Although the actual product has not been developed yet, when the core algorithms of artificial intelligence are almost the same, the most important thing is how many resources you have to support its learning and growth.

With the software and hardware resources that Sugon Technology controls, and the huge number of users that Sugon Technology has almost a monopoly on the mobile computer platform, the resources that Sugon Technology can use are stronger than those of the OpenAI company in the previous life.

In the end, with this huge resource tilt, Lin Chen was confident that the artificial intelligence "Dawn" was not much worse than the previous ChatGPT4.5. Not to mention winning in a battle, at least it was a situation where both sides faced off equally.

However, faced with the questioning words and gazes at the scene, Lin Chen finally wanted to respond, so Lin Chen smiled and said:

“Although our artificial intelligence technology is limited to text work on the surface, in fact its core is a deep learning model that trains text generation based on data available on the Internet.

In theory, the artificial intelligence "Dawn" we are about to train is not limited to text. After special training, it will be able to recognize pictures and even videos with "common sense." "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, people at the scene showed dumbfounded expressions, not knowing what it meant to identify pictures or even videos with "common sense."

However, at this time, Dean Lu of Xia Ke Academy showed a horrified expression, and he asked with surprise:

"Are you sure you're not joking? You can really identify pictures and videos with "common sense"?"

"I won't joke on such an important matter, and do you think I am a joker?"

After hearing Lin Chen's reply, Dean Lu of Xia Ke Academy's expression was completely unbearable. He looked at Lin Chen as if he were looking at an alien, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Seeing this, other people felt even more stunned when they saw Dean Lu's movements and expressions. They didn't know what it meant that the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" could recognize pictures and videos with "common sense".

"Incredible, if this is true, then the birth of this "dawn" of artificial intelligence will indeed change the world as profoundly as the birth of the Internet!"

At this time, Dean Lu of Xia Ke Academy slowly expressed his opinion.

"What's the explanation?"

The secretary next to the boss was the one who spoke at this time, and he asked the questions in the heart of everyone present.

Seeing this, Dean Lu of Xia Ke Academy paused briefly and then said:

“From text to video and pictures, this means that it will completely enter people’s lives.

You can imagine the most basic field, which is the field of public security prevention and control.

In the current era, it is almost impossible for us to find a criminal on the Internet because it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

But if artificial intelligence "Dawn" can identify pictures and videos with common sense, it will mean that as long as we want to, all criminals will be unable to escape.

After all, compared to humans, artificial intelligence that is tireless and can work 24 hours a day is more suitable for this kind of repetitive and tiring work than us.

In addition, in addition to finding criminals, for example, if a violent incident occurs within the scope of a surveillance camera, the person involved may not have time to call the police.

At this time, the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" with "common sense" will be able to automatically call the police after seeing all this, which will bring a glimmer of life to the injured people. "

"I see."

At this time, the secretary nodded slightly to express his understanding and felt that this was indeed a good field.

In response to this, Dean Lu of Xia Ke Academy on the other side did not stop speaking. He continued:

“Apart from the security field, the most important one should be the industrial field.

After artificial intelligence has common sense and the ability to read pictures and videos, it will be able to analyze what something is, what its role is, and how the manufacturing process should be allocated.

In this case, this will provide the basis for true smart manufacturing. Of course, it is not easy to achieve this step. After all, it requires the establishment of complex databases.

Therefore, the industrial field is indeed a very important field. Once it succeeds, humans will be able to avoid repetitive and unnecessary work.

Just like this, because artificial intelligence can replace people to do many meaningless repetitive tasks, such as replacing many industrial assembly line workers, replacing many construction workers...

If this continues, what should ordinary workers and migrant workers with little knowledge and skills do..."

Having said this, many people at the scene frowned deeply when they heard this, realizing that once this "dawn" of artificial intelligence is developed, it will indeed change the world.

Facing this scene, Ni Guangnan immediately became anxious, fearing that the boss would oppose Sugon Technology's development of artificial intelligence technology.

However, when Ni Guangnan wanted to say something, Lin Chen on the side spoke first:

"Dean Lu is worthy of being the dean of Xia Ke Academy. This amount of knowledge and ability to associate are indeed very experienced."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen paused briefly, and then continued:

"Theoretically, the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" we are developing can indeed achieve the two application fields that Dean Lu just mentioned.

But these are destined to take at least several years. After all, our energy is limited, and the current computer performance is also a big problem.

As for the problem that Dean Lu mentioned just now that artificial intelligence can replace humans in repetitive tasks, resulting in the unemployment of countless ordinary workers and migrant workers, I don’t think there is anything to worry about.

Because when the time comes, the cost of using artificial intelligence to control factory production may be more expensive than hiring ordinary workers. After all, we really want to achieve that level.

The production equipment must be specially made. In addition, many special facilities must be built, supercomputers must be built, and a team of experienced engineers must be built...

Under these various conditions, the comprehensive cost may be more expensive than hiring workers..."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, people's newly raised brows slowly relaxed a lot. After all, no one wants to face the problem of a large number of ordinary workers and migrant workers being unemployed.

At this time, Lin Chen on the other side continued to say when people's eyebrows relaxed a little:

“Of course, the current phenomenon of using artificial intelligence to control factory production is more expensive than ordinary workers. This is only a short-term difficulty.

In the distant future, such as ten or twenty years from now, using artificial intelligence to produce products is an inevitable trend and the future development direction of our humanity.

After all, before the 20th century, it was the era of handicraft industry, the 20th century was the era of machine industry where machines and humans cooperated, and the 21st century is the era of computers and machines.

Under such circumstances, this is the general trend, and none of us can stop it. If we don’t develop technology in this area, others will. (End of chapter)

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