Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 89 Arasaka Academy

The next day.

Arasaka Tower.

The senior students of Arasaka Academy have replaced their previous college uniforms and put on crisp suits one after another. They are queuing up to enter the college auditorium and prepare to attend the meeting.

Tanaka Katsuo was in a very good mood today. He was sitting in the front row of the auditorium with a slight smile on his face. He was wearing a luxury custom-made suit, with his hands in his trouser pockets and his legs crossed.

He looked at his classmates as they filed into the venue one after another, paying special attention to their expressions.

Some students looked sad, as if they were worried.

Some students were whispering in small groups, seemingly discussing extremely important matters and feeling worried.

"After the college meeting today, I will go out for internship. How are your family arrangements?"

"What else can we do? Arasaka Company definitely has no chance. My dad has already found someone, but he really can't keep him."

"Well, it's the same for me. I have no choice but to intern at the company where my dad works. Although I can have a bit of fun, the internship evaluation will definitely not be that high."

"Your family is pretty good. I'm an intern at Dongyue Electronics Company. It will be convincing on my resume in the future, unlike me who can only intern at a small company."

"I heard that there are still many students in the class who have obtained internship places in biotechnology companies, and some even went to military technology companies. I really don't know how they did it. If you give me such an opportunity, I will pay you one penny for three months. No, just give me some money!"

"Don't think about it, there will definitely be someone in our class who can stay at Arasaka Company."

After saying that, their eyes fell on the first row of the auditorium, and finally on Tanaka Katsuo.

Tanaka Katsuo's father is a member of the Arasaka Academy Board of Governors and the director of the R\u0026D department of Arasaka Corporation. This fact is well known to everyone.

Naturally, Tanaka Katsuo does not need to worry about the internship at all. He will definitely stay at Arasaka Company for internship, and may even join Arasaka Company directly after graduation.

Moreover, Tanaka Katsuo, as a pure Japanese, is obviously related to the Arasaka family, which means that the Tanaka family is infinitely close to the top of the Arasaka Tower.

This kind of background resources is far beyond the envy of others.

Facing the envious looks cast by his classmates, Tanaka Katsuo enjoyed this feeling very much and was even more proud than before.

In Tanaka Katsuo's view, most of his classmates can still sit in the same classroom with him today simply because they still have a few small coins in their hands, which are completely incomparable to a well-known aristocrat like him.

Now that graduation is about to take place, Tanaka Katsuo feels relieved inexplicably when he sees the confused expressions of these people.

He likes to see these people enter society and return to the lives they deserve, instead of squeezing their heads and dreaming that after attending Arasaka Academy, they will become successful and become equal to himself.

Especially some people in the class, who don’t even have a few dollars, still have dreams of carp leaping over the dragon’s gate.

Tanaka Katsuo liked this, seeing with his own eyes how their wishful thinking was shattered, and this moment had already arrived.

After the college meeting today, everyone will have to undergo three months of social practice.

If you have the ability and resources, go to a big company, work in a glamorous job, and finally produce an enviable internship result.

Those who have no ability or resources can only run into obstacles in society, and finally find an internship experience in a small company or studio.

There is a huge difference between the two. It is far from as simple as sitting in a classroom and taking a test and getting some points.

No matter how good a small company is, when applying for a job, personnel will look down upon it and look down upon this experience.

No matter how poorly a large company performs, it still has a respectable resume, and no one will question it at all.

Tanaka Katsuo was immersed in an inexplicable sense of superiority and waited quietly for the meeting to begin.

In addition, he is still waiting for someone to come in, someone who may not even be able to afford decent and genuine clothes.

Someone next to him asked with a smile, his voice a bit flattering.

"Katsuo, has Mr. Tanaka already arranged this internship for you?"

Tanaka Katsuo still stared at the door of the auditorium, and replied with a chuckle to the little follower's question.

"Of course, besides Arasaka Company, where else can I go for an internship? I can't be asked to go to the opposite military technology."

The little fat man next to him pushed up his glasses, pretended to be amazed, and praised.

"Tanaka-sama is really great, Katsuo, please see if you can help me arrange it too. Although my dad works at Qiluji Optical Company and can arrange internships, you also know that it is definitely not as good as Arasaka Company. "

Another classmate also joined in and said, "Yes, Katsuo, you see, if we can stay in the company, we can help you."

Tanaka Katsuo was extremely proud and said with a smile.

"These are all small things. I can report them to my father when I have dinner with him. It won't be a big problem."

"After all, my father taught me when I was young that I should know how to trust others."

"We have such a good relationship, and your family also works in a big company. Father will not refuse."

When the two classmates next to him heard that Tanaka Katsuo was willing to give it a try, they were all smiling as they waited for his words. So many years of hard work finally came to fruition.

