Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 367 The black technology that makes Weiruan vomit blood!

Thinking of the situation he would face next, Weiruan President Bill Gates' eyebrows furrowed and he felt quite a headache.

However, Bill Gates, the president of Weisoft, only had a headache and relaxed his eyebrows because he discovered that Sugon Computer's operating system had a fatal flaw.

As for what this fatal flaw is?

This fatal flaw is that Sugon Computer operating system cannot play games and software on Weiruan operating system!

After all, why can Weisoft operating system monopolize the global operating system market, with a market share of more than 90% all year round?

The fundamental reason lies in the software and game ecosystem he has accumulated for decades, and the rich number of games and software that people cannot refuse!

"CS1.6", "Half-Life 2", "The Sims", "StarCraft", "Resident Evil Series", "Red Alert Series", "Warcraft Series", "Civilization Series", "Assassin's Creed Series", "Spore" and "SimCity Series" 》……

"Legend of Blood", "World of Warcraft", "Lineage 2", "MapleStory", "Fantasy Westward Journey", "Swordsman Love", "Magic Baby", "Westward Journey"...

"WPS Office Software", "Offer Office Software", "Qianqianjingting", "Baofengyingyin", "Internet Express", "Thunder", "Sogou Input Method"...

There are too many games and software on Weiruan operating system. Whether it is stand-alone games, online games or software, each of them is the profound meaning of Weiruan operating system!

After decades of accumulation, the number of software and games on the Weisoft operating system is simply countless.

In this case, how can Sugon Computer Operating System compare? So Bill Gates just had a headache and relaxed his eyebrows.

The software and game ecosystem accumulated over the past few decades has given Bill Gates deep confidence!

However, is the monopoly of Weiruan's game software ecosystem really unbreakable? Lin Chen said that Bill Gates would be so angry that he would vomit blood next.

After Lin Chen on the stage introduced the computer advertisement, he quickly stated the core selling points of the next Sugon computer operating system:

"Okay, the five advertising slots of Sugon Computer Operating System have been introduced. I believe everyone is already familiar with these five advertising slots.

Next, let me introduce the second core selling point of our Sugon computer operating system. "

Hearing this, people at the scene looked at Lin Chen curiously, wondering what the second core selling point was?

"Our second core selling point is a program, which we call the Dawning Universal Interface Program!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, people at the scene were confused. They didn't know what the so-called Shuguang Universal Interface Program was.

However, at this time, the expression of Bill Gates in the VIP seat changed instantly, and his eyes showed deep uneasiness.

Because as a programmer or a genius programmer, he had a bad premonition after hearing the term universal interface program.

In response, a faint smile appeared on Lin Chen's lips.

In the previous life of the Linux operating system, there was a software called wine. Naturally, you can’t tell what this software is from the name.

But in fact, this is a software program that Weisoft hates so much that it even wants to wipe out the team that developed this program.

Why is this software called wine so disgusting to Weisoft? The reason is that it can translate Windows API calls into dynamic POSIX calls.

This means that with it, you can directly open games and software on the Weisoft operating system, instead of using a virtual machine or emulator to imitate the internal Windows logic before running the games and software on the Weisoft operating system.

On the surface, the results of these three methods are the same. They can also allow the Linux operating system to open games and software on the Weisoft operating system. But why is this wine software so disgusting to Weisoft?

The reason is that previous virtual machines or emulators imitated the internal Windows logic.

It is equivalent to building a simulated Weisoft system first, and then running games and software in the simulated Weisoft system. In this case, there will inevitably be a huge waste of performance.

Moreover, this form also consumes extremely serious memory. After all, building a simulated Weisoft system and continuing to run it will definitely consume huge hardware resources.

Moreover, the act of using an emulator or virtual machine is too troublesome, not to mention that you have to do it all over again just to restart it. In this case, it is better to use the Weisoft operating system honestly.

Therefore, virtual machines and emulators running Weisoft games and software do not pose any threat to the monopoly position of Weisoft systems.

Because of this, although Weiruan is wary of the Linux operating system, it does not regard it as a life-or-death enemy.

But everything changed after the wine software was born. Because the wine software directly calls and connects the API interface between the software and the game, there is no need to use an emulator or virtual machine, so there is no trouble.

And the best part is that it is not in the form of a virtual machine or simulator, but directly translates Windows API calls into dynamic POSIX calls, so the performance loss is not large and is completely acceptable.

Because of this, Weiruan is quite disgusted with this wine software, and its emphasis on the Linux operating system has also increased by several orders of magnitude.

At this time, the Suguang Universal Interface program produced by Suguang Technology is also similar to this program, but this program is different from the previous life.

First of all, the structure and principle are different. The wine software in the previous life is an API interface translation software.

The Sugon universal interface program of Sugon Technology is a program software that cooperates with the Sugon compiler, and there is an additional Sugon compiler that supports multiple systems.

In addition, there are differences in the degree of development. In the previous life, wine software was open source software and developers could not make profits from it. There were not many developers and the level of effort and perfection was naturally not high.

In the end, the operation of this software is quite cumbersome and inhumane, and it is a bit biased towards the use of veterans or programmers who know a little about computer operations.

So this software is actually not suitable for ordinary computer novice, for computer novice, they will only click the icon on the desktop, and then open the program.

Now you ask them to run the wine software first, and then open many folders in the wine software to find the startup program. This tedious operation will naturally make them confused.

So the wine software in the previous life was quite impersonal, cumbersome to operate, and their development progress was quite slow.

After all, no money is supported by enthusiasm and hobbies. How many enthusiasts are there? How can the development progress be accelerated?

In this case, although the wine software in the previous life can open many Weisoft games and software, it cannot maintain compatibility with all Weisoft games and software.

Especially those new games and software compatibility are quite poor, even if they can be opened or even played, they will occasionally exit the game and software inexplicably.

In this case, many people naturally felt quite troubled by this, and finally gave up on the wine software, just treating it as a toy and not really treating it as an important tool.

But this life is naturally different, Sugon Technology attaches great importance to this Sugon universal interface program.

There are more than 1,000 daily developers and testers on this Sugon universal interface program alone!

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