Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 389 The whole world is shocked, is Sugon Technology crazy?

At this time, facing the gazes of reporters and passers-by, Lin Chen slowly answered:

“We at Sugon Technology will not give up on the 65nm process technology.

In fact, since the development of chip production equipment for the 90nm process technology was completed, we have been working non-stop on the research and development of the 65nm process technology.

As for the R\u0026D funding? We are preparing to burn through $26 billion in the next year! "


There was an uproar at the scene after hearing Lin Chen's words. Everyone looked at Lin Chen in dumbfounded amazement at Sugon Technology's generosity.

After all, last year Sugon Technology spent US$25 billion to enter the semiconductor production equipment industry. The huge amount of funds has already surprised them.

And now Sugon Technology has allocated more funds than last year. How can this not surprise them?

And as far as they know, US$25 billion was spent last year, and most of the funds were used to purchase various chip production equipment companies and license technology patents.

Theoretically speaking, there shouldn't be so many used this year. After all, the companies that should have them already have them, and the technology patents they should have are also authorized.

At this time, we only need to spend money to develop new manufacturing processes. Why do we have to spend so much money this year?

Theoretically speaking, shouldn’t it be enough to spend US$10 billion or US$15 billion? Why did you still spend so much money?

So the reporters at the scene quickly raised their hands, and one of the reporters from Xiangjiang Ming News got the opportunity to ask questions:

"Mr. Lin Chen, as far as I know you spent 25 billion US dollars last year.

Most of the funds were used to acquire many semiconductor production equipment manufacturers around the world, and less than half was used to develop 90-nanometer process technology and improve yield rates.

May I ask why we still need US$26 billion this year? Do you plan to continue to acquire other semiconductor production equipment manufacturers? "

Facing the reporter's puzzled question, Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and then said seriously:

“Each generation of process technology will cost more than the previous generation, and many of our semiconductor foundations are in a weak state.

For example, photoresist, we still purchase photoresist from Shin-Etsu in the island country. As for the chemical materials for chip production, we also purchase chemical materials from many companies in the island country.

This time we want to try to solve more deficiencies, strive to achieve independent control of the entire semiconductor industry, and make up for any shortcomings in chip production. "

Upon hearing this, the reporters at the scene, including tourists and passers-by, all nodded slightly.

Although many people don't know what photoresist and chemical materials are, and how important they are.

But through Lin Chen's words, they also knew that although Daxia had solved the 90-nanometer process technology, there were still many shortcomings.

So they no longer have any doubts about Sugon Technology's spending so much money on the semiconductor industry, but many people still have a question in their minds.

The question is, can Shuguang Technology really afford it? After all, it takes 26 billion US dollars a year.

Is this too much money? Can Shuguang Technology really afford it?

So among the crowd who raised their hands, one reporter from Lanxi got the opportunity to ask a question:

"Mr. Lin Chen, US$26 billion is a huge expenditure. Coupled with the upfront investment in entering the automobile industry, the total may reach US$30 billion.

Finally, coupled with the research and development of other things and the development needs of many companies in the entire Sugon system, we will have to spend at least 35 billion US dollars a year. Can you really afford it?

Intel's Core processor will be released soon, and the four major mobile phone giants will also release their new smartphones.

Are you sure you can continue to maintain your current market position and be able to support such a huge expenditure? "

I have to say that the question raised by this reporter from Lanxi is indeed very critical.

After all, other giants in the computer industry and mobile phone industry will not let Sugon Technology maintain its current market position, and will definitely work hard to develop products that surpass Sugon Technology.

Under such circumstances, it will become increasingly difficult for Sugon Technology to continue to maintain its position.

Therefore, the question raised by the reporter from Lanxi is very critical and cannot be ignored.

In response, Lin Chen shook his head slightly, and then said confidently:

"First of all, the 90nm Core processor is not a concern. We are invincible in terms of the 90nm X86 instruction set.

This is not only the powerful microarchitecture of our Ryzen processor, but also the X86-S instruction set that gives us sufficient confidence.

Secondly, in terms of new smartphones from the four major mobile phone giants.

I believe that the Sugon S3 smartphone we are about to release will continue to dominate and still eat the fattest cake in the mobile phone industry. "

Hearing Lin Chen's confident words, the reporters at the scene had different moods.

However, they still pressed the camera in their hands very dedicatedly, and the reporter holding a notebook quickly wrote down the key points of what Lin Chen said.

Just like that, Lin Chen then answered several other questions from reporters at the scene, and then the press conference ended like this.

The reporters also left quickly, and then used their own methods to send their news manuscripts to their headquarters.

It didn’t take long for relevant news to appear in domestic and foreign Internet media.

"The 65-nanometer chip is stable. Lin Chen claims that the research and development funds for the 65-nanometer process technology are US$26 billion!"

This is the news headline from Penguin Portal.

"Lin Chen claimed that he would not give up entering the automobile industry!"

This is the news headline on the NetiEase portal.

"The Sugon S3 smartphone is about to be released! How powerful is the Sugon S3 smartphone?"

This is the news headline from the New Wolf Portal.

"Lin Chen announced that he will not continue to release mid-range and high-end computer motherboards and chipsets."

This is the news headline on the Naanhu portal.

Relying on the effectiveness of Internet media, the domestic and foreign Internet took the lead in reporting relevant news.

At the same time, overseas media were not to be outdone. They also reported the relevant news one after another, but the angle of their reporting was obviously different from that of Daxia.

"The world's richest man has gone crazy. Will Dawning System spend 40 billion US dollars in the next year?"

This is the headline of the United States’ Huanqiu Daily.

"Committing a crime against the odds? Mr. Lin Chen, the world's richest man, claims to continue to enter the automobile industry."

This is the headline of the Renton Daily News from the Big Sound Empire.

"To spend $26 billion on your own to promote the 65-nanometer manufacturing process? I only see sadness."

This is the headline of the Japanese news in the island country.

"The arrogant richest man in the world! Lin Chen claims that Sugon Mobile and Sugon Computer will continue to guard the current kingship."

Here are the headlines from Silicon Valley Daily…

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