"Katsuo, you are really good. The academy is just like the one at your home. It's not easy to come here from Kyoto to go to school."

"Yes, thank you very much. We really did not follow the wrong person."

Tanaka Katsuo smiled and said nothing, his mind was now entirely on another person.

The little fat man continued to ask: "Sheng Nan, who is the mentor for this practice? Is there any news?"

Tanaka Katsuo was a little impatient: "It doesn't matter who it is. It's just a formality over the years. Who will pay attention to this matter?"

"There will be no change in practical results, just do whatever you want."

The little fat man nodded and replied thoughtfully: "I remember that the results of previous years are basically linked to the internship company. Arasaka is the only one, the other five major companies are in the second level, and the remaining companies are in the third level depending on the situation."

Tanaka Katsuo didn't bother to explain such a stupid question to him.

Fortunately, he was in a good mood today and said patiently again.

"All practical results must be ranked according to company level. Can students who can go to large companies for internships have a simple background?"

"More important than personal strength is background resources. Senior executives of major companies have personal contacts with each other."

"You have to know that every step you take is a new world."

“Directly determine the people and things you have access to, as well as the resources and information you have access to.”

"Otherwise, you would think that so many people are trying to send their children to Arasaka Academy at all costs."

"Do you really think it's as simple as coming here to learn? Can't you buy some learning chips yourself and use Mewtwo to learn some skills at home?"

"The purpose of sending to Arasaka Academy is to get the opportunity to join Arasaka Company, to make higher-level connections and connections, and to enjoy a true aristocratic education."

After talking so much in one breath, Tanaka Katsuo felt that he had made it very clear. He has always practiced his father's words and deeds.

Therefore, what he looked down on the most was this kind of person, who clearly had no strength or status but always wanted to push his way up.

It was like a dog, which was obviously born low, but still tried hard to behave like a human. It made him feel disgusted and nauseated, and he wanted to kick them all away and roll them back to their garbage kennel.

When the two people nearby heard this eloquent talk, they admired Tanaka Katsuo even more than before. They didn't expect that he knew so much, and they kept echoing and praising him.

Tanaka Katsuo smiled with satisfaction, but his smile gradually turned a little ferocious.

Because he saw David Martinez, appearing at the main entrance of the college auditorium.

David was seen standing at the door of the college auditorium, looking around in the auditorium, as if he was looking for his seat.

What surprised Tanaka Katsuo was that David was wearing a new suit today. It was tailored, well-dressed, and wearing a tie. With his sunny appearance, he actually looked like a young man.

The only ugly thing is that David still has a trauma patch stuck to his forehead.

He had inflicted that wound with his own hands, so that David would have a long memory, so that when a great man speaks, a lowly person is not worthy of eavesdropping and interjecting.

Tanaka Katsuo stared straight at it and noticed some details of David's suit. The tag had not yet been cut off, and a corner was exposed from the hem of the coat. .

Actually wearing a new suit? Tanaka Katsuo laughed inwardly.

Although Tanaka Katsuo was sitting in the front row, he kept staring at David at the front door.

But David didn't look at Tanaka Katsuo at all, his eyes searched around the auditorium for his position.

At this time, the meeting is about to begin and the students have basically arrived.

On the main stage, most of the management of Arasaka College were already seated, leaving only the main and deputy seats in the middle, which should be reserved for the president of Arasaka College to preside over the meeting.

David finally brightened up, found his seat, and walked towards the back of the auditorium.

Because David was sitting in the back, if he didn't want to take a detour, he had to walk across the aisle and pass by Tanaka Katsuo, who was sitting in the first row.

Tanaka Katsuo stared at David, seeing him getting closer and closer to him step by step.

When David came up to him, Tanaka Katsuo suddenly teased.

"David Martinez, why do you still have the nerve to come to the college to attend the meeting? To be honest, I am really worried about your internship. I wonder which company you are going to work for?"

In the face of malicious provocation, David turned his head and pretended not to hear. He only found trouble once or twice, so he just got over it today.

And Tanaka Katsuo was right, he really didn't know where he would go for an internship after today.

His mother hopes that he will stay as an intern at Arasaka Company, but he cannot compare to Tanaka Katsuki. He has a father who is a senior executive in the company and has paved all the way forward.

David was confused. In order not to let Gloria's efforts go in vain and feel sad, he could only grit his teeth and attend the meeting. As for where he could finally go for an internship, he would just take it one step at a time.

Tanaka Katsuo saw David speeding up his pace and trying to escape from under his nose, so he joked again.

"David, is this your attitude?"

"Oh, originally I wanted to intercede with father on your behalf, maybe I could let you stay as an intern at Arasaka Company."

Upon hearing this, David stopped, clenched his fists, and stood there.

Seeing David's reaction, Tanaka Katsuo seemed to be more interested.

