Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 24 Vodka with Ice, Lime Juice, and Ginger Beer

"Lin, I need your help!"

On the other end of the phone, Goro Takemura appeared with an embarrassed expression.

"I'm trying to gather information on Anderson Herman, but I'm stuck."

Hearing this, Lin Chao was delighted: "Let me guess, are you going to go to the next life to find out some information, but it was thrown out by Rogge?"

Takemura Goro's face darkened: "She doesn't want to have anything to do with the person wanted by Arasaka, so I can only come to you for help."

"Rogge's eyes are open to the sky, and he does know about Herman, so leave it to me." Lin Chao grinned.

Takemura Goro nodded, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I am penniless now, so I may not be able to promise you a reward."

"If you're willing to help me, I owe you a favor."

"Ding, the super selection system is on."

"Option 1: Help Takemura Goro to find out information about Herman, reward: Black Light Virus Evolution Acceleration Card*1"

"Option 2: no help, reward: 100 million euros"

"Option 3: Report the information of Goro Takemura to Raisaka Arasaka, reward: random legend-level prosthetic plug-in*3"

After two days, the super selection system appeared again.

And this time, the option to help Takemura Goro is a bit disadvantageous.

However, Lin Chao didn't really care.

"Good to say."

Lin Chao readily complied with Goro Takemura's request.

"Ding, accept the mission [Tiger Falls Pingyang]: Help Takemura Goro to find out information about Herman."

He really doesn't care much if he doesn't get paid.

After all, the three of them still have more than 33 million euros in their hands, plus a villa.

So he has no shortage of money for the time being.

This time to help Takemura Goro, he was rushing to check his favorability.

not to mention.

Herman's line was the key to his contact with Panan's wife.

Thinking of the two-for-one car shock in the game, Lin Chao's heart stabbed a little.

"Lin? My intuition tells me that you seem to be thinking about something bad?" Takemura Goro was keenly aware of something.

Lin Chao blushed when his heart was pierced by Goro Takemura.

"Cough, I was thinking about what to ask when I met Rogge, you think too much."

"Is that so?" Takemura Goro had no doubts.

"Then good luck, this woman is picky, expensive, and uneducated."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

This is V also coming over: "Someone just looked for you?"

"Goro Takemura, he may need my help over there." Lin Chao smiled helplessly.

"What's wrong, do you need our help?" Jack also walked over.

Compared with looking at mansions here, he is more concerned about whether he can help Lin Chao.

Lin Chao thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, let's have a drink together."


After another half-hour drive, the three finally arrived at the Afterlife Bar.

This is one of the most famous "attractions" in Night City.

All the famous mercenaries and middlemen of Night City often come here to drink and chat.

V and Jack are not stabbed here.

With the two of them with them, Lin Chao didn't encounter the embarrassing scene of being turned away.

"Ah, afterlife, here we come again!"

As soon as he entered the afterlife, Jack seemed extremely excited.

"Jack, v, did you bring a new friend here?" A slightly rough girl caught Lin Chao's attention.

He heard the reputation, and it was the bartender of the next life: Claire Russell

For her, Lin Chao also had some impressions.

A transgender person, who has never installed a prosthetic body, will give the protagonist a racing task called: [Trapped Beast in Heart].

It's a character with a bit of a story.

"Hello, Lin Chao" Lin Chao sat on the bar with a smile.

Claire smiled: "Hello Lin, what would you like to drink? I'll invite you for the first cup."

"Tell her, old-fashioned tequila, with some beer and chili."

Johnny suddenly appeared on the side of the chair, looking around at the furnishings of the next life.

Lin Chao did not refuse this request.

"Old-fashioned tequila with a little beer and chili."

"A glass of Johnny Silverhand, how about you?" Claire looked at Jack and v

"Just like last time."

"Vodka with ice, lime juice, and ginger beer?" Claire asked.

Jack nodded: "Yes, and a little love."

"Got it, here it is."

Seeing the smiles on Jack and V's faces, Lin Chao suddenly felt a brighter mood.

Jack was rescued.

v also no longer have to face the constant threat of death.

At least one's own half completed.

"Chao, I told you, this next life..."

Taking advantage of Claire's bartending, Jack pulled Jack and V into a chat.

Johnny also sat aside and listened to the exchange of the three, occasionally spitting out two words in Lin Chao's head.

Soon, the wine came.

Jack took the lead in toasting: "Come on, let's escape!"

"Escape from the dead!"


A bitter drink in the throat, followed by spicy and malty aromas of the beer.

"Ah... it's so fucking fun!" Johnny next to him was enjoying himself.

At this time, his state was closely linked to Lin Chao.

All of Lin Chao's senses, he can share.

Of course, if Lin Chao wants to.

Otherwise, due to the restrictions of the black light virus, Johnny can only listen to Lin Chao's landlord honestly.

After a glass of wine, Lin Chao began to think about business.

"Claire, is Roger in the next life now? I want to ask her about something."

"Ask me? Do you have enough money?"

The voice fell, and a woman with a slightly old face but a charming figure walked towards the three of them.

ps: Some fraternities asked, why did the protagonist know about Helmand’s news?

Because first, only Rogge will give Panan's contact information.

The second is the specific time of Herman's appearance, which is not given in the game. *

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