Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 5 Saburo Arasaka is not dead yet, do you want to cooperate?

"You're riding a horse crazy!"

v was holding onto Lin Chao's clothes tightly, his pretty face turned white at this time.

With this exposure, she and Jack are absolutely dead on this trip!

Lin Chao took a deep breath and said softly, "Trust me, I won't trick you."

After speaking, he gently broke free from V's hands and walked out from behind the TV wall.

"Hello Arasaka Raisan, let me introduce myself, Lin Chao."

At this time, Lin Chao couldn't see any nervousness at all.

Looking at Lin Chao with a smile on his face, Raisaka Arasaka glanced at Saburo Arasaka's corpse on the ground, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You kill my father, and you still want to..."

"Stop, stop!" Lin Chao hurriedly stopped Arasaka Lai Xuan and continued on.

"What about you, don't pour dirty water on me, I just recorded the whole process."

Hearing this, Raisaka Arasaka frowned slightly: "So you are planning to threaten me?"

"Sorry, don't be so ugly, I just want to discuss cooperation with you."

Lin Chao grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

"Heh..." Lai Xuan smiled contemptuously: "Cooperation? Do you have any bargaining chips worth letting me cooperate with you?"

"If it's just based on the video you have, I can tell you responsibly."

"You have no chance to upload it online!"

Lai Xuan's voice was very cold.

He hated the feeling of being threatened.

Lin Chao smiled and shook his head: "I'm not the kind of person who is rude. I'm not familiar with you, Arasaka Lai Xuan."

"Heh...Tell me about it."

Lin Chao put his hands on his back and said slowly: "Although you are the heir of Arasaka, you have long disliked Arasaka's behavior."

"As early as 50 years ago, Johnny Silverhand blew up the Arasaka Tower, and you realized that it is absolutely impossible for a real bomb to end the filth and evil of Arasaka."

"If one Arasaka tower is gone, another will rise."

"So you want to turn yourself into a bomb."

"Am I right?" Lin Chao looked at Raisaka Arasaka with a smile.

At this time, Arasaka Lai Xuan looked at Lin Chao and turned from disdain to horror!

These ideas, he has never spoken to anyone in more than fifty years.

Who is this mysterious man named Lin Chao!

"Go on..." Arasaka Laixuan said solemnly.

Lin Chao nodded and crouched beside Saburo Arasaka's body.

"There are still many obstacles for you, the board of directors of the entire Arasaka Group, and your sister Arasaka Kanako."

Hearing Lin Chao mentioning his sister, Arasaka Lai Xuan frowned slightly.

"Of course I know this, it's not your turn to remind you."

"But there is one more thing you don't know." The smile on Lin Chao's face spread.

"Your father, Saburo Arasaka, is not dead."

"What did you say!?" Arasaka Raizo, who was already sitting on the sofa, stood up again.

Then he walked quickly to Saburo Arasaka's body.

"You don't have to read it, this body is indeed dead, but before again, he has uploaded the consciousness data to the oracle."

"And you, in the future, will become the container of his data consciousness and resurrect it again."

Lin Chao's voice was incomparably flat.

It seems that this shocking inside story is nothing unusual to him.

It's just that Arasaka Raisan, who was listening to these words, could no longer remain calm.

He didn't have much doubts about Lin Chao's words.

It can even be said that he had guessed before, but now Lin Chao has confirmed it for him.

The two sank for a while, and finally Arasaka Lai Xuan, who finally calmed down, finally looked at Lin Chao and said seriously: "Tell me, how do you want to cooperate."

"That's not right." The smile on Lin Chao's face became even brighter.

He sat on the sofa and poured himself a glass of champagne slowly.

"It's very simple, I will help you destroy the hidden danger of the oracle, so that Saburo Arasaka will not leave a code."

"Hmph, it's easy to say." Arasaka Lai Xuan dignified sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Lin Chao shrugged and said confidently: "I know that only Kanako Arasaka has permission to enter the oracle."

"The computer room is even farther away on the orbital space station."

"But so what, I have my own way."

Hearing that Lin Chao was so familiar with Arasaka's top secret, the oracle, Arasaka Raisun frowned.

After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Then what do you need me to do?"

Lin Chao looked at the golden liquor in the glass and pointed to Saburo Arasaka's body with his toes:

"It's very simple for you, just throw this pot of dirty water on the head of military technology and use it as an excuse to go to war."

For a moment, Arasaka Raisuan looked at the leisurely Lin Chao, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.

With such a relaxed tone, such a horrible thing was told.

Does he know what it means when the world's top two military enterprises go to war?

"You don't have to look at me very much." Lin Chao took a sip of the champagne in his glass and continued:

"Actually, you would do it even without me, right?"

Arasaka Raisan clenched his fists tightly.

Although he looked like he was only about thirty years old.

But in fact he has lived more than seventy years.

In fact, for many years, he had never experienced the terrifying feeling of being completely seen through his heart, even in his father.

This oriental man who seems to be only in his twenties...

Who is it! *

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