"It seems you are not ignorant."

"It's just a small thing for me to be an intern at Arasaka Company. If you are willing to ask me, I will not be able to help you for the sake of my long-term friendship as classmates."

David then turned his head and looked at Tanaka Katsuo, with a complicated expression and asked seriously.


Tanaka Katsuo was stunned. He thought David would just shake his head and leave, but he didn't expect David to hesitate.

"you you."

"David, you don't think what I said is true, do you?"


Tanaka Katsuo and others suddenly burst out laughing, teasing David, and seeing his can't-stop expression, they almost burst into tears laughing.

Facing the ridicule from Tanaka Katsuo and others, David was uncharacteristically not angry, but continued to speak seriously.

"Tanaka Katsuo, if you can help me, you can do whatever you want."

David's fists were clenched tightly, and his nails dug into the flesh of his palms, spilling a trace of blood.

He tried his best to hold back his feet that wanted to shake, and waited for Tanaka Katsuo's answer.

He knew that Tanaka Katsuo's father was a senior executive of Arasaka Company and had the ability to arrange an internship at Arasaka Company.

After experiencing that car accident, he really didn't want to let Gloria down and cry again. It was better for him to swallow his anger than for his mother to suffer outside.

Tanaka Katsuo laughed for a while, confused by David's seriousness and persistence. David didn't look like he was joking at all.

Tanaka Katsuo rubbed the tears from laughter at the corners of his eyes and sarcastically said in a slightly pitiful tone.

"Hey, how did David, who has always been tough, become like this?"

"Aren't you very capable?"

"Didn't you show off your strength yesterday?"

“Do you feel like you’re joining the company just because you’re wearing a suit?”

"What a big joke."

"Do you think you can win the favor of the company's senior management by standing out in private?"

"Let me tell you, the most important thing about working in Arasaka Company is your background."

"Do you think he was able to become a double minister based on his own strength?"


"After all, he is not a member of the Arasaka family."

Just as Tanaka Katsuo was talking with great joy, someone carefully pulled his sleeve.

Tanaka Katsuo waved his hand, as if what he said was not enough, he wanted to say all the rest.

But the classmate next to him pulled his sleeve harder and reminded him with a trembling voice.

"Katsuo, stop talking."

Tanaka Katsuo felt strange, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, so he turned around blankly.

That demon-like face appeared before him again, something he would never forget.

The other party was the first person who dared to slap him. Even his father had never slapped him in his life.

Tanaka Katsuo's stunned gaze was mixed with fear and surprise. He couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly appeared here and was still standing behind him.

He didn't wait for Tanaka Katsuo to explain or activate his prosthetic body to call for help.


A loud slap resounded throughout the auditorium, attracting countless people's attention.

Tanaka Katsuo was whipped so hard that he rolled over, most of his teeth were broken, and he fell straight onto the back of the back seat. He lay back and fell unconscious, with blood spilling from his mouth.

The people nearby were so frightened that they froze in place without saying a word. No one dared to help Tanaka Katsuo who fell to the ground.

This backhand slap was so cruel that Tanaka Katsuo fainted.

The students in the auditorium stood up one after another and focused their attention on the center of the incident. There was only an exclamation mark in everyone's heart.

What about Tanaka Katsuo being slapped? !

Tang Yu shook his fingers slightly, this time with more strength and strength. He seemed to be quite satisfied, then turned and walked towards the podium, sitting directly on the main seat.

The principal of Arasaka Academy, who came in behind, was covered in sweat and couldn't care less about Tanaka Katsuo, who was knocked unconscious.

He also quickly walked onto the stage and sat on the deputy seat.

The beautiful waiter in Arasaka uniform immediately brought the tea and then slowly retreated.

The principal turned on the microphone, coughed twice, and began to speak to the students.

"Everyone, students, return to your seats immediately and keep quiet!"

"Now the meeting begins."

When the auditorium was completely quiet, Tanaka Katsuo was carried away by security personnel, and the principal of Arasaka College introduced him again.

"Now I would like to solemnly introduce the mentors of this period's practical judges."

"Deputy Director of the Counterintelligence Department and Special Operations Department, Mr. Tang Yu."

"Classmates, welcome with a round of applause!"


PY trades a book: "Cyber: My body with 3 intelligence is a billion points stronger".

I'm confused. There are too many rewards and I can't copy them. I would like to thank all the big donors for the rewards, especially the big guy from DustDreams. I smashed three hundred bucks. I feel guilty about instant noodles!

Today’s third update is guaranteed to be 15,000, and I’ll try my best to hit 20,000.

Ten thousand will be issued first, and the remaining five thousand codes will be issued.

at last.

You Yanzu have really gone too far. Lucy’s likes have exceeded 400, and I, Tang Yu, am still struggling with 200 likes.

The storm cries!

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