Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 209 The Theft of the Declaration of Independence

Yes, Ron's final birthday gift to Phil was a pistol, a Glock 18. It was a very good self-defense pistol, but it really shocked Phil.

It's understandable that a real estate salesman who was a cheerleader would be afraid of things like guns, but Ron still couldn't figure out what exactly Claire liked about him.

Caroline still refused to sell the little cake shop, but Ron no longer cared about continuing to discuss this topic with her. He could only leave the problem to her and Max to solve alone, because he had a new task. Go to the capital, Washington.

"I don't understand. According to you, when the Declaration of Independence was on display, it was surrounded by security and surveillance cameras. Under the one-inch-thick bulletproof glass was a bunch of sensors and thermal surveillance. Anyone who came too close would be Will call the police.”

"When it's not on display, it's lowered into a four-foot-thick, cement-and-steel secure chamber equipped with an electronic combination lock and a biometric door control system."

Ron took a sip of tea and paused: "Under such strict surveillance, how useless are you people to let such an important thing be lost?! Do you know how big an impact this matter will have?"

When Ron was speaking, because of the accent on a certain word, he spit on the face of the FBI in front of him, but the other party made no intention of wiping it off and allowed Ron to spray these vicious words at them, lowering his head in shame.

There's no way, they're causing too much trouble.

As we all know, the United States is a country with a very shallow history. It only has a pitiful 200 years. During these pitiful 200 years, it would be very difficult to find something as the spiritual belief of this country.

The Declaration of Independence can just become the spiritual consensus of this country, that is, the spirit of the Constitution of the United States.

Sadly, the original Declaration of Independence, one of the few physical reminders of the American spirit, has been lost and is still in plain view.

No wonder the current commander-in-chief was so angry that he ordered all idle elite agents to gather here and launch an investigation together.

But having said that, real elite agents are usually very busy and cannot be left idle, unless they are some guy who likes to be lazy and fish for fun.

"Actually, this matter has not spread yet," the person in charge of security at the exhibition hall tried to repair his image: "We released the copy as soon as possible and displayed it as the original, and all the guests who attended the banquet yesterday were not Know what happened.”

"Really! You think you did a great job, right? Genius!" Ron walked up to her unceremoniously and shouted in his face, "The person in charge, like a child who did something wrong, was The lesson was so loud that I didn’t dare to utter a word.

"Raise your heads! Gentlemen, please raise your heads! If you bow your heads, can you pick up the Declaration of Independence for me? Then just keep your heads down!"

Ron was so angry that he couldn't help but say: "Where's the surveillance? I want to see the surveillance! Are there any witnesses at the scene? Or any other evidence?"

"Our surveillance system has been changed," the person in charge continued after seeing Ron's expression change, "but a part of it was still retained, just enough to see the suspect's face.

There was a security guard at the scene, but he was stunned and couldn't remember anything. In addition, we also found some shell casings and are conducting identification. "

"Bullet casings?" Ron noticed this word keenly out of professional sensitivity: "Have there been any gun battles here? How many casualties did you have?"

"In fact, no one was injured except the security guard who was stunned. This is also the most puzzling part for us."

Ron covered his face. He was completely desperate for these brainless idiots. For the first time, he experienced Sherlock's despair for ordinary people.

"Don't you understand? There were two groups of people who came to steal the Declaration of Independence! And they robbed each other. One of the groups must have shot the other group! Oh my God! I really doubt how you became responsible. Someone in this position?"

"His father is one of the directors of Citibank." The staff behind Ron reminded him in a low voice.

Damn capitalist bastard, he should be hung from a street lamp! Ron barely managed to say this.

"Okay, is there any other relevant and useful information? Tell me all at once, so that I don't have to ask one by one."

"Uh... about a week ago, we kept receiving warnings that someone was planning to steal the original copy of the Declaration of Independence." The person in charge struggled for a while, and it was probably the courage given to him by his capitalist father that he finally said. .

"So you knew the possibility of being stolen a week ago, why didn't you take precautions?" Ron felt his blood pressure soaring again.

The person in charge continued to excuse himself: "I thought someone was playing a joke on us. You know, boring people often do this kind of prank. Who would want to steal an old piece of paper with the Declaration of Independence written on it?"

"All those who want to disgrace America?"

If nothing else, Ron believed that the ** hidden in the mountains of Afghanistan must really want to get it, and then use it to wipe their butts on the video.

Is that the Declaration of Independence?

No! That is the face of the US government! This matter is definitely not a trivial matter.

"This is the suspect we think." The staff next to him quickly opened the surveillance video to show Ron, trying to save the situation: "Dr. Chase said he was Mr. Brown when he introduced him, but this person is not on our invitation list."

"A gift shop cashier saw him and said he looked flustered and tried to leave with a copy of the Declaration of Independence without paying."

"So your gift shop is still selling copies of the Declaration of Independence, right?" Ron was almost speechless: "Tell me, who came up with such a genius idea?"

All the staff unanimously turned their sympathetic eyes to the person in charge who had been scolded by Ron just now.

"He paid by swiping his card, and the bill was sent to Benjamin Gates." The clever staff member just now came to the rescue again and called up all the surveillance videos. The kind where the face could be seen clearly. Ron saw one A very familiar and unexpected face.

Ron scratched his ears in disbelief: "What did you call this man just now?"

"Benjamin Gates, sir."

"Are you sure it's this name? Is this a real identity? Does this person have any record of immigrating from abroad before?" Ron felt a little uncomfortable.

It's another familiar "famous face", which means that if nothing else happens, he will most likely be involved in some particularly troublesome incident.

The staff inquired and replied: "No, sir, this is a native American."

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