Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 211: Family meeting - start voting

"Mama May, if you can, I also agree with your idea, but we can’t get away. On the contrary, if we move now, there may be no other disasters in a short time, but there will be one after that. A serious danger that exceeded everyone's expectations followed." Seeing Ma May's anxious look, Alan couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, but he continued to speak.

No way, if they want to survive, then based in New York, the center of the Marvel universe is the most important thing. In this planet and city that cannot be avoided in all kinds of movie plots, it is the most correct to take root. of.

Because only here is the place where most of the infinite gems are gathered. Whether it is space gems, soul gems, time gems, and even reality gems, they have all appeared in New York. Even soul gems and power gems will eventually end up because of these gems. Gather on the earth.

Therefore, as long as Alan gets any one of the infinite rough stones from the first few of them, he can hold back and is worthy of anyone. What's more, Alan does not think that he who has the foresight advantage will only get one. Minimal space gems and soul gems are two requirements. Forget the mind gems, let it go. If the process is possible, maybe there is a powerful helper, just a space gem and a reality gem.

Allen said that he is not greedy, just these two will do. As for the power gem, anyway, if there is only the ability shown in the movie, Allen really looks down on it. Allen only applies to gems with Rubik's Cube. Interested, especially the ability of space gems to teleport to the entire universe and reality gems to turn any falsehood into reality.

It can be said that as long as he has reality gems, Allen can create anything he can imagine, something as simple as the dangerous wanderer super-large mecha of the Pacific Rim, or the ship's mother... AI human... intelligent? At the thought of this, Ellen couldn't help but touch the saliva at the corner of his mouth with excitement.

If there is anything in Marvel’s world that is most useful to Alan, a traverser, it is undoubtedly a gem of reality. He can turn all falsehoods into reality as long as he wants to. This is no exaggeration. In the movie In, Spicy Chicken Shredded is just relying on a gem of reality to create the darkness that can swallow the Nine Realms and even the entire universe.

If there is such a thing, then the space that Allen can operate is definitely beyond the limit.

"Alan, do you know what?" Hearing this, Skye on the side also felt that something was not quite right. His own younger brother seemed to really know something. If it is true as Allen said, then he can If you, your younger brother with genuine superhuman abilities, call it a serious dangerous event, then you don’t need to ask, it must be quite serious, but now Skye is not too sure, so he asked. .

"Yeah, Ellen, if there is any situation, you must say it. Although you and Ma may not be able to help, we will do our best." My dad originally felt something was wrong after hearing Alan's words, but Skye was the first to speak, so only after Skye finished speaking, my dad opened his mouth and followed Alan's words.

Although he did not express his bluntly about the family move this time, he was very pleased to see that his two sons, one of his own sons, and one of his younger brother's sons were so sensible. Betrayed my own teaching, so after hearing that Allen had something on his mind, he asked immediately.

Hearing Ben's words, even Mei, who was still a little sad, couldn't help but stop, just looking at Allen quietly, waiting for Allen to take the initiative to confess.

"Well, it's nothing, just a director of the National Family Planning Office. He has great opinions on the current population boom on the planet, the overexploitation of resources and the unreasonable allocation of resources, and other things like that. , A certain old man in the wild, because he was too hungry, was wandering around to eat, and he took a little brother to look for food everywhere, or a gang leader wanted to seize the territory, that’s it, it’s actually not a big deal. ."

Seeing the whole family turn their gazes to him again, Allen couldn't help spreading his small hands, and then pretending to be a little finger and a little finger, he started to speak.

"So these are the things that make you speak like a catastrophe and aliens invaded?" After hearing Alan finished, Skye couldn't help but hesitated and asked hesitantly.

Please, you are a superman, like the attitude of the director of the National Family Planning Office, what does it matter to you, is this a problem that you need to worry about? A large population is also for other countries. Anyway, because of the scarcity of their population, it is time for their country to give birth to a child. If Skye remembers correctly, the money seems to be a lot. Anyway, she seems to be on the news before. I have seen it.

And besides this barely considered an international event, what will follow? Beggar looking for something to eat? Even if it is a collective begging group, is this a thing? Talking about the gang leader afterwards, Skye is even more powerless to complain, it's just that she doesn't know how many gang leaders she catches every day.

Anyway, she couldn’t understand Ellen’s weird brain If it weren’t for Ellen, who could float in the air, it was indeed her brother’s unique ability, she thought it was this person. I'm afraid it was not dropped by the aliens.

"Ellen, it may be that you and Ma may be old and don’t understand your little black humor, but I can’t ask you to stop making such boring jokes in this serious family voting meeting next time. "Hearing Allen's explanation, my father was relieved and couldn't help raising his voice a little.

My dad strongly condemned Allen's behavior of moaning without illness, changing the subject, making fuss, and frightening at every turn.

Ma Mei, who was next to her, wanted to speak, but after seeing her old open mouth, she said to Ellen, she didn’t continue to say anything. It’s just that she, who had a small temper, found that she couldn’t get angry anymore. The easy atmosphere was interrupted by Allen's uproar.

"So my brother, what's your opinion! YesorNo! Just be quick, if you choose to retreat like Sister Skye, then I have nothing to say." Looking at Alan and never doing the last When he made his statement, he couldn't help but make Peter, who was waiting for the result, also started to get anxious, and then spoke.

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