Dad’s Marvel Chat Group

Chapter 142: Uplifted

On Xiao Yan's side, in fact, after Ouyang Xiaoxiao called him, his heart was not as plain as he thought, because he knew that this was the day he finally raised his eyes in front of his wife.

Even if his current honor is not so bright.

However, no man does not want to be respected and admired by his wife. It is estimated that no man in the world wants to be called idiot and useless by his wife.

But he waited for a long time, Nalan Yanran still did not call.

'still sleeping? ’

Xiao Yan didn't expect that Ouyang Xiaoxiao hadn't even asked Nalan Yanran to get up. After all, "Fights Break Sphere" was really written by her brother-in-law, and she could bear such a big event.

At around 2 pm, it was the hottest time in summer. You could see the heat waves rolling outside the window, and even the leaves were curled up by the sun.

If Xiao Yan hadn't written about fighting against the sky, he might still be working on floor tiles, regardless of occupation, but some occupations really have to pay too much sweat.

How long did Xiao Yan move the bricks, the tanned skin has not recovered for so long, and the calluses on his hands have not gone down, but the wounds left by the blisters on his hands have begun to fade a lot.

He didn't wait for a call from Nalan Yanran, but first waited for a call from the editor of the website.

Xiao Yan was a little frightened.

Don’t be nervous, the one who should be nervous is us, Mr. Xiao Yan. Your work "Fights Break Sphere" is very exciting. There are already signs of phenomenon. In order to let more readers see this excellent work, we have a All the company editors discussed together early in the morning, and finally decided to give your work privileges.

Every sentence of the editor-in-chief in the following is like a dream to Xiao Yan.

Recommended for the whole network

This is the best recommendation in the entire website, because it is not only a website, but includes all cooperation channels.

The website written by Xiao Yan is naturally the largest website on the water polo. The cooperation channels include Weibo, Tieba, communication software, browsers, etc., as many as a dozen channels.

And "Fights Break Sphere" will be the best recommendation on the whole network before it is on the shelves and the number of words is not many.


Xiao Yan was excited for a long time, and even his fingers were shaking.

What kind of honor is this?

No great gods have such treatment. This is the key recommendation of all screenwriters on the website, vowing to make "Fights Break Sphere" popular to a phenomenal level.

The editor-in-chief who called him even directly revealed that as long as the network-wide recommendation data next week is ideal, the contract can be changed directly from the ordinary contract to the Great God contract.

In other words, in Water Ball, Xiao Yan will be the first newly promoted Great God writer to be able to get the cooperation of Great God before it is on the shelves.

Great God = full development of copyright.

In other words, the website wants to develop the copyright of "Fights Break Sphere".

excitement! !

The muscles of the whole body are shaking! !

This kind of highly valued honor has been on the street for ten years. Once he has achieved success, how can he fully interpret it with a raised eyebrow.

Xiao Yan also repeatedly assured the editor on the phone that he would not disappoint his expectations and that he would do his best to write the book "Fights Break the Sphere".

The moment he hung up, Xiao Yan took a deep breath.

Do you want to develop copyright?

Ding Dong!

And when Xiao Yan couldn't calm down, a message from the Marvel chat group suddenly came from his mobile phone.

Congratulations for grabbing the red envelope of the group owner Iron Man.

Congratulations for grabbing Iron Man's second boring red envelope...

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