Gu Xinyan shook her head and said, "I guess he thought so at first, but he forgot about it later, otherwise Jiang Manli wouldn't have found it in the suitcase."

Ling Moxue sighed, "Oh, why didn't Mi Zhibo take this suitcase away?"

"How do you bring it? He was beaten by the Jiang family and he couldn't get up. I guess everyone didn't think of his box at the time." Gu Xinyan scratched her hair irritably, then picked up the phone, "I will give it to Dad and Mingxuan. Call and have them deal with this right away."

"Well, call quickly, I'll go see mom again."

Ling Moxue went downstairs, and Ling Qiyue suddenly ran out of her mother-in-law's room, "Mummy, Mommy, grandma is gone."

Hearing this, Ling Moxue's heart thumped, and she rushed into her mother-in-law's room, and saw that the comb and some cosmetics on her dressing table were gone.

She hurriedly said to Ling Qiyue: "Go upstairs quickly and tell aunt that grandma is gone."

After finishing speaking, she rushed downstairs and asked a maid if she had seen Madam. The maid shook her head and said that she had just come from the backyard, but she saw a small car driving out before.

Do you still need to ask? It must be the mother-in-law.

But Ling Moxue still ran to the gate and asked Master Miao, "Did my mother-in-law drive out?"

Master Miao nodded, "Yes, she said to pick up Mr., because Mr. Drank too much."

To pick up your father-in-law? How is it possible, the father-in-law has bodyguards by his side, and besides, she doesn't need to take away the daily necessities when she goes to pick them up.

Running home, Gu Xinyan had already gone downstairs, and she hurriedly said to Ling Moxue: "Father and Mingxuan have rushed back, they will take care of things, the photos on the Internet have been posted, and the current situation is very serious for Dad. Unfortunately, many people call Dad a hypocrite and have a good face."

Gu Haoran also came out of the room when he got the news. Hearing that his mother left the house angrily, and her cell phone couldn't get through, he immediately picked up the car keys: "I'll go find it!"

"Woooooo...I want grandma, grandma!" Sensing that the atmosphere at home was not right, and grandma disappeared again, Ling Qiyue cried sadly.

Ling Qiyang saw that the faces of the adults were not good, and he was worried and anxious. He immediately hugged his sister's shoulder with one hand and pulled Mi Rongxing with the other, "You two come upstairs with me, don't quarrel with the adults anymore."

The three came to the children's room, Ling Qiyang scattered the toys on the carpet, "Sit down, let's play together."

"Guokuo, are you still in the mood to play? Grandma is missing." Ling Qiyue had tears on her face, her small mouth puckered in sadness.

Mi Rongxing was also in a bad mood, holding the remote control plane in a daze.

"Grandma will be back." Ling Qiyang said confidently.

"how do you know?"

"Because she is our grandma, she won't play childish temper. Now she is in a bad mood, she just goes out to relax."

Ling Qiyue didn't understand, she wiped away tears, "Guokuo, why is grandma in a bad mood? She is dressed so beautifully today."

Ling Qiyang has already learned about the photo from the conversation between his mother and aunt. It is probably a photo of his grandfather and other women. Although it is not clear whether it is true or not, it is estimated that the situation is more serious.

He got up to get his phone, opened Weibo to read, and sure enough, he saw several messages about his grandfather cheating on other women.

Suddenly, there was an unspeakable feeling in his heart, and his chest seemed to be blocked by something.

In my heart, how could such a tall, brave and righteous grandpa feel sorry for grandma?

Gu Jincheng came back, but Gu Mingxuan did not arrive home. He learned that his mother had left home, so he turned back halfway and was going to the hotel to look for his mother...

"Do you believe this is the truth?" Gu Jincheng tore off the tie on his neck as soon as he got home, and shook his hands angrily, "I, Gu Jincheng, walk and sit upright, and I am not afraid of anyone's slander!"

When Ling Qiyang heard his grandfather came back, he took the two little guys and stood on the corridor on the second floor. He heard what his grandfather said clearly, and his tight little chest couldn't help but slowly stretch out.

"Dad, is this photo real?" Gu Xinyan handed him two photos.

Gu Jincheng glanced at it, and smiled coldly, "These paparazzi are really full, and they just stare at other people's buttocks all day when they have nothing to do, yes! This photo is real!"

"Dad!" Gu Xinyan was anxious, "Why are you so careless?"

"What do I pay attention to? I, Gu Jincheng, am upright and upright. If I have no desires, I will be just! This woman is my comrade-in-arms. She is a military doctor. After changing jobs, she went abroad with her husband. Unfortunately, her husband had a car accident... I met her that day, and she told me After hearing about this incident, I cried so much that I comforted her before I hugged her and wiped her face with a tissue."

Uh... the whole family breathed a sigh of relief.

Ling Moxue's tense body also loosened, her shoulders softened, she sat down on the sofa and picked up a cup to drink a few sips of water.

Ling Qiyang smiled, and said to the two children beside him, "Let's go, with grandpa here, grandma will definitely come back."

"Then grandpa is still a good person?" Ling Qiyue asked him.

"Of course, we have to trust our grandfather." Ling Qiyang patted her on the head.

"Guokuo, don't pat my head from now on. If the brain cells are killed, I will be even more stupid." Ling Qiyue pushed his hand away.

Ling Qiyang swiped his hand twice in the air, Mi Rongxing looked at him puzzled, he winked and told him with his lips——

This is the only way to kill brain cells.

Half an hour later, both Gu Mingxuan and Gu Haoran called back, saying that they could not find their mother.

At this moment, Gu Jincheng's eyes also darkened, his hand holding the cigar trembled slightly, his handsome brows were twisted into knots, but he muttered dissatisfiedly: "This old woman, why did she become so stupid tonight?"

"Father, Mother Jiang's words are so harsh, and in front of so many rich wives, mother loses all face." Gu Xinyan said unhappily. wxya

Ling Moxue looked carefully at her father-in-law, and said cautiously: "Yes, Dad, Mom may not be able to accept this fact for a while, I heard that you used to not go home all the year round, it is inevitable that Mom will have a lump in her heart."

Gu Jincheng took a puff on his cigarette and pinched the cigarette butt, "Just because I don't go home doesn't mean I don't love this family! Oh, why doesn't this old woman understand, I'm too busy to go home."

The tone in the back softened, and he wiped his face, "Let me go find her."

"Dad, I'll accompany you." Gu Xinyan stood up.

Gu Jincheng shook his hands, "No! I'll go by myself."

"Dad, what if Mom doesn't believe you?" Ling Moxue asked.

Gu Jincheng shook his phone, "I have a solution."

"Dad, the rumors on the Internet..."

Gu Jincheng straightened his body, confident and majestic, "The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid! I won't show up this time, and the sun will still shine tomorrow!"


Chen Yilan did not go to Jindu Hotel, but came to her alma mater, N City Teachers College.

The reason why she brought out the daily necessities was that after she stayed here for a while, if Gu Jincheng hadn't come to see her, then she would find a hotel to spend the night.

From meeting Gu Jincheng to getting married, she felt that the most romantic thing happened here...

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