Cyberpunk 2077: Kill Adam Hammer at the Start

Chapter 15 Bamboo Village was hunted down? Save the field!

"Chao, why do we go to that garbage dump when we have nothing to do?" Jack asked inexplicably.

He and v had just finished installing the new prosthetic body when they were pulled by Lin Chao and drove to the garbage dump outside the city.

"Go save someone with me first, it might be cold if you go late."

In Lin Chao's mind, the figure of Goro Takemura appeared.

Takemura Goro, this cute and rigid guy, left a deep impression on him.

Even after the third week of the game, I learned that I can save this product.

Lin Chao resolutely opened another gear.

Although it is said that he is the most loyal person around Saburo Arasaka.

Also an uncompromising company dog.

He was even able to give up his position in the company in order to avenge Saburo Arasaka, and dared to oppose Saburo Arasaka.

But he also saved V, and the Bushido spirit in him is also the shining point of this era.

If it is possible.

Lin Chao hopes to dig him over from Saburo Arasaka.

It was a pity that Takemura was with that kind of person.

I left a note for him in room 204.

According to that guy's rigid nature, in order to get what he wants, he should do what he says.

And he went to the junkyard, and the plot should be back on track.

At that time, naturally, it will run into the killer that Arasaka Raisan sent to kill him.

During the game plot, V, who has his own control, helped him kill the killer.

He is the only one left now, and if no one helps, there is no doubt that there will be any accident.

And I just took this opportunity to try out this new prosthetic body.

Thinking of this, Lin Chao, who was sitting side by side with v in the back seat of the car, showed a smile on his face.



"Arasaka-sama, I have found a way to contact the murderer of your father."

"Yes, he left a note for me, it should be an appointment to meet at the garbage dump outside the city."

"I'm here now, and I'll try to bring him back."

"I'll be there in an hour."

Goro Takemura hung up the phone with Raisaka Arasaka and continued to wait for Lin Chao to arrive at the garbage dump.

For Saburo Arasaka's death, he has been brooding.

As a professional, how could he not see it.

Saburo did not die of poisoning as Lai Xuan said, but from trauma!

And the reason why he wants to continue to track down the "murderer"

Just to give myself courage.

The courage to face the truth!


"Hmph, a loyal dog who was nostalgic for his dead master, ready to bark at his new master."

Arasaka Raisan, who turned off the communication, flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Then he opened the communication again...

"The garbage dump outside the city, take out Bamboo Village for me."

"Yes, right now."

The blue light in his eyes went out, and fear flashed across Arasaka Raisuan's face.

"That Lin Chao, how could he be found by that guy in Takemura so easily? Could it be that he left some clues on purpose?"

"That guy...what is he going to do..."




"Bah, ah!"

"Da da da……"

The manic engine sound, the violent gunshots, constantly echoed on the highway outside Night City.

At this time, Goro Takemura was driving a convertible sports car without a windshield, confronting several cyber mercenaries riding motorcycles and holding firearms.

Just when he was waiting in the garbage dump, this mercenary attacked him.

In desperation, he could only drive away.

However, these people seem to be well prepared, so that the current situation is in jeopardy.

"Bastard, who is it!"

Takemura slammed on the accelerator, while the thoughts in his mind flew.

Is it the mysterious man who left a note for himself, or is it Arasaka Raisuan?


There was another screeching roar of the engine.

A cyber mercenary riding a motorcycle has chased the side of the sports car.

The submachine gun in his hand has been aimed at Takemura...


Amidst the sudden loud noise, an opposing police jeep smashed the cyber mercenary into pieces.

And then a handsome drift, biting tightly in the back of Takemura's sports car.

It was Lin Chao who grabbed the police jeep before!

This scene made Takemura's heart skip a beat again.

Could it be that this is also to hunt down and kill yourself?

At the moment when he was distracted, an extremely agile figure jumped onto his sports car from the locomotive on the other side.


The sharp mantis knife popped out and stabbed the vital point of Zhumura.

Simply Takemura's reaction was fast enough, and he hurriedly turned the steering wheel to defuse the offensive.

But the mantis knife mercenary was still standing on the car, and raised the mantis knife high, ready to launch the next round of offensive!

"Jack, hold the car, I'll deal with that mercenary."

Lin Chao explained, opened the door and turned over to the roof of the Jeep.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he secretly rejoiced in his heart that he was here in time.

Otherwise, it will be later, and Takemura will have to explain it here.

"Huh... Since I can still use the things and skills in the game, I hope this can be useful."

Lin Chao took a deep breath, stood on the roof of the car, aimed at the mercenary on the car in Zhumura in the distance, and held a "jue" in a defensive stance.

The next second, he rushed forward!

Krenzikov, start!

ps: All the mercenaries in Krenzikov’s super jump should have tried it ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿*

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