Chapter 0066: My Underworld… When will it be full of flowers!!

“Hear that, Chaldeans! “Seeing the girl who has regained her confidence, Gilgamesh smiled lightly, the remote line to the Chaldean Roman doctor, Fujimaru has not given up, you should not already be depressed!” – How is it possible! “In the main control room of Chaldea, after hearing this, Dr. Roman immediately raised his head in his heart and replied loudly. 】

“Let him see, Romani, what a clinging man you are.”

Da Vinci, who had been staying by Dr. Roman’s side, had a proud smile on his face,

“How many ups and downs we have been through! How could it be possible to give up!!! ”


【”Oh!!! “Pointed by Leonardo da Vinci’s words, they are all striving for reason! How can you give up! 】

[“I’ll transmit the Tiamat data and revive it!”] “The image of Tiamat appeared on the light curtain, and Dr. Roman used the device on Fujimaru to transmit all the data currently collected from Tiamat to the Uruk Palace]

[A crystal screen appeared in the temple, Tiamat’s data was completely presented in front of everyone’s eyes, Dr. Roman, and Leonardo da Vinci appeared on the screen,]

“… Will move the living factory, enough to interstellar navigation magic, stored in the body of the huge original species of life, it will take humans hundreds of years to reach… Ark of God! That’s it. ”

“It is the true face of the god Tiamat.”

[Romagni’s words were low, and he slowly spoke about the Tiamat data. 】

“You guy! Is it for Tiamat to brag! There are no weaknesses written at all!!! Even if he had been unfazed, the king couldn’t help but be a little angry and said angrily. 】

“I also want to write a plan or two!”] But this is the reality, and there is no flaw in physics and mythology! We simply cannot fight! On the crystal blue screen, Tiamat’s figure slowly turned… From any point 08 can not find the existence of weaknesses…】

“Although this assumption is a bit confusing, Tiamat does not have the concept of death at all, because he is the mother of life, and the fact that we are alive will prove her existence! “】

[“As long as there is life alive on the ground, Tiamat will not die, and Da Vinci in the Chaldean command room slowly spoke]

At the beginning, the people in the ten thousand worlds are still a little confused, how strong Tiamat is, after all, the terminology is too professional, although it sounds very powerful, but how strong it is, everyone does not know.

But when everyone hears the concept that there is no death, as long as there is a living being, there will be no death. Isn’t this him, invincible!

In the video, Tiamat’s attack power has reached an astonishing level, coupled with immortality… And a hammer!

[“Isn’t it really impossible to hit…” As everyone thought, the purple-haired girl on the side also had a touch of sadness in her eyes, and then a look of fear appeared on her face, not fear…”!!!. “】

[That… What’s the point of that!!! 】

[Killing for salvation…]

[Kill everyone in exchange for a victory?] 】

[No, this kind of answer can’t be called an answer at all!] 】

[That wouldn’t make sense…]

[The crystal screen fell, Chaldea and Urukdu were disconnected, and everyone was a little silent for a while! ] 】

[Gilgamesh clasped his hands to his chest, as a leader he must not be confused, scarlet snake pupils looked at the leopard man on the side, leopard man, what do you think of Tiamat]

[The reason for asking the other party is because the other party also has a wild existence]

Everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but look at the leopard dressed as a leopard man in the video, expecting an answer. After all, they already know that now it is the major gods that appear, so even if the opponent is very strong, even if it is an undead existence, there may be a way.

Some of the undead monster worlds widened their eyes and pricked up their ears in anticipation of an answer. It’s just that everyone didn’t notice the expectant look in Gilgamesh’s eyes.

[“Hmm…” The leopard man showed a serious face, holding his forehead with one hand, and the serious atmosphere could not help but make several people around him look at him tightly]


“So big!”

[Gilgamesh:??? 】


[Matthew: “??? “】

[Ishtar: “???? “】

[Tachika Fujimaru: “??? ”

[Big blonde sister: “??? “】

[People in the Ten Thousand Worlds: “??? “】

So big? What’s so big?

“And then I thought she was so handsome—stupid!”] Ben Wang did not expect you to be rational as a human being, to speak wild intuition! Gilgamesh said after a moment of reaction, pointing at the leopard man’s face full of frost. 】

“Ah! Well, at that rate, there are still about two days to go ashore to Uruk. ”

[“Two days. Too fast”, Gilgamesh sighed. 】

“There’s no other way but to attack, though.”

“Nabistin’s tooth is extremely expensive because of the attack just now, and although it is repairing, it is unable to repel such an enemy…”

[Outside the city walls, it was getting late, and the distant sunset covered the earth with an afterglow… But everyone is still busy…】

……………… Shindai, Uruk.

“Hahaha, no weakness?”

, Gilgamesh sat upright on the throne, and the scarlet snake pupil looked at Uruk in the cheek.

Although he is a virtuous king, he inherits that joy in his bones, and even under the premise of knowing that the enemy cannot resist, he can’t help but laugh.

The dome of the temple was shining brightly, and there was still half a year before Tiamat attacked Uruk. I didn’t see the battle of the gods’ farewell and I didn’t expect it to show up in this way.

Step outside the temple.

“People of Uruk, hereby declare that this is the battle between mankind and the gods!!!!

There is no half death outside the temple, even if the inhabitants of Uruk already know their fate, there is no sadness, bonfire feast, singing and dancing.

Yes, the king is right, even if you die, what’s the harm.

People, there will always be one death, just at different times. But… Compared to such a bland death, the inhabitants of Uruk feel……… If a thousand years later… Person… Luke…

When this epic mythological battle appears in the records……… Admired by thousands of people behind him…

What a glory that is!!…………

The dim and lightless underworld is so rich that it can’t dissolve the breath of death.

“Really! Why doesn’t my underworld bloom! ”


The blonde girl holds a sharp knife and carefully carves the stone in her hand.

However, because the girl’s actions are clumsy and there is no imitation, the girl can only carve the flower in her hand from memory.

The girl shook her head and glanced at the task completed today.

Hundreds of cages containing soul guns, and tunnels that are about to hollow out the entire Uruk. The girl had her hands in a pile and looked at the sky, but saw only pitch-black dirt.

“With this video, the people of Uruk should have escaped this disaster…”


“Nope! No way! Eleshga Killer! How could those humans be able to stop the Goddess of Warcraft! ”

“Be sure to get everything ready!”

She is the goddess of the underworld, and her divinity has given her to never feel tired… But heartily… It’s so tired…

The flower in the hand is gently lowered in the corner of the wall.

Looking closely, the dark wall is already filled with countless flowers… