Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 220 Ron’s Study Career

"Ha~ Eat ashes, you old-fashioned plumber!" Ron pressed the projection button, and the Bowser controlled by him threw a banana peel from behind. The bearded plumber controlled by Sheldon hit him uncontrollably. to the pillar.

And Ron's Bowser even had time to reverse and hit the plumber into the gap between the pillars, and then swaggering across the finish line to win.

"This is not fair. You are an agent and can drive better than ordinary people. You bet me that the competition itself is a fraud!" Sheldon complained dissatisfied.

Rajesh patted Sheldon on the shoulder: "Admit it, brother, you can't control whether it's a real car or a virtual cartoon car. Now it's my turn."

That's right, it's weekend afternoon, of course game time, today is the Mario Kart three-player round-robin competition, Ron has been holding the steering wheel from the beginning to now without losing a game, while the other game controller blames Sheldon and Rajesh for taking turns Using it, they have so far failed to break Ron's undefeated myth.

However, Sheldon's role here is minimal. He is just a make-up. Ron can at least overtake him by one lap every time. However, the Indian is quite good and can fight Ron.

"I just need to spend more time practicing," Sheldon curled his lips: "I spent too much time on scientific research before."

"Even if you play games every day, the result will be the same. What you need is golden finger driving skills. Or a magic lamp that can make wishes, to help the little loser who plays Mario Kart realize his wishes."

Rajesh's complaints were as sharp as ever without the influence of a woman. However, the good times did not last long. Penny's sudden arrival immediately left the poor child speechless.

"Sheldon, can I say a few words to you?"

"The topic has nothing to do with shoes, right?" As we all know, Penny is a person who likes to buy beautiful shoes randomly when she has no money. It is normal for Sheldon to have this worry.

"It has nothing to do with shoes."

"Okay, then just say it."

"Can we talk in private?" Penny glanced at Rajesh and Ron.

Ronzo turned to look at Rajesh: "Sorry, man, can you please step aside?"

Rajesh spread his hands and widened his eyes: Why don't you avoid it?

Petunia also turned her attention to Ron.

"I happen to have something to do, and I plan to talk to Sheldon privately, and I feel that the things I want to talk to him about should be the same as what you plan to talk about, and they are all related to study. What do you think? Sheldon?"

Ron knew at a glance that Penny's little thoughts were just because Bernadette and Leonard were chatting too closely about physics during dinner yesterday, and she wanted to learn something from Sheldon. Something that would allow me and Leonard to have more topics in common.

"Go away." Ron threw the decision back to Sheldon. Hilton blurted out to Rajesh almost without thinking: "I know this is unreasonable, but they need to talk in private."

Rajesh could only hide in the back room very hurt.

Penny, whose little thoughts were seen through, naturally had nothing to hide in front of Ron, and said sheepishly: "Sheldon, I want to ask you to teach me some physics."

"A little physics?!" Sheldon felt offended by what he had learned:

"There is no such thing! Physics includes the entire universe, from quantum particles to supernovae, from spinning electrons to rotating galaxies. All these things are physics. How dare you say a little physics? How dare you!!!"

"Okay, you don't have to say it like a special report. I just want to learn that I can talk to Leonard about his work, like Bernadette did." Penny had no choice but to explain in more detail.

"Why don't you let Leonard teach you?"

"I think she must be giving him a surprise." Ron's interruption caused Petunia to nod.

"Can't you surprise him in other ways? For example, if you clean the room, I guarantee that he will be surprised and happy."

Ron nodded with a smile: "Yes, I will be surprised and happy too. Seriously, do you want to consider this option, Petunia?"

"Come on, Sheldon, this is important to me."

"Penny, you have a difficult job. My time is both limited and precious."

Ron complained sharply: "So your so-called precious time is to play games with me and lose all afternoon?"

Anyway, one sheep is herding two sheep, and Sheldon asked Ron: "Okay, you're right, Ron, do you also plan to learn physics-related knowledge from me? Haven't you always No interest,"

"But I'm interested now, but the direction of my interest is a little different from Penny's. Why don't you solve her problem first."

Ron took out the ice cream from the refrigerator and entered the movie-watching mode while eating it.

"OK, Penny, what basic knowledge do you have? Have you ever taught any science classes in school?" Teacher Sheldon, who was forced to go online, asked helplessly.

"Of course, I have done experiments on frogs."

"A frog experiment?" Sheldon was stunned.

"Yeah, it was actually quite fun and a lot of the girls vomited, but I killed the little frog like a deer. Hey, Sheldon, you know what? The dead frog legs still twitch occasionally."

Penny recalled it and said proudly.

Sheldon felt his blood pressure soar by 100 units: "Sorry, Penny, I can't do anything."

"Ron." He accompanied you and put his pleading eyes on Ron. Ron stood up helplessly: "Don't be like this, Sheldon, you are so smart, do you just think of it as a challenge? Or just think of it as an experiment?

Just like you did to Missy when you were little. "

"Experiment?" Sheldon looked thoughtful.

He once tried to instill scientific concepts into his family, starting with his twin sister Missy. Of course, it was Missy who first asked him for help on fractions.

Then Sheldon began a bold attempt to see if he could use his intelligence to train Missy from an ignorant ape to a scientist.

The result was obvious. Naturally, he failed. Now, a similar opportunity was presented to him again, but this time he had to face Penny, who was several times stupider than Mimixi.

"Interesting," Sheldon expressed interest in this proposal: "Since others can teach Koko the gorilla to speak sign language, and teach dolphins to drill into fire rings, maybe I can also teach you some basic physics knowledge."

"Great!" Penny was both happy and sad at the same time: "Although this analogy is a bit insulting, well, if you are willing to do it, then I will do it once."

"That's not necessarily true. Koko has learned more than 2,000 words, and none of them are related to shoes."

Penny's grateful hands suddenly froze in place.

"Hahaha." Ron laughed wildly.

"Ron, what about you? Do you also plan to learn some basic physics knowledge?" Sheldon looked at Ron again.

"Of course not, those are too basic for a Harvard graduate like me," Ron quickly finished the ice cream in two mouthfuls: "I want to learn something more interesting. When I was on a mission in the desert some time ago, I found that ordinary Gas explosions and dynamite-filled shell explosions do very limited damage to buildings.

So I wanted to come up with something more effective. I remember when you were in middle school, you tried to make a reactor at home and even called in the FBI. Can ordinary people do that at home? "

"Of course, it's not difficult. Even a junior high school student can complete it as long as he masters the method. After all, the principles and drawings have been made public." Sheldon was not surprised by Ron's question at all. It is the only one that is not sensitive to this kind of problem at all, but answers it seriously.

Penny on the side was stunned again. No matter how stupid she was, she still understood the word reactor.

She even began to hesitate whether to call the police? But thinking about Ron's special status, he gave up the idea.

Maybe it’s really necessary for work?

"So what should I do?" Ron took out a notebook that he hadn't used for a long time and took out a pen to take notes.

"First you need to dig 3,000 tons of uranium ore back home, and after repeated extraction and precipitation, you can extract the yellow cake."

"I know this. At that time, you borrowed your mother's credit card to buy from a small warlord in Africa, and your mother actually agreed. He thought you were planning to buy some food back." Ron couldn't help laughing again as he thought of Sheldon's funny anecdotes. stand up.

"I'm not talking about food!" Sheldon said angrily: "I'm talking about a composite containing 0.72% uranium 235 and 99.27% ​​uranium 238!"

"Okay, okay," Ron wrote down what Sheldon just said: "Then what?"

"Then they are converted into uranium hexafluoride gas and put into a centrifuge for purification. Since uranium 235 has three neutrons tilted to it compared to uranium 238, you only need to turn the centrifuge to 100,000 revolutions per minute. It can throw out uranium-238 just like a washing machine dehydrates."

Sheldon said it easily, but Ron felt something was wrong.

First of all, there was the problem of where to get ore of this weight. Then, in his impression, a centrifuge of 100,000 revolutions per minute did not seem to be achievable in all ordinary laboratories.

One hundred thousand revolutions per minute, which means 1,666 spins are completed every second!

This seems a bit difficult.

"Okay, is there an easier way? I remember that the method you used in the end didn't seem to be this way. It was a big problem to get so much ore in the first place. Where could I get so much radioactive material? I remember Sturges Dr. Si seems to have taught you a method, how about that method?"

Ron suddenly remembered that Sheldon's operation seemed to be another way, so he asked.

"Yes, he taught me how to use a smoke detector. The smoke detector contains trace amounts of americium 241, but those things can only be used to make small reactors. Ron, what do you want this for?" Sher Dun asked curiously. In her impression, Ron had never been a person interested in science.

Ron said indifferently: "Who knows? Maybe I suddenly feel that the electricity bill is too expensive and plan to provide free electricity to the residents of our entire apartment building?"

"Oh, Ron, you are such a good person." Sheldon praised, he could rarely reach a consensus with his brother.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Penny interrupted the affectionate look between the brothers: "You promised to teach me physics knowledge? Sheldon, how do you plan to teach me?"

"Wait a moment." Sheldon asked Penny to sit down first, while he opened a new document on the computer and entered the next line:

Experiment log one: I am preparing to embark on one of the greatest challenges of my scientific career, teaching Penny physics. I call it Gorilla Project because this task is as difficult as using sign language with a gorilla...

Ron stood behind Sheldon, his eyes twitching as he watched. He had no doubt that after Penny saw this content, Sheldon would be blown off his head.

However, the most terrifying thing is that after he thought about it carefully, he actually had no reason to stop it. To describe it in one word, it was "should!"

"Okay, let's get started," Sheldon finished writing the experiment diary and finally stood up. However, his expression darkened again when he saw Penny sitting on the sofa with an indifferent expression.

"Penny, where's your notebook?"

"I don't have a notebook."

"If you don't have a notebook, how are you going to take notes?" Sheldon was helpless at Penny's poor academic attributes, so he could only take out a new notebook from his drawer and hand it to her.

"Do you still need to take notes?" Penny was a little reluctant to accept it.

"Of course, how can you take the exam without taking notes?" Sheldon said matter-of-factly, and Penny almost cried.

Ron patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, Sheldon is a good teacher. She will give you questions based on what she has taught you. As long as you can get a grade of B or above, in the end, it will definitely make you happy." graduated."

"There are still exams!!!" Penny began to regret in her heart.

"Just think it's for love, long live love~" Ron cheered her up, but Sheldon immediately changed the classroom discipline.

"Of course there is a teaching exam, and more than once. This is the university's rule. I hope it didn't scare you." Sheldon said with a straight face, he followed the university's rules in everything.

Ron took another bucket of ice cream, an extra-large family size bucket that could hold all of Penny's sorrows, and continued to look like he was watching the show.

Sheldon's small class began: "Now let's start with the introduction to physics. What is physics?"

"I know," Ron raised his hand to answer: "For example, if I punch you in the face, but in fact, your face also feeds back the same force to my fist, so from this point of view, it is equivalent to your face giving I’ll punch you with my fist, right?”

"Ron, that's just the action force and reaction force in Newton's classical mechanics," Sheldon said angrily: "Don't interrupt me when I'm teaching. If this happens again, then I'll ask you to withdraw from my class." go out!"

"Well, anyway, I have finished learning what I want to learn, and I think Rajesh will take care of the rest for me," Ron shouted into the back room: "Right, Rajesh?"

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