Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 237 Discussion on Valentine’s Day

Mr. Qian Ning's matter has finally been resolved, and everything is happy, except for Qian Ning himself, who is still in prison. Because of his news, the whole world is now talking about his privacy.

But this has nothing to do with Ron.

Because he was spending a rare Christmas that was quiet, without any blind terrorists making trouble, and with no mission to go out, he had to face the most feared thing of every scumbag.

That is, who should I spend Valentine’s Day with?

Even Leonard Howard, who finally gets to spend Valentine's Day without a person for the first time, is discussing this issue.

"Hey, Howard, how are you and Bernadette going to spend your first Valentine's Day?" Leonard first brought the topic to the topic of how to celebrate the holiday.

"I've racked my brains. I plan to take her to eat the $39.95 special set menu for couples offered by Hua Guan." Howard was extremely excited: "The set meal includes egg rolls, dumplings, and countless stir-fry dishes. The most important thing is , you can also take a photo with the marble horse at the door, I’m excited just thinking about it, right?”

"I think you are the only one who will be excited about this. To be honest, I understand more and more now why you have only found your first official girlfriend now. Do you really think women will be interested in this?"

Ron ate the food on the plate and replied, Valentine's Day is approaching, and Gizelle has been hinting that he can ask him out that day. Of course, several other women have no reason to let him go, so he can only inspect it. In the name of the progress of the drone project, I hid in Caltech.

However, in fact, Sheldon is far more terrible than him: "Considering that Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded in the third century AD, he took his girlfriend to watch a cruel performance on such a night. Wouldn’t murder be a more reasonable way to celebrate?”

"I understand what you mean, but if given a choice, Jews will always choose Chinese food." Howard expressed resistance.

"Seriously, Sheldon's suggestion today is very good. If you are willing to take Bernadette to a movie after dinner, it will definitely heat up your relationship."

"Really?" Howard asked suspiciously. His suspicion was not mainly directed at Ron. He took every word of Ron's love as an imperial edict, and judging from his past achievements, it had good results.

But as we all know, any advice about relationships becomes so unreliable once Sheldon is added to it.

"Of course it's true. Think about it, in a dark cinema, when a movie shows a bloody and terrifying scene, how do women usually react?"

"Of course they are running around in fear," Ron gave the correct answer without waiting for them to answer: "At this time, nothing makes them feel more at ease than a warm embrace, do you understand what I mean?"

"However, you need to consider that Howard's girlfriend Bernadette is a biologist, and when Howard watches horror movies, he himself is often the one who screams the loudest."

Rajesh said.

"Well, I thought Sheldon was the one yelling the loudest."

"No, Sheldon is usually the first to faint." Rajesh complained dissatisfiedly. His dissatisfaction was mainly directed at everyone sitting here, because among everyone, only he and Sheldon were single.

Or rather, just himself, because Sheldon's physics is enough, and physicists don't need women.

"If any of you are interested, I can tell you that this Valentine's Day I will buy a roast chicken from the supermarket like every other year, take it home, stand by the sink, open the package and grab it with my hands like an animal. Let’s eat.”

"Ron, what about you?"

"Me? I will probably try my best to satisfy those women, and then spend a little time tiredly. To be honest, I would rather go to Jurassic Park alone with only a nail clipper. Those women initiated Come on, it's not much inferior to Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Ron's face was a little gray. Of course, women would not eat him to the core like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but they could drain all his energy. Think about it, how many women would he face on that day?

In comparison, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is easier to deal with. If it is in a suitable terrain, such as a forest with many dense trees, Ron can completely take advantage of the terrain and run back and forth until the Tyrannosaurus Rex is exhausted.

Through the study of modern reptiles, it can be seen that the physical fitness of reptiles is generally biased. The animal with the strongest physical strength in the world should be the "horrible erect ape" and Ron and his girlfriends happen to be in this category.

"Very good, let's sum it up. One is a handsome marble horse, one is a single man who goes home alone to eat chicken, and one goes to Jurassic Park to challenge the Tyrannosaurus rex. Let me see, who is left?"

"That's right, all that's left is my plan." Leonard laughed so hard that his eyes almost disappeared, but the situation suddenly became awkward. Everyone had their own thing, and no one answered, so he could only come up with it himself: "Anyone want to ask how I plan to live?"

"Aren't you planning to have a huge fight with Penny at home while I'm not at home?" Ron said boringly while grabbing the food: "But I suggest you prepare the little blue pills in advance, as I usually do From the audience’s perspective, it’s a bit unsatisfactory.”

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. This was just my previous plan. Now the situation has changed." Leonard quickly put aside the topic about his time: "Guess who the school plans to send to Switzerland to participate in the seminar." And visit CERN’s super collider?”

"Professor Norton, for reasons only God knows, has never published any notable articles since he won the Nobel Prize." Sheldon was almost going crazy with jealousy.

"In fact, Professor Norton couldn't go. He sprained his back rock climbing, and they invited me to go in his place, and I could take one more person with me."

Leonard was afraid that Ron would say something unfavorable to him again, so he quickly announced the answer.

"Oh, my God!" "Congratulations." Everyone congratulated in unison, but Sheldon's way of congratulations was a little different.

"It's really unbelievable. I don't even want to question why they chose you!" Sheldon was even happier than Leonard. He pushed away the food and stood up in a hurry after eating half of the meal: " I want to go home and pack my bags now.”

"I thought you were going to take Penny," Ron patted Leonard on the shoulder in confusion: "How hard are you to think about taking Sheldon to Switzerland on Valentine's Day?"

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