Cyberpunk underfire phobia sufferers

Chapter 97 99; SK112-I’s Metal Storm

The bullets rotated and shot into the tide of corpses, directly creating a cylindrical vacuum zone with a diameter of about half a meter in the pile of corpses. Countless mechanical limbs and metal fragments were hit by the bullets. The strong wind passing by at high speed blew them everywhere.

The vacuum zone caused by the bullet passing by at high speed only existed for a moment. After a moment, the vacuum zone was filled with countless "people".

Rem's reaction was a little slower than Zhong Wenyu's, but he quickly pulled the trigger of the grenade launcher embedded in his right hand. A 50mm high-explosive grenade strengthened by Zhong Wenyu was activated by the primer. It popped out of the roller-shaped magazine and flew towards the tide of corpses approaching the two of them.

The grenade drew an arc full of the laws of physics in the air, and then plunged into a wave of corpses full of 'people'.

Immediately, the dazzling firelight enveloped some sparks from the explosion of the 'person', and the broken metal parts and black smoke evaporated. The shock wave generated by the explosion blew all the 'people' slightly outside in all directions.

At the same time, the six electromagnetic acceleration rails of the SK112-I in Rem's left hand had begun to rotate rapidly, but Rem pointed this killer weapon in another direction of the street. There were no enemies in that direction, but there were many people there. The sound of people running and pushing together reached their ears accurately.

Zhong Wenyu is a little anxious now. He never thought that the enemy's troops would be such cheap-looking robots. Although these robots are very weak and can be easily destroyed with a bullet, their number is really huge. Too much.

Zhong Wenyu originally thought that the enemy would use normal soldiers and thermal weapons to deal with him, and before he caused trouble, the gunfire in Nancheng District never stopped. This phenomenon made Zhong Wenyu more sure of his inner thoughts.

Therefore, most of the weapons he prepared were ranged anti-infantry weapons, such as poison gas bombs, stink bombs, and the like.

But what Zhong Wenyu prepared had no effect at all when faced with these incredible gadgets. After the gas bombs were thrown out, they looked a bit like props prepared by the atmosphere team, as if they were exaggerating a terrifying atmosphere. .

And although the two-person mecha's firepower density is not a big problem in suppressing these robots in a short period of time, the amount of ammunition for the two people is still limited after all. After the fight, they will really have to fight hand-to-hand.

Not long after the two men opened fire, a wave of corpses appeared on the street behind them.

The SK112-I in Rem's hand, which was already ready to go, began to officially declare its terrifying suppressive power to the world. Countless steel balls accelerated from the electromagnetic acceleration track of SK112-I to a terrifying speed in a very short period of time. , and then use a fire rate of five hundred rounds per second to cover the enemies appearing on the street corners with raindrops of firepower.

This SK112-I machine gun is actually a version that has been weakened by Zhong Wenyu, and its rate of fire has been greatly reduced. Because if the rate of fire is not reduced, the 200,000 steel balls stored in the mecha will be poured out in two minutes. Although the density of firepower is so strong that it can instantly reduce a bunch of robots in front of it to rubbish, the shortcoming of being short-lasting is fatal.

There was no extra space inside the mecha to load too much ammunition, so Zhong Wenyu could only pity the SK112-I's rate of fire.

Back to the topic.

The SK112-I in the hands of Rem's mecha is completely a peerless weapon in this kind of large-scale war. Although the rate of fire is not as incredible as the original version, the abnormal firepower density of two hundred rounds per second can also create a gap between itself and the enemy. It formed a very dense metal storm. Those robots had no room to resist in front of this metal storm. Once they were hit, they would end up either dead or disabled.

The metal projectiles formed an extremely dense metal barrage, which fully demonstrated the fire suppression ability of this gun. The tide of corpses in this street was directly suppressed by this terrifying barrage and was unable to move forward at all. They were all killed at the moment they emerged. The metal storm tore it to shreds.

Literally torn to pieces.

Zhong Wenyu is the manufacturer of SK112-I. He naturally knows the weaknesses of this gun. The speed of bullet consumption and huge recoil are the biggest shortcomings of this gun. The ammunition in Rem's mecha is enough for the SK112-I to keep firing for just over eight minutes at most. The recoil of the SK112-I, which had a rate of fire that was nearly 1.5 times reduced, was suppressed by the weight of the Rem mecha, and there was no pressure at all.

In this way, an inexplicable balance appeared on the battlefield, but both Zhong Wenyu and Rem knew that this balance would be broken the moment they ran out of bullets.

"Zhong Nan! Release the thruster safety device! Quick!" Zhong Wenyu knew that his side would not be able to hold on for long if this continued, so he decisively gave up the counterattack and prepared to escape.

After receiving Zhong Wenyu's instructions, Zhong Nan immediately lifted the output restriction program of Zhong Wenyu's mecha thruster, and immediately informed Zhong Wenyu after the lifting.

After receiving Zhong Nan's reply, Zhong Wenyu put his hands around the waist of the Rem mecha. Although it was not completely wrapped around it, it was fixed at least.

The thrusters on the soles of the feet were operating at a level exceeding the theoretical power, and the thruster nozzles lit up flames that were several times brighter than usual. The flames directly melted a small crater into the ground.

The mecha with increased thrust several times still struggled to drag Rem's mecha up. At the same time, in order to reduce the pressure on Zhong Wenyu's thruster, Rem also turned on the thruster of her own mecha. Although Rem's mecha The mecha does not have the ability to fly, but it can still glide over short distances. Turning on its own thrusters will also reduce some of the pressure on Zhong Wenyu's thrusters.

After the Rem mecha's thrusters were turned on, the two men's ascent speed immediately accelerated a lot.

However, the tide of corpses under the feet of the two people did not let them go. After losing the fire suppression of their weapons, they quickly came to the place where the two people originally stood and crowded into a mountain of people. Some robots climbed up the walls of the surrounding houses, and then pounced on Zhong Wenyu and Rem at a similar position.

Zhong Wenyu hugged Rem's waist with both hands, and he had no energy left to attack the robots that were rushing towards him.

Rem put away the SK112-I when she was lifted by Zhong Wenyu. The terrifying recoil of this gun was not suitable for use while flying, but in this situation, Rem used her clever little brain.

Rem's SK112-I, which had originally retracted its left arm, reached out to its own micro-acceleration track. Rem aimed its gun at the robot forming a human mountain below them, and then pulled the trigger.

The powerful recoil caused the two people's originally slow ascent to speed up a lot, and several of the 'people' who rushed towards them were all in vain. The 'person' who had missed it waved his limbs randomly in the air, and then fell towards the ground according to the pull of gravity.

Then it fell to the ground with a "snap".

Thanks; book friend 20170120220839768, U Jia, Liquor Maniac, Fenjiu, and Nine Magatama for their recommendation votes.


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