Chapter 0078: Even… The last child also betrayed… This mother!!

[“Tiamat God Child, Jin Gu, will show the Heavenly Lock Basket at this moment!!! “】

[Dazzling golden light emerged, and a huge cross radiance stretched for several kilometers emerged, buzzing and buzzing!!!! “】

[“Boom, boom, boom!!!! “The deafening sound resounded in the sky, and the ground lit up with brilliant golden light that enveloped Tiamat, and the engraved golden spell formation swallowed Tiamat’s huge figure, boom!” 】

[The sound of cold metal rubbing echoed, and countless silver-white iron chains dyed with golden brilliance shot straight out into the sky!!!! 】

“The mother’s anger has already passed the clouds of smoke, and now it is the breath of the stars that is awakened!!! “】

[In the distance, the golden streamer has completely stopped at this time, and Gilgamesh looks at the scene in front of him with a flat expression, but there are ripples in the scarlet eyes… That used to be Wang’s best friend… It’s still the same]


[“O world! Hope to bind the gods!!! “】

[In the sky, the beautiful green figure rushed straight into the sky, golden light appeared on the earth, countless chains of gold followed closely and circled around the body, shrouded in golden light… The beautiful green man turned into a giant]

[The big chain fell from a high altitude and hit Tiamat’s body! ] 】

[“Good! Looking at the scene in front of him, Gilgamesh spoke… Under the choice of this dear friend, Wang did not escape, his eyes were firmly fixed on the figure of Tiamat. 】

[After hearing the words of the Gilgamesha Society, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew looked into the distance together…]

【”Click-click!!! “】

[The whole Uruk echoed the sound of chain tightening, and the Uruk in front of him seemed to be smeared with a layer of golden sand…]

[It’s so beautiful… Even that pitch-black scarlet chaos chaos can’t hide its charm! 】

[Countless iron chains stretched out from the ground, unexpectedly… He imprisoned the invincible god Tiamat in place!!! 】

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms wiped their eyes several times before confirming that they really didn’t see it!

In the video, Tiamat is so close to Uruk and Uruk King One Gilgamesh, and Rika, Orochimaru, is so close that his huge body is even a few steps away!

But… But it’s like a heavenly graben!

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds has some mixed grains in their hearts at this time, and every character who appears will bring them a different feeling…

Everyone who shows up makes them think it’s the end of the plot…

That’s right, everyone shows up, and after just a few minutes of appearing in this video, the curtain ends…

But the story behind everyone’s appearance is only the tip of the iceberg, and it can’t help but make people sigh… With the powerful manifestation of Tiamat, the crowd has even become numb to this, but at this moment…

Uruk shines with golden brilliance… When they saw Tiamat firmly imprisoned by this golden chain, everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

This time is undoubtedly the biggest transition point in this video! The safest place in the world in the Forbidden World, Gakuen City

The dark and enclosed environment is lit only by the central solution instrument and the void screen.

“The legendary Lock of Heaven…”

“Could it exist in this world…”

From beginning to end, the sound that could not hear any waves, like a machine, was surprised at this time, as the greatest magician of the century, Aresta naturally discovered it at the first time it appeared.

It is recorded in the [Epic of Gilgamesh] that the Lock of Heaven is the chain of the “Bull of Heaven” that once caught Uruk into a seven-year famine, and it is the same as Gilgamesh and the obedient sword Ea… No, trust in the treasure on top of it, whose power is the thing of the “god of law”.

That is to say, if the divinity of the target is higher, the more it increases the hardness of the treasure, which can be said to be one of the few pairs of divine weapons in the epic, but similarly, if it is a human or other creature without divinity, the Heavenly Lock is just a relatively strong chain.

And so far there have been no rumors about the Heavenly Lock. I didn’t expect to see it in the video…

“Bondage… restraint against divinity…”

In the dark corner, the angel light lights up slightly, announcing the authenticity of the chain in the video… But what puzzled the angel was…

“It shouldn’t be so strong…”

“Magic… superpowers…”

“The world anchor has been completely loosened…”


[The golden brilliance chain shone with brilliant light, leaving everyone helpless, Tiamat was imprisoned in place at this moment, unable to even move, the cross star light in the purple eyes shone slightly, Tiamat roared for some reason…]

[Maybe… Even Tiamat didn’t expect it…]

[Finally… Trust the child too… Betrayed her…]

[“As long as Tiamat takes one step forward, this divine tower will turn into ashes Since looking for the medicine of life and death, this king already knows that death is just the beginning of a kind of order, so at this moment the king’s expression is not too sad, looking at Tiamat being bound, the corners of the king’s mouth can’t help but rise, a smile appears on his face, Tiamat must be very unwilling, even taking this last step is so difficult, although it is only a moment’s bondage, but it seems to have reached an unbearable eternity…”

“Jin Gu…”

Unlike Gilgamesh’s attention, Fujimaru Tachika’s eyes showed a lightness, and her voice revealed incomprehensible complexity… From the very beginning the enemy… Until now companion…

[For a while, the orange-haired girl had an indescribable complexity in her heart…]

[“The Lock of Heaven… In the end, even the power of this Creation God can be suppressed! Thinking of this, Gilgamesh couldn’t help but show a smile on his face, and his voice couldn’t help but be a little high…”


[Maybe that’s it…] Mother of Creation…]

[Just by virtue of… Inhibited by a chain… Can’t move…】

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.


The scarlet snake pupil showed a trace of doubt, and the king was no longer angry at this time. The sorrow and anger of the second king came and went quickly.

At this time, Gilgamesh looked at Tiamat in the video, plus the subtitle insertion, and his brows wrinkled slightly. Just as the so-called party is obsessed, the bystander is clear.

