When Chu Sichen returned to the hotel, he did not immediately return to his room, but instead went to Linchuchu's room first. Pushing open the door, he saw Linchuchu curled up on the deck chair. She looked quiet and a little pitiful.

Chu Sichen's heart suddenly felt an indescribable pain. He walked over and gently caressed Linchuchu's hair. Why are you sitting here, not sleeping? "

"I've already slept for a long time, I can't fall asleep now." Linchuchu said indifferently.

"Didn't you forget the past now? Why are you still so hostile towards Lin Xiaxia?" Chu Sichen asked again.

"Do I have one? It seems that she was the one who provoked me every time. "Although I have a good temper, it's not to the point that I don't want to be bullied without making a sound." Linchuchu turned to look at Chu Sichen's face.

"She is a bit too much, but if you want to form a team, there will always be a few choices. It's not something that can be solved just by being tough." Chu Sichen was exceptionally easygoing today, causing him to be a little puzzled.

"Are you busy today?" It was Linchuchu's turn to ask.

"Every day is the same. It makes no difference to me." Chu Sichen replied indifferently.

"Then you must be very tired. Why don't you go back and sleep?" Linchuchu asked again.

"I'm worried that if you don't sleep, I won't be able to sleep well." After Chu Sichen finished speaking, he carried Linchuchu and placed her back onto the bed, then wrapped her with a blanket.

Linchuchu opened her eyes wide as she looked at Chu Sichen, unable to understand what he was doing.

"Now, I command you, go to sleep." Chu Sichen laid down beside her gently and hugged her through the cup.

Amidst the soft sounds of Chu Sichen's breathing, Linchuchu finally relaxed and closed her eyes, sinking back into sleep.

When Linchuchu was fully asleep, she sat up, she sat on the chair beside the bed, took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it, then took a long drag of smoke. Smoke curled up, and his pair of deep eyes stared intently at the sleeping Linchuchu.

Linchuchu slept soundly, and when she woke up, the sky was already bright. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and realized that Chu Sichen was no longer by her side. She got off the bed and was about to go wash her face, when she suddenly bumped into Chu Sichen who had just came out of the bathroom after showering.

"Wash your face and change your clothes and come out with me right now." Chu Sichen returned to that indifferent tone once again.

"I'm not going. I'm going to finish my mission today." Linchuchu hesitated, and was unwilling to go with him.

"Follow me and do as I say. Once you're done, I'll consider it as you completing your mission." Chu Sichen said tyrannically, not allowing him to refute.

With no other choice, Linchuchu could only quickly wash up, change her clothes, and go out the door with Chu Sichen. Chu Sichen's car drove them to a large swimming pool.

Linchuchu was puzzled as to why Chu Sichen brought her to this kind of place. Chu Sichen did not explain and only asked her to follow him.

Chu Sichen bought swimsuits for both himself and Linchuchu at the swimming pool. The two of them washed themselves a bit before wearing their swimsuits and entered the swimming pool. Linchuchu wore a bikini dress, revealing her beautiful body in an extremely alluring manner. Chu Sichen looked at her and expressed his satisfaction, then brought her to the resting area.

There was a row of beach tables here. Chu Sichen brought Linchuchu to one of the tables. A handsome man with golden hair and blue eyes was drinking tea at the table. Linchuchu recognized this person, he was the target of her strategy, Xu Zhiyuan.

Seeing that Chu Sichen had arrived, Xu Zhiyuan immediately stood up and greeted him courteously. Chu Sichen started to chat with him friendly.

When the two of them sat down, Xu Zhiyuan saw Linchuchu, and joked: "Chairman Chu's luck with women is really good, the women he carries with him are all extraordinary."

"There's no need for that. Just bring a random secretariat over to serve us tea." Linchuchu, quickly go pour some tea. " Chu Sichen glanced at Linchuchu.

Xu Zhiyuan tsk-ed: "This girl is not bad, not only is she pretty, her body is also of the highest quality. Look at her waist, this chest must be really satisfying to rub on."

Chu Sichen laughed: "It's only that much when it's used, it's just a useless trash."

The two of them did not care about how Linchuchu felt as they discussed her without restraint in front of her. Linchuchu was extremely disgusted in his heart, but Xi Shan did not reveal it at all, as she obediently helped the two people drink their tea.

After chatting for a while, Xu Zhiyuan suddenly said: "I'll go take a swim to warm up. Chairman Chu, you can stay here to drink some tea first."

Seeing that Xu Zhiyuan had gone to swim, Chu Sichen turned to look at him, "He's criticizing you so much, what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter. A woman like me, what qualifications do I have to evaluate you, my lords?" Linchuchu said indifferently.

Chu Sichen stared at Linchuchu suspiciously, but just as he was about to say something, Xu Zhiyuan came back.

"Swimming alone is boring. Chairman Chu, why don't we go swimming together and have some fun?" Xu Zhiyuan laughed.

"Oh? Betting? "Betting on what?" Chu Sichen asked curiously.

"Let's bet on her." Xu Zhiyuan pointed to Linchuchu.

"What do you mean?" Chu Sichen did not understand.

"I find this girl very pleasing to look at. I want to take her away from you for a few days to play around. I'm afraid you won't want to. Why don't we swim and determine the winner, whoever reaches the other side first will win. "If I win, you give her to me. If you win, I'll sign the contract with you. What do you say?" Xu Zhiyuan laughed.

Chu Sichen muttered to himself for a moment, then looked at Linchuchu: "What do you think?"

Linchuchu's body trembled, but she immediately replied calmly: "I have no objections."

"Alright then, let's bet then!" Chu Sichen said indifferently, "But since we're betting on her, then let her compete with you."

Xu Zhiyuan expressed no objections, thus he stood together with Linchuchu on the stage.

Chu Sichen raised his arm, and signalled to them before he let his arm drop. Both of them jumped into the water at the same time.

Linchuchu held back her anger. When she first met Xu Zhiyuan that day, he was still pretending to be dignified. She did not expect that even after ripping off her disguise, she was still a detestable pervert. Linchuchu didn't want to lose to him, so she decided to give it her all.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zhiyuan did not swim with all his might. Instead, when he jumped into the water with Linchuchu, he immediately entangled Xu Zhiyuan's body. A pair of hands started to caress Linchuchu's exquisite body wantonly, and they even used force to touch sensitive areas of his body.

Linchuchu immediately panicked, she did not think that this Xu Zhiyuan was even more despicable, shameless, and reckless than she thought.

While she was struggling to get her hands out of the water, Xu Zhiyuan took the chance when she was not prepared to attack and took over her body. His hands went through her collar and legs respectively, while groaning in joy. Linchuchu felt that the most sensitive part of his body was being wantonly pinched by a few of his fingers, which was both shameful and annoyed. Other than Chu Sichen, no one could be this unreasonable.

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