Chapter 0071: What Are You Kidding!!!!!

………… Ghost Destroyer World Infinity City.

“What a joke!!!?”

“How can this power exist!!!”

Even though he had already hidden in the underground base camp, Ghost Bai Wuxi’s body still couldn’t stop trembling, and his face was fierce and shouted.

Just one video made his heart tremble uncontrollably, even though he knew that that kind of power could not appear in his own world at all, but deep in his heart, the death bell kept ringing.

“What a joke! Are you kidding! What are you kidding!!! ”

“I am the ancestor of ghosts, the strongest ghost! Infinitely close to perfect creatures!!! ”

, The scarlet blood eye did not dare to stay in the video at all, and the whisper of death echoed in the ears, and the feeling was simply mad that the ghost worshipped without misery!!!

The scarlet blood eyes looked at the countless ghosts behind him who were kneeling on the ground and their bodies trembled, and the ghost bowed to Wu Wu’s palm and suddenly swung out.


The blood cloud and minced flesh were scattered all over the place, but even so, it still couldn’t eliminate the fear in my heart.



[At this moment, Quezarkoyat was like a meteorite that destroyed all gods, and his figure rushed straight above Tiamat in a moment, a violent explosion sounded, and a terrifying shock wave spread out in mid-air, with the two as the center, quickly sweeping everything in all directions! ] 】

[“Peng! “】

[“Peng! “】

[The crimson monstrous wave spread in mid-air, wrapped in hot and bright flames, Quezarkoyat once again exerted his power, there was a huge cracking sound in the air, in the eyes of everyone, the two bright purple barriers in front of Tiamat quickly shattered! ] 】

[What about Mother Earth! ] What about the god Tiamat! This is the power of the South American Lord God!!! 】

[Under this powerful force, even the god Tiamat could not withstand it, and his feet could not hit the ground again!!!! 】

At this time, the corners of everyone’s eyes in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but jump, the horror of this battle was far beyond everyone’s imagination, I thought that such an attack could not reach the god Tiamat, and the defeat was already the final end.

But who would have thought that after that level of consumption, an attack stronger than that blow would be unleashed again in a moment.

Just watching that figure turn into the atmosphere in a moment 633 has already made everyone shudder!

Although it is only for a moment, everyone can see it clearly, that is, the planetary atmosphere you! Ten thousand years ago, destroy all life, end a blow!

[In the video, under the last purple crystal barrier, the two begin a brief tug-of-war…]


, the tooth-piercing sound sounded again, and the purple ring was covered with fragmentation marks!!! Forced to kneel on the ground on the huge horn of Tiamat trembled slightly, and the hideous crack began to spread…


, the god Tiamat let out a miserable cry of anger, the raging magic power overflowed again, and the purple light spread around, strengthening the last ring and guarding the last defense! ] 】

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds closed their breath at this time, looking straight at the two in the video, everyone was also looking forward to the ending, who could win between the two.

But from the picture, everyone can clearly see that the strength of Quezarkoyat’s attack begins to weaken. Two devastating attacks left the South American Lord God already overwhelmed at this time.

[Quezar Koyat looked at the reinforcement of the ring again, a heaviness appeared in his eyes, it was not enough to break through the defense of the Tiamat god with this power]

“It’s not enough…” But the flames wrapped around the body have begun to fade… As if the limit has been reached…】

[“Curse!!! Bringing the ultimate victory to Quezar Koyat!!! “Standing on top of the pterosaur in the distance, the orange-haired girl, Fujimaru Rika, after discovering it, suddenly raised her slender white tender hand with the Ling Spell and shouted loudly! 】

[“Buzz!!! As the voice fell, the last spell in the girl’s hand flashed with crystal light and turned into magic power and transmitted it to Quezar Koyat, the hot and bright flame burned again, the crimson mana torrent suddenly erupted, the corner of Queza Koyat’s mouth showed a trace of fierceness, one leg was raised, and all the strength of the whole body was smashed down! 】

[Blazing Flame Burns the Gods!!! 】

[The purple glowing shield defeated most of it, and the purple starlight drifted in the air]

[“Haaa!!!aa “】

【“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! “】

[This is the final war!] 】

[The final confrontation between the god Tiamat and the main god of South America!!! 】

[But even so… Quezar Koyat endured the severe pain with all his strength, and it seemed that he could not do his best…]

[Is it really going to lose…]


Everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but sigh with dark eyes when they saw this scene… The end can already be seen…

This South American main god may be very strong, but after everyone understands, the other party is demoted as a follower, so it is understandable to lose to the god of Tiamat…


Whether it’s everyone… Or is the Chaldean about to accept this war girl… Or Quezar Koyat in the battlefield in the video…

It’s so unwilling… What is this…

Other words… Worked so long to lose like that… Is this where they end…

[“Don’t lose!!! In the distance, with tears in the corners of Fujimaru Tachika’s eyes, she shouted loudly with all her strength, Quezar Koyat!!! 】

[The girl’s voice seems to have magic power and carries infinite power]

[“Shhh!!!h The purple ring rubbed violently with the flames, and the corners of Quezar Koyat’s mouth showed a trace of hideousness! 】

[Fujimaru Tachika… The royal lord of his own choice…]


[That being said…]


[I am a South American god!!!! 】

[“How can you lose!”!!!! “The terrifying aura climbs again, and the flames of destruction are entangled]

[“Boom boom!!!! “】

[“Click! “The purple ring that has made countless people despair…]


[The figure of Quezar Koyat appears in the purple-red eyes printed with cross starlight]

[“Boom!!! “】

[The huge explosion sounded again, the dazzling crimson light drowned Tiamat’s body, the terrifying strong wind swept everything, and Matthew in the distance immediately unfolded a blue shield to protect the imperial lord Fujimaru Tachika behind him. ] 】

[When the light and smoke clouds cleared, Ishtar immediately looked at the center of the battlefield. 】

Everyone in the world also watched the smoke disperse in the battlefield in the picture.