Especially with this projection of the God World, it was obvious that Wang noticed that something was wrong.

“Whoops——! la-la-la”

Golden ripples emerged, a chain slowly popped out of the void, and Gilgamesh clutched the chain into his hand. The golden chain is reflected in the eyes of the scarlet snake.

“Is it really just that imprisoning Tiamat…”

“Under the golden chain, the figure of Tiamat is still tightly locked and cannot move, Gilgamesh looked at Tiamat in front of him, the golden stone slab in his hand turned into a golden point of light, dissipated in the air, raised his head,”

“King Ben witnessed the departure of his best friend twice, the first time was lamentation, but this time it was different… That admirable and proud heroic figure has been forever engraved in the eyes of King Ben and the mind of King Ben!!! ”

[Turning his back on his body, Gilgamesh didn’t care about exposing his back to the enemy at all, and the blood hole in his chest was no longer bleeding at this time… The king turned to look at the two girls, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew,

“Fujimaru, King Ben wants to thank you!”

【“!!! Obviously not expecting such a situation, the girl suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at this king with a flattered look on her face. 】

“Even if we mobilize everything in this era, I am afraid that it can only go so far.”

Wang looked behind the girl… There… There were endless corpses and blood, but the king’s words did not end, and he continued,

“You are a foreigner, a foreign object of this era, a superfluous thing…”

[Gilgamesh’s words seemed to be deliberately hurtful, and he said without hesitation. 】


“That’s why! In order to make the powerless return to the world for us, make the final counterattack! ”


[The king did not appoint anyone! ] It will not negate this saving girl! 】

[Finally, Scarlet’s gaze shifted to the imprisoned god Tiamat again, the golden chains began to dim, and the brilliance was gradually receding, as if it could not be supported for long, but it seemed to be preparing for something. ] 】


“The time is ripe, and I’ll leave it all to you.”]

【Yes! ×2】

[“Fujimaru Kaichi, the phase shift between the underworld and Uruk has been completed at the same time Eleshgar’s voice came from below. 】

“Standing in the underworld, originally this goddess of the underworld who should be indisputable with the world, at this time there was a proud look on her face, pointing the tip of the gun in her hand upwards, and then just digging a hole in the bottom of her feet!”

[“Senior! The purple-haired girl on the side showed an excited look on her face0…………】

[“Hmm! Ishtar, knock Tiamat down to the underworld! Fujimaru Ritika immediately nodded and shouted loudly towards Ishtar. 】

【”Wait a long time! “】

[In the sky, Ishtar had an impatient smile on his face, his arm waved suddenly, and the golden arrow flew into the sky rapidly, releasing the treasure tool again, you know, Fujimaru, just according to your request, open a big hole under Tiamat! ] “】

[Above the firmament, the endless vast starry sky once again appeared, and the dazzling Venus once again appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and once again descended at this moment! ] 】

[“Open the door to the great heavens, to the great!!! “】

[Scarlet eyes dyed with a layer of gold, Ishtar looked serious, black hair fluttered in the wind… I can’t manage that much in the back!!! “】

【Mountains shock the salary of stars!!! 】

[Brilliant Venus turned into energy into Maana, and the dazzling spiral arrows rubbed madly against the air. ] 】

[“Matthew! “- Yes! Predecessor! “Under the strong impact, the two girls clasped each other’s hands! 】


[The orange-haired girl seemed to have suddenly discovered something and raised her head sharply… King Gilgamesh in front of him is still alone, and Fujimaru Ritika wants to reach out and grab the other party…”

[But suddenly the earth began to tear. The color is poured in the eyes… You can see it yourself. Only E’s gentle smile. 】

“Boom, boom, boom,!!!!”

Chaldean Lounge.

“Senior! King Gilgamesh! Him.”

, Looking at the scene of the sky falling apart, Matthew opened her eyes wide and waved her hands constantly.

“Rest assured, King Gilgamesh is not as vulnerable as us.”

, slender white tender hands gently on the girl’s shoulders, Fujimaru Rika’s eyes looked at the picture covered by the smoke and dust raised in the video, and her eyes were full of determination.

“Yes! Predecessor! ”

After calming the girl, Fujimaru Tachika sat on the edge of the bed and thought slowly, if the next step has already begun according to the plan!

Drop Tiamat into the underworld and let it die.

But if the goddess of the underworld alone, this plan is not possible, although in the underworld, Eleshga Kile is equivalent to the strongest existence.

After all, in Sumerian mythology, it was also mentioned that Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, deprived of her omnipotence after entering the underworld, and was beaten without the slightest power to recycle.

But after hearing in the video that the god Tiamat was about to fall into the underworld, the goddess of the underworld obviously appeared frightened and scared, apparently as the mother of the god Tiamat terror can not be resisted by Eleshki 1.3 Gal alone.

That is to say, there will be a series of actions after that.

Thinking of this, the girl’s face showed a trace of exhaustion, and whenever she substituted this scene, a deep sense of powerlessness would emerge in her heart, even if she was frantically training, she couldn’t hide the panic in her heart………

If you really lose………………


, the purple-haired girl hugged Fujimaru Rika, the warm breath made the girl slow down, purple eyes stared at Fujimaru Rika tightly, the girl smiled,

“We will definitely succeed seniors!!!”

“yes……… Have sacrificed everyone’s lives……… I, how can we fail everyone. ”

“What about expectations!!!?”

“Will definitely win!!!”

[Pitch black, filled with the breath of death and decay, dark underworld…]

【The ghost fire gently floating on the side of the road…】

[It’s the dead soul… 1】

[There are no creatures here…] It’s been so silent all the time…】

[This is where the deceased belongs. World! 】.

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