Daguo Science and Technology started from the copycat system

Chapter 163 Despicable! This Suguang Technology is too despicable, not a scumbag!

So Lin Chen then moved on to the next theme, which was the public commendation ceremony for R\u0026D personnel who had made significant contributions, followed by the year-end bonus commendation for the company's top executives.

In this regard, the amount of year-end dividends for senior executives naturally shocked and numb all the people, and they all felt that Sugon Technology really made a lot of money.


Not long after that, the news of Sugon Technology's year-end conference successfully caused a sensation on the entire network.

"The company that Daxia is most willing to invest in research and development, Sugon Technology!"

This is the news headline on Penguin Portal.

The Penguin Portal reported on the funds received by the employees for the year-end dividends, as well as Lin Chen's remarks that the dividends for R\u0026D projects next year are expected to be no less than 50 million.

In this regard, the Internet naturally aroused a heated discussion.

When readers saw that the worst R\u0026D personnel in the Suguang R\u0026D Center had received tens of thousands of project dividends, they were all envious and jealous.

Because in many areas in the mainland, their wages have not broken through the 1,000 mark, and they are still at the level of 600 to 800 yuan.

As a result, the R\u0026D employees of Sugon Technology have received at least tens of thousands of R\u0026D project dividends, which is not counted as their basic salary...

This is so enviable and jealous!

It can be said that as soon as this article was published, many Chinese people realized that R\u0026D positions are so profitable.

It is conceivable that after the start of school in September, the number of students in the research and development field of various universities may skyrocket.

Of course, no one knows what will happen in the future, but Sugon Technology has successfully achieved its goal of making researchers riot.

When the Penguin portal reported this news, other portals, newspapers and TV media also reported the news of the Sugon Technology year-end conference.

Therefore, the year-end meeting and the "proudness" of Sugon Technology successfully caused a sensation in the whole country, causing tens of millions of people across the country to discuss this matter in the next ten days.

And the reason why tens of millions of people were able to discuss this matter in the next ten days is because people who worked in other places during the Spring Festival have already returned home for the New Year.

In this case, the conversation is always inseparable from comparing who is doing well and who has a higher income... Among them, Suguang Technology is naturally mentioned occasionally.

When people talked to each other and learned that the worst researchers in the Suguang R\u0026D Center could get tens of thousands of dollars.

Moreover, when the media reported the treatment and wages enjoyed by ordinary employees of Sugon Technology, the people who were talking were all very envious and jealous.

Among them, the researchers and backbones of many research institutes across the country fell into a daze.

Because they find that although they have an iron job and theoretically have no worries for a lifetime, in fact they have no chance of "Qiantu".

It is the leaders or mentors who make the achievements. Leaders and mentors can always get the big rewards or the communication rights of the papers. It is a good thing for them to be rewarded with a salary of one or two months.

But even if the results are rewarded for a month or two of salary, compared to what others can get in the Suguang R\u0026D Center, once compared, it is completely unacceptable.

People are more popular than people!

And when they learned through newspapers or Internet channels that Sugon R\u0026D Center calculates project dividends and profits based on contribution value, their eyes shone with a certain light!

In the research institute, the results belong to the leaders or mentors. Among them, being an ordinary scientific researcher or even a scientific research backbone is unknown.

However, Sugon Technology uses real contribution value to calculate project dividends, although it seems a bit cruel, making it difficult for people to fish in troubled waters and lie flat.

But Suguang R\u0026D Center has done it fairly!

After the Suguang R\u0026D Center produces scientific research results, all R\u0026D personnel calculate the contribution value, instead of the leader or mentor getting everything, which is simply too fair.

And the most important thing is that the benefits that can be obtained from product research and development in the Shuguang R\u0026D Center are not a lump sum, but continuous money!

It can be said that as long as the products you develop can still be sold, you can get follow-up benefits, which is completely different from all R\u0026D institutions.

At this time, it can be said that the scientific research personnel and scientific research backbones of those research institutes did not know about it, and many R\u0026D personnel felt itchy after knowing about it.

It even makes them toss and turn in the middle of the night and can't sleep all the time, thinking about what to do in their own lives. Should they choose Suguang Technology or choose to establish an iron rice bowl?

Among them, some people chose Sugon Technology, and some chose the iron rice bowl.

But in any case, Sugon Technology did receive a large number of resumes in the following time, and the number of R\u0026D personnel in Sugon R\u0026D Center also expanded rapidly.

Many R\u0026D institutions and research institutes across the country have found that after the Chinese New Year, many of their outstanding scientific research backbones and ordinary scientific researchers have submitted resignation applications after the Chinese New Year.

In this regard, the managers of scientific research institutions and research institutes in various places naturally do not want to approve it. One or two are okay to say, and directly approve it with "We can't hold you as a great god", but if you directly resign with a dozen or so, who will be affected? Got it?

But it's useless to disagree, because even if they don't pass the resignation application, they are quite helpless in the face of the scientific research staff's direct strike instead of coming to work and going south to Pengcheng.

After all, their research institutes and R\u0026D institutes can't restrict people's personal freedom, it's illegal to do so, so most of them approved in the end.

Of course, there are also those who are not approved, but the subsequent affairs are the work of the legal department of Sugon Technology. The compensation for liquidated damages is the liquidated damages, and Sugon R\u0026D Center will pay the liquidated damages on its behalf.

Of course, there are only a few people who can have liquidated damages contracts. Most of the contracts of ordinary scientific researchers and even scientific research backbones are standard contracts. Those scientific research backbones leave at most only half a month or a month's salary.

So under such circumstances, many scientific research institutions and research institutes will be stimulated by this incident in the coming time.

They have slightly increased the treatment of scientific researchers and updated more stringent contracts, making it more expensive for those scientific researchers who want to leave the R\u0026D institution.

But these are all things in the future. At least Sugon Technology has indeed taken advantage of this wave and successfully recruited thousands of outstanding scientific researchers and scientific research backbones with years of front-line research and development experience from all over the country.

Therefore, at the beginning of March after the Spring Festival, after the production capacity of Sugon Technology's new factory officially exceeded 700,000 units, the total number of scientific researchers in Sugon R\u0026D Center has officially exceeded the 1,200 mark.

It can be said that the number of R\u0026D personnel of Sugon Technology is more than 200 more than that of Motorola in Daxia.

If Sugon A1 puls mobile phone and Sugon F1 mobile phone can not contribute 191 million profits every month, then these more than 1,200 R\u0026D personnel alone can drag down Sugon Technology.

As for what these 1,200 people do, there are currently a large-scale research and development project and a game development project.

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