"This is a bit interesting." Ron showed an interested expression: "Go on, I really want to know how they didn't find each other after so many years."

"Mr. Smith's official capacity is as a real estate contractor and he travels a lot. In reality, he's on assignment, you know."

"Mrs. Smith's identity is an executive of a technology company, and she also needs to travel frequently. The two people's business trip time is just enough for them to conceal the identity of the killer."

"Oh! Mr. and Mrs. Smith are quite good-looking. They don't need to be killers, they are more than enough to be stars. They can even write a script based on their own story and make it into a movie, and just play themselves in it."

"There is no more legendary killer story than this one. I have already thought of the name of the movie. It is called "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". Believe me, this movie will definitely be a box office hit."

At this time, if Ron can't tell what kind of movie this is from those two faces that are almost the same as those of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, it will really blind him to his identity as a reborn person.

The skills of these two people are still good, Ron held up his chin, judging from the remaining memories in his mind, and even began to consider the possibility of recruiting these two people to his subordinates.

Anyway, his special operations team already has one killer, and he doesn't care about two more.

If I remember correctly, the previous task of escorting witnesses should be the beginning of the story, but now, the couple should be at the stage of wanting to kill each other, but they don't know where to go.

"Andy, where do these lovely Mr. and Mrs. Smith live now?"

"Anaheim is a community less than five kilometers away from Disneyland. Maybe you can take Carl with you and take him to visit Disneyland by the way." Andy said as elegantly as the old butler in Batman's family. arranged.

"I don't want to go to Disneyland. Those are just things for children. I still prefer to go to a haunted house. Even playing with guns in the training ground is much more interesting." Karl expressed no interest.

"Or do dissection experiments on rabbits. Grandpa Hannibal just learned a new knife technique, and I haven't tried it yet."

Because Hannibal's men were successful in helping capture Owen last time, Ron simply gave him a job as a chef, and by the way, gave the base cleaning job to another old black man who looked like Morgan Freeman.

But Ron couldn't figure out why. Recently, little Carl seemed to like hanging out with the two old men. He would only come to Ron for advice when he was practicing gun shooting.

Although there is a phenomenon of separated generations no matter what cultural background, the two old men seemed to have a different kind of charm. When the two of them stood together, Ron even felt like he could see God and God. The feeling of the devil standing together.

"Okay, let's arrange it this way. First of all, we need an expert who can blend into any environment and is good at lurking to observe the situation nearby."

When Ron said this, his eyes never left Gizelle, and she could only raise her hands helplessly: "Okay, I'll do this."

"That's great. You can go to a nearby Disney park to play. All the expenses will be paid for by the department. If you are willing to take a boy who is hurt and needs healing, I can also pay privately. It’s your expense to take care of the child.”

"I told you, I don't want to go to Disney. I want to learn anatomy from Grandpa Hannibal." Carl retorted.

"No, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about my brother." Ron shook his head.

"No problem, what's next?" Gizelle readily agreed to the job offer.

Although she hasn't set off yet, Ron has already begun to sympathize with her. What an innocent girl! God knows how difficult Sheldon's brat is.

"Next, everyone is ready with weapons and ammunition. A large bonus is waving to us. This is definitely a big business!" Ron smelled the smell of big business, but his subordinates were still at a loss. He could only continue to fight against The following explained:

"Think about it, they are two killer companies. Their previous financial systems must have been non-compliant, and there will be a lot of tax evasion and tax evasion. This is almost unquestionable. It is estimated that all the cash in their accounts will be used to pay fines. Neither is enough.

Think about it, how much tax can we receive this time? How much bonus can this money be used to give you? "

"Yeah!" Karl immediately jumped on the chair and cheered. He didn't get down from the chair until he found that he was the only one cheering.

Of course, it's not that other people are unhappy about this kind of thing, it's just that they are adults and have suppressed their impulses very well.

"Then when should we set off? I can try to check the addresses of those two companies." Arthur also showed enthusiasm for this task, maybe because he was in love again recently.

Ron heard from Hank that it was a beautiful woman named Gina, who was more beautiful than Jessica Alba, and Arthur even had plans to propose to her.

"No need to bother, just follow my plan," Ron continued to stick to the original plan: "We just need to wait until the two parties are dispatched, and the fish that escaped in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Smith will lead us to their headquarters."

"As for now," Ron glanced at the text messages on his phone that had been ringing just now: "I'm going to see my little brother who just came home after having a tantrum and will never grow up."

Mary texted him to tell him that Sheldon had been successfully persuaded by Leonard and the others to follow them back to Los Angeles, and said that all this was a miracle from God. Ron guessed that this was probably the main reason for Sheldon's return.

And at the moment when they made the decision, in an ordinary house in Anaheim, a test between agents was going on.

Mr. Smith drove home on time at seven o'clock, only to find that his wife was at home and had already prepared dinner. This made him start to have some suspicions.

Are you really overthinking it?

But immediately, he remembered the address he tracked during his investigation in the afternoon. His wife's name was clearly written in the column of the person in charge of that company. It couldn't be a coincidence, right?

Although duplication of names is very common.

"Are you back early?" Mrs. Smith offered him a glass of wine.

"Because I miss you." But he didn't dare to drink. He could only pour the wine into the flowerpot when his wife wasn't paying attention: "Can we eat now?"

This is another test. If the wife is really at work over there, she shouldn't have time to come back and cook dinner, right?

But reality hit me again: "Of course."

Dinner has been prepared long ago.

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