from the box: "I heard it was a new way of playing invented by some rich women. I don't know exactly how to do it? But I have a vague idea..."

Ron moved his eyes to Mr. Dunning's crotch. Dunning struggled more violently. Ron nodded and Marvin removed the rag from her mouth.

"Let me go! I have absolutely no ill intentions towards you! I want to cooperate with you! Please, give me a chance!"

As soon as the rag was pulled out, Dunning couldn't wait to shout and even revealed Ron's true identity.

Ron's eyes became sharp: "Mr. Dunning, you are just one of my prisoners now. What makes you think you are qualified to cooperate with me? Or the person behind me?"

Ron didn't understand political things, but the battlefield taught her a truth, that is, if you want to live, you must prove your worth, otherwise Shangguan will use it as cannon fodder to attract firepower at any time.

"I have all the evidence of Robert's crime! I also have the official letter of his order to massacre the village! I even have the video of him at Epstein's house!"

Mr. Dunning opened his mouth with explosive information. Ron showed an intriguing smile, narrowed his eyes and walked up to Dunning, bending down to face him:

"So dear Mr. Dunning, can I understand that he is a puppet introduced by you? Then who is behind you?"

Ron had known for a long time that what happened behind Robert was definitely not that simple, but he never thought that the man behind him was an inconspicuous arms dealer.

"Lockheed Martin, all my arms are from them, including several arms orders that Robert has recently facilitated. They are all from their handiwork."

For some reason, Dunning had an inexplicable fear of the steel ball in Ron's hand. In order to prevent his important organs from being severely damaged, he revealed all the inside stories he knew.

Ron nodded with satisfaction: "Arthur, have you recorded everything?"

Arthur walked out from behind Hank holding a camera. He had been taking pictures under Ron's instruction since Mr. Dunning was released just now.

Dongning was so frightened by the sudden camera: "You...what are you doing?"

"Of course it is broadcast live to the whole country on YouTube. The number of viewers at the same time is about 35,000. But don't worry, no one attending the dinner can see our live broadcast. I have blocked the network signal in the entire area. , come to say hello to our audience friends?”

Ron waved to the camera, but Dunning was devastated. It was over now, it was all over.

Originally, he thought that as long as he confessed, he could save his life, but now it seems that Ron's life has been saved, but after Ron let him go, can the people from Lockheed Martin let him go? Not necessarily.

It was one of the top arms companies in the United States, and there were a large number of their people on both the underworld and the white side. In the foreseeable future, endless pursuits would be waiting for him.

"Dear audience friends, hello everyone, I believe you still have doubts about what Mr. Dunning just said, but don't worry, I will immediately invite another client of ours, that is our dear Mr. Vice President!

We are the Avengers who uphold justice. Wait a moment and we'll be right back. "

Ron walked to the edge of the parking lot and raised the spear launcher with Arthur O'Connor, Gizelle, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"Bang" the spear dragged the long steel cable, instantly shattering the fragile glass of the banquet hall opposite and settling on the wall on the top floor of the banquet hall.

Before the CIA agents who heard the news had time to see clearly what was going on, they felt a sudden pain in their necks and fell to the ground unconscious, revealing old men wearing various chef or cleaning attire standing behind them.

Frank and his gang of old guys had already faked their identities and ambush them before the banquet started. Now they have cleared the way for Ron and his gang to infiltrate.

"Avengers, let's go!" Ron shouted, the first one swung along the rope, and the following people followed suit.

Captured by the drone camera, the footage was constantly transmitted to the YouTube live broadcast room. For those who didn’t know, they thought the Avengers, which was being filmed, had already been released.

The number of people watching the live broadcast is increasing as word of mouth spreads from the audience, and it seems to have exceeded 50,000 people. Even in an unknown small apartment in Pasadena, Los Angeles, four otaku scientists He also stared at the computer screen motionless, watching this live broadcast.

"Hey Leonard, are you sure this isn't the latest trailer released by The Avengers?"

"Uh..." Leonard frowned: "I'm not sure, I think it's not. If it's the latest trailer for The Avengers, how could these superheroes not have any superpowers at all? It's simply ridiculous. .”

"That's right," Rajesh continued while eating potato chips: "I just saw Thor swinging on a rope. Doesn't he have Thor's hammer? Why don't he fly over with the hammer?"

"Maybe it's a parallel universe movie? I remember there seemed to be a parallel universe movie in which all the superheroes lost their superpowers. It seemed like this."

"No, absolutely impossible," Sheldon said categorically: "No matter where he is? In a parallel universe, the Hulk cannot be a black man with a mask and useless muscles! Let alone the Captain America company just now Not even a shield!"

"But his muscles are like the real Captain America, almost as strong as Ron. I think he is more suitable to play Captain America than Chris Evans."

If Ron could hear Sheldon's comments, he would definitely say to him loudly: No doubt, that's me! I'm definitely better suited to play Captain America than Chris Evans.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Look, look," Howard pointed at the screen excitedly: "They're firing, they're firing! Oh my God! I've never seen such an exciting gunfight movie! No matter if this is the new Revenge or not League of Legends movie, if this is the trailer, I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it!"

In Chicago, after Ron and his team followed the tightrope into the top floor of the banquet hall, they immediately went down from top to bottom to clear out the CIA agents one by one.

On the other side, after Ron started taking action, Toretto also got into the car with the remaining people and rushed down from the rooftop parking lot. Only Hank was left on the roof holding the sniper rifle. And Carl, who controls three drones at the same time, takes care of Mr. Dunning.

Of course, the CIA commander was not stupid. Soon, he realized something was wrong. The agent upstairs had not reported the situation to her for more than three minutes.

Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure each other's safety, agents should report the situation to their superiors every two minutes to confirm that there is nothing unusual here.

"Alert! Alert! There is an intruder, upstairs!" The commander shouted loudly with a walkie-talkie: "Team 4, Team 5, move to the fifth floor and see what's going on over there with Team 2!"

The words just fell.

"Bang!" A truck reinforced with steel pipes crashed into the entrance of the banquet hall on the first floor. Before the agents at the door could react, the door opened and two armed men with MP5 submachine guns jumped out and fired wildly at them.

"Da da da……"

A series of bullets hit them so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. Commander Alliance found a wall, hid behind it, and waved to the agent behind him. This was his right-hand man, a very powerful commando.

The commando nodded, pointed to the three agents next to him, and immediately formed a small team and rushed out while the intruders were reloading.

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