Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 271 Assault on Eagle Fort

Alexander Dunning, a defense contractor who was born in a gang, has a very fancy name, but to put it bluntly, he is actually just an arms dealer, no different from Yuri Orlov.

If you have to find any difference between them, Yuri's creed is that business is business. He is only responsible for selling weapons to people in need. He has always defined himself as a salesman.

It's just that the products he sells are weapons that can take away other people's lives.

But Dunning is different. He regards himself as a big shot who can stir up troubles. He often uses money to clear the way to bring his business to a higher level, and then uses the money earned from business to bribe more officials to do things for him. convenient.

In order to make more money, he even spent a lot of money to lobby congressmen to launch a more protracted war.

Probably knowing that he had done too many bad things, Dunning was particularly concerned about his own safety. He built his residence on a high mountain and named it Eagle Castle.

And Ron and the others are now outside the manor.

"Boss, why do I have to wear such awkward clothes? I look like a clown!" Marvin tugged at his red and blue tights unhappily.

Beside him, lying on the snow were Joe in black tights, Frank in dark blue tights, Sarah in black leather, and Ron in gold and red tights.

If any otaku who likes to read comics sees them, they will definitely shout "Avengers".

Yes, what they are wearing now are the COSPLAY costumes of the Avengers superheroes. Ron is Iron Man, Joe is Black Panther, Frank is Captain America, and Sarah is Black Widow.

"No reason, just to better help you hide your identity. Besides, don't you think this outfit goes well with what you are going to do? Avengers." Ron smiled.

He has no reason to be unhappy. Marvin and Frank have agreed to join his team after Joe's persuasion, and the Los Angeles Senior Club has added two strong players.

With their strength, if Ron has any missions that require him to leave for a long time, he will have no worries. The skills of these old guys are enough to protect him from others stealing his home.

It's just that Frank's girlfriend Sarah is a little unhappy because she is disliked by Ron, and she doesn't even want to take him out to play with him during this mission.

In Ron's words, Sarah was a liability.

"What are you going to do?" Frank asked: "Around here, in addition to Dunning's own bodyguards, there is also a small team of FBI monitoring his actions 24 hours a day. If we make the slightest move, it will immediately cause trouble. their attention.”

"If you ask me, I should still..."

"Should he pretend to be an African warlord buying weapons and approach him with the opportunity to discuss business?" Ron casually told Frank's plan, and Frank opened his mouth in surprise.

"How do you know my plan?"

"Please, the old agents of your time only had a few tricks to play with. It was too troublesome." Ron shook his head: "I have a simpler way."

"How to do it?"

"Go directly to A." Ron put on Iron Man's helmet and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Toretto, are you ready?"

"No problem." Toretto's buzzing voice came from the intercom.

"Then the action begins!"

As soon as Ron finished speaking, the large oil tanker that was heading to a nearby gas station suddenly changed direction and rushed towards Eagle Fort.

"Stop! If you don't stop, I'll shoot!" After the FBI warned to no avail, they were about to shoot when a black sports car suddenly emerged from the bottom of the tanker and drove to the door.

The door of the tanker also opened, and a muscular bald man rolled out and crashed into the sports car. The sports car sped away before the FBI agents opened fire.

Not only did the tanker truck not stop because it lost its driver, but it instead moved faster and faster. No matter how the FBI bullets set off sparks on the truck body, it finally hit two police cars blocking the road, and the entire truck body was smashed into it. Inside the gate of Eagle Castle.

"IT'S SHOWTIME!" Ron suddenly stood up and pressed the button on the remote control.

"Boom!" Nearly fifty tons of gasoline burned more violently when the remote-controlled bomb was detonated. The huge flames instantly engulfed the FBI team and the bodyguards outside Eagle Fort.

The shock wave made Ron's white cloak used to hide in the snow rustle. The four people lying on the ground were stunned by Ron's grand gesture.

"What are you still looking at? You can start taking action now." After saying that, Ron walked towards Eagle Castle first, strolling as if at his own home without any hindrance.

"Sarah, you stay here for a while, the others follow me," Frank told his girlfriend, and led the three old guys past Ron and rushed in.

There was a burst of gunfire in Eagle Castle, and when Ron slowly walked into the house, Dunning's bodyguards had all been taken care of by three old men, and he himself was tied up and thrown to the ground.

"Well done," Ron looked down at his watch: "You have fifteen minutes to interrogate before the FBI and CIA support arrives. Let's start now, gentlemen."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Don't you remember us?" Frank pressed Dunning's head and made him look at him: "But we remember you. In 1921, you left a mess in Guatemala, and in the end we wiped your ass. , let me ask you, who was the person you brought back from Guatemala at that time?”

Frank intuitively knew that this man's identity was the key to everything.

Unexpectedly, Deng Ning not only did not panic at all, but actually laughed: "Haha, I advise you not to wade into this muddy water. First of all, you can't touch me..."

"Pa~" Ron slapped Dunning hard, knocking out two of Dunning's teeth.

"Where do you get the confidence?" Ron made a clicking sound with his fingers, picked up the hammer and smashed a hole in the ice of the pool.

Dunning was puzzled: "What are you going to do? Think you can scare me with a hammer? Then you are wrong, I..."

"Pah~" Ron slapped him again: "There's so much nonsense, just listen to me!"

"I heard that if a person's limbs are frozen off, they won't feel any pain at all. I have been looking for an opportunity to verify it." A mischievous smile appeared on Ron's face under the mask: "The current outdoor temperature is minus three degrees, and the water It only takes two or three minutes to refreeze.

I just need to cut a hole in the middle of your pants and put your fifth limb into the water. It only takes two or three minutes and you can tell me the results. What do you think of this experiment? "

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