But then.

A scene that numbed and desperate everyone reappeared……… The figure of Tiamat still stands on the earth, and the huge figure is like an eternal ship standing here forever, which is desperate.

Everyone on the battlefield played a huge role, and the devastating attack shocked everyone, but… Among them, the god Tiamat is the most emotional.

This is too resistant!

No matter how you fight, you won’t die, and it doesn’t even seem to be injured!

……………… Rin Tosaka’s eyes shone brightly, but with a hint of worry in them, he looked at Gilgamesh on the side, not knowing how to speak.

“Idiot! In the end, of course, the victory of this king! ”

Gilgamesh leaned back on the bench and squinted slightly, as if he would fall asleep the next moment, but the moonlight fell and the scarlet snake pupils stared closely at the picture.

These kings did not know that in the final battle, this king could not use Almighty Venus to see it, so the corners of the king’s mouth could not help but raise when they saw it here.

“I have to say…”

“Good job, King Ben is very satisfied…”

“Wang never hides his truth!”


Taking advantage of Genos’ lack of attention, Saitama secretly brought the Minotaur corpse home, because when it appeared, Saitama treated it as a piece, fresh beef.

Although the other party may be changed by a human, when Saitama sees it, the other party is just a cow that can stand and walk like a human, so today’s dinner is you!

Put the knife in your hand and put slices of delicious beef in the hot pot that is already full of vegetables.

“Teacher, prepare for dinner.”


At the dinner table, Genos didn’t notice the extra beef, which made Saitama couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, his gaze shifted, looking at the thunderous blow of Kuizalkoyat in the picture, Saitama couldn’t help but brighten his eyes slightly and shouted loudly!

No matter from which side you can’t fault the battle!

Saitama felt more and more as if he was watching some hot-blooded anime.

Firmly orange haired girl Fujimaru Tachika, protect the purple-haired girl of the imperial lord, and that bloody battle. The reason why Saitama rarely goes out these days is to keep an eye on the screen at home.

But when he saw that Natiamat still appeared on the screen, and could even be said to be unharmed, even he, this person who began to lose his feelings of strength, the blood in his body couldn’t help but start boiling!

But in the end, think that it is impossible for such a weirdo to appear in your world. Even now the weirdos who can resist their own punches have not appeared.

While thinking, Saitama suddenly stretched out his hand, and an afterimage appeared in front of him, clamping the beef from the pot.

“It’s amazing… They are all for protection. It’s like a teacher, an undocumented knight. The bowl and chopsticks in his hand were put down, and a look of contemplation appeared in Genos’ eyes.

Then he bent down sharply and shouted loudly to Saitama.

“Teacher, although it is very rude, please tell the secret of becoming stronger!!!”

Looking at Genos bent ninety degrees in front of him, Saitama was a little silent. He knew Genos’ situation.

Originally a human being, living a stable and happy life with his family, but one day, an out-of-control transformation person destroyed everything and took the life of Genos’s family At the age of 15, he survived alone in the ruins, met Dr. Kustno passing by, and later asked Dr. Kustno to perform transformation surgery on himself and be reborn as a righteous reformer!

Its goal has always been to find the owner of the runaway machine and protect the world. Although I don’t know if it is useful or not, Saitama is still ready to say his training method.

“Alright! Listen carefully! ”

Genos jerked his body up and looked at Saitama in disbelief.

“Listen, Kenos! The key is persistence! No matter how hard it is! It took me more than three years to get to this point! ”

The style of painting changed, the bald man was still the bald man, it seemed to have changed, but it became incomplete…

“Fall to the ground and stand up a hundred times!”

“A hundred sit-ups!”

“Squat a hundred times!”

“Then the 10km run!”

“Make one set a day!”

“I’m bald, but I’m getting stronger! So don’t hesitate to be bald and fight to the death to exercise yourself! That’s the only secret to being powerful! ”

“Becoming strong by yourself is the real strength of human beings!”

In the enclosed cabin, the lights make Saitama’s head shine!

As if thinking of something, Saitama added again,

“Of course, good food is also essential! I’ve been eating a meat lately! Very good! You can eat it tonight…”

Before Saitama could finish speaking, Genos interrupted loudly!

“Teacher! No kidding, that’s just normal training! And the strength is not high! It’s just ordinary! I have to get stronger, not to make you laugh! ”

“I want to know the real secret of Saitama-sensei, your becoming stronger!”

“I also want to be able to protect everyone…”

Mechatronic eyes flicker violently…

The incident of encountering the Deep Sea King Genos, when seeing these videos, the feeling of powerlessness is deeply embedded in his heart…


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