Daily Life at Conan Undercover Distillery

Chapter 50: i don't know

Murder is not enough.

Jiang Yizhi was really **** off. Of course he knew that Gin didn't have much ill will towards him, and even wanted to flatter him.

But that didn't stop him from getting irritable.

He returned home, cleaned the room thoroughly, then sat at the desk, studying and practicing Yi Rong recipe over and over again according to his own ideas.

Doing a disguise is similar to driving a car. Once you are born again, you will be familiar with it the second time, and then you will be able to fly if you throw away the wheels of the car.

Jiang Yizhi bought back all the materials for disguise one after another this month. He didn't alarm anyone, he threw most of the materials into the system closet, and then took an hour every day to learn disguise.

According to the memory of the last time, he slowly restored his face to the image he had met with Belmod during the assassination of Inoue Ita last time.

——High cheekbones, single eyelid, high nose bridge, a face with sharp edges and corners.

This face is very close to Jiang Yizhi's appearance in his previous life. The last time he was in a hurry because of the task, he didn't even have much chance to look at himself.

This was the second time that he had changed his face like this. Looking at the mirror, Jiang Yizhi hesitated for a moment.

how to say…

He was really too familiar with this face, much more familiar than Chi Jiangzhi's gentle and harmless appearance.

——After all, this face is also an old friend who accompanied him for more than 20 years in his previous life. It was exposed to the wind and the sun every day, and it always grew on his body. He never used a knife or cut his double eyelids.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yizhi thought about it, and then temporarily added a double eyelid to his disguised face.

He was also curious about what he looked like with double eyelids.

He looked at the mirror with anticipation, and even asked with a sense of ritual: "Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful man in the world?"

The magic mirror doesn't speak.

Only a face was reflected in the magic mirror.

...not pretty.

This face with double eyelids is ugly.

How could it be so strange?

Why is single eyelid better than double eyelid?

Jiang Yizhi took off the Yi Rong mask expressionlessly, feeling that his heart was dead.

Then he thought about it for a while, and pinched his face again with great interest.

On this face, there are obvious marks of a knife on the face, hyaluronic acid fills the entire cheek, the mouth is thick, and the face is sharp, as if the bone has been ground.

Jiang Yizhi deliberately made this face very rough, the filling material on the face was unevenly distributed, and the muscles were rigid and rigid. The curvature of the mouth that does not smile.

His mouth was moving, but his eyes were unblinking, and he couldn't even lift his cheeks.

The visual impression it gives is... This person must have undergone plastic surgery!

And it has been repaired in many places, but it is still broken and repaired.

Of course, this face is still very pleasing to the eye from a static perspective - as long as it doesn't move.

As long as he doesn't move, he is handsome.

Jiang Yizhi remembered the production steps of these two faces very well. If he was willing, with the half-master-level or above disguising techniques he had acquired from the system, he could complete the disguising masks in five minutes.

After all, the raw materials are in the system wardrobe, which can be used at any time.

He lowered his head, raised his pen, and slowly wrote Chinese characters on the white paper:

- The Great Gin Battle.


At seven o'clock in the evening.

Akai Shuichi called: "...Are you really not going to complete the task?"

"Isn't it still with you?" Jiang Yizhi brought a box full of sushi from the sushi restaurant downstairs, "I went there and dragged my feet."

It's been this way this month.

The name is Jiang Yizhi and Zhu Xingda on a mission together, after all, the two are partners. In fact, the stars are bigger than the two, and he has easily completed many tasks by himself.

Of course, there is a lot of moisture in it.

It is impossible for Akai Shuuichi to kill so many people. After all, he is only an undercover agent. If he wants to continue to be a vicious capitalist civil servant in the future, he must not have too many black debts.

The success rate of his mission is so high, and the FBI behind him has contributed greatly.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go out on a mission alone, Shuuichi Akai did not know how many fish he caught.

Jiang Yizhi turned a blind eye to this kind of behavior.

Both of them are quite satisfied with this model now. Jiang Yizhi really wanted to take up the task in high spirits, but it is estimated that Akai Shuuichi was not happy.

"This mission is more dangerous." Akai Shuichi rubbed his forehead, "It might be... troublesome for me alone."

Jiang Yizhi didn't talk nonsense.

After eating white rice for a month, although the winery has a big business and was not overwhelmed, he felt a little guilty: "Send me the address."

"Okay." Akai Shuichi said, "I just happened to see an overseas imported snack shop here. It seems that this is the only shop in Tokyo. You can buy some snacks after completing the task."


Jiang Yizhi silently accelerated the speed of changing clothes.

He put on the organization's traditional black coat, black hat, and don't use the gun. While waiting for the taxi, Jiang Yizhi happened to see the scrolling news playing on a huge electronic screen in the center of the shopping mall next to him.

A man appeared in the news.

White hat, white dress, white cloak, and a white mask with a funny eye and mouth on it.

"Five years later, the phantom thief Kid is back in the world!"


Jiang Yizhi paused for a moment.

His mind was in a mess: "Isn't Kuroba Kaito and Kudo Shin-chan together?"

Both are high school sophomores.

In this timeline, Kudo Shinichi is only in junior high school now.

The same goes for Kuroba Kaito.

Phantom Thief Kidd became famous in 1996, and according to the time when Phantom Thief Kidd came to make a cameo appearance in the anime, it should be not long before Kudo Shinichi became Conan.

It's only been a few months now, and 1996 is still early.

"Is it Terai Huangnosuke?" He subconsciously poked the system, "But that's not right."

Terai Huangzhisuke is Kuroba Kuito's father, Kuroba Rouichi's assistant. A few years ago, after Kuroba Roiichi disappeared due to man-made reasons, he pretended to be the phantom thief Kidd, intending to lead out the murderer who made Kuroba Roiichi disappear.

It's like Conan wants to make Mouri Kogoro famous, and then let the black organization notice Mouri Kogoro, which leads to the operation of the winery.

It's quite fatal.


But Terai Huangnosuke also pretended to be a few times, and it didn't take long for Kuroba Kuito to inherit his father's business and take over Terai Huangnosuke's class.

But that should also be after 1995.

Anyway, the entire timeline here has begun to mess up.

System: [Don't ask me, I don't know either. 】

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