Of course, Meidiguo may not give Suguang Technology a chance. After all, Suguang Technology has already dominated the mobile phone market and the computer market one after another.

In this case, Sugon Technology has undoubtedly entered the special list that Medico attaches great importance to.

It can be said that if Shuguang Technology was not a listed company in the United States at this time, with the support of millions of investors around the world, then a ban on sales would have directly hit it.

Of course, no one knows what will happen in the future. At this time, the focus of global media attention is on the news related to that computer conference.

In addition to the island nation's Yahoo portal reporting related news, other Internet media are also frantically reporting this news.

For example, Dayin Empire operates both newspapers and Internet news businesses, and is known as "Reuters i", one of the four major news agencies in the West.

It also used the headline "Dawn Technology may monopolize the computer industry again after the mobile phone industry" to report related news.

In this Reuters news article, the core theme of the article is undoubtedly pointing out the fact that the power of Sugon Technology is growing.

Readers who read this article are a little worried about the expansion of Daxia's overall technological strength, fearing that Daxia's technology will become more advanced and catch up with them in the West.

In addition, Medigo's Silicon Valley Daily also reported related news.

The headline of their news is "The end of Silicon Valley. After monopolizing the smartphone market, Sugon Technology once again monopolizes the computer market!"

Undoubtedly, this Silicon Valley Daily news article is also reporting quite bad news for Sugon Technology.

Of course, these news are not only bad news for the common people in the country, but news that makes them secretly happy.

After all, I used to see them in the media bragging about how powerful the West is, how round the moon is in the West, how civilized and unattainable the foreign people are.

But as a result, since the emergence of Sugon Technology, Daxia's smartphones have become the best mobile phones in the world. Those foreign people who are unattainable in the eyes of Daxia people are crazy about Sugon mobile phones.

Naturally, this scene has deeply shaken the media's propaganda and bragging for a long time, shaken their perception formed by long-term propaganda, and let the people of Daxia know that I, Daxia, are not that weak.

I know that Daxia has high technology that can lead the world without falling behind. I know that Daxia may be far behind the West in other aspects, but smartphones are the pride of Daxia.

At this time, there is another place where the people of Daxia are proud, and that is Suguang Computer!

Under such circumstances, the inferiority complex in the hearts of many Chinese people has been eliminated unconsciously, and the confidence of the great Eastern countries in the past has begun to grow again without even realizing it.

This has advantages and disadvantages, but it is undeniable that since the emergence of Shuguang Technology, the people of Great Xia in this life will not be as crazy about foreign products and technologies as they were in the previous life.

I will no longer have the deep-rooted belief that foreign products and technologies are all good, and domestic products and technologies will always be rubbish as in my previous life.

Therefore, Lin Chen not only solved the problems of domestic computers and domestic mobile phones in Daxia of this era, but also invisibly improved the self-confidence of countless Daxia people.

Let them no longer become so inferior and blindly think that all foreign products and technologies are good, and all domestic products and technologies are the worst.

Of course, without mentioning gossip, news about Sugon Technology and Sugon Computer at this time undoubtedly started a frenzy in the global media circle.

On this day, news related to the computer industry completely overwhelmed all entertainment news.

Among them, the focus of their reports is different. In addition to reporting related product news of Sugon's product launch, they also report other side news.

For example, reports on how Intel's stock market is avalanche, reports on how ugly the face of Intel's president is, reports on the views of Wei soft company, and so on.

There are too many places for the global media to report. After all, Sugon Computer has made too much noise on the global computer industry. Naturally, there are countless news to report.

But when the time came to the next day, that is, July 2, 2005.

A move made by Daxia's official server caused a sensation in the global media, and also caused Sugon Technology's stock price to usher in a round of turmoil again.

As for the actions of Daxia official uniform?

This action is that the Daxia official server announced that from now on, for the sake of Daxia's national defense and information security, computers in all Daxia's agencies, public schools, state-owned enterprises, research institutes... and other institutions must use Sugon CPU, Sugon graphics cards, Sugon computer operating system computer!

Among them, the Daxia official server also announced that the computers it already owns will be gradually replaced from now on, and old computers will be sold to the private sector or used in information-insensitive institutions.

Strive to allow all government agencies, public schools, state-owned enterprises, research institutes, etc. in Daxia to completely replace foreign computers with Sugon computers within two years to solve Daxia’s national defense and information security issues.

In this regard, many Daxia people in the country naturally applauded the greatness of Daxia's official uniforms, saying that it should have been so long ago.

How can the national defense and information security of the dignified Daxia be controlled by foreign countries, so they all said that Daxia did a good job this time and supported the move of Daxia's official uniform.

Although it is not without some reckless people making sarcastic remarks, such as claiming that Daxia's actions are a waste of taxpayers' money.

After all, although old computers have to be sold to the people in Daxia, how much can they be sold for second-hand?

And this represents a huge financial waste, which naturally gives them an opportunity to make sarcastic remarks.

Of course, when they make sarcastic remarks, it's not that no one criticizes them. After all, the vast majority of netizens also have a certain patriotic view, so it's wrong for them to criticize this kind of thinking that foreign countries are always friendly.

Claiming that Daxia's official uniform has done a good job this time, Daxia's national defense and information security should indeed be highly valued, otherwise the information on Daxia's side would have been completely exposed to certain countries.

Although on the surface it seems that some countries have all kinds of information and intelligence in Great Xia, but when this information is used by some countries, it will be a disaster.

Of course, there was a lot of discussion and controversy in China about Daxia's official uniforms.

Overseas media opinions are all negative reports and opinions. They point out that Daxia's behavior does not comply with market rules.

They claimed that the Daxia official server should be more democratic and give "Western computers" a fair chance to compete.

Rather than unilaterally force the choice of "Sugon Computer", because this is unfair and does not comply with market rules.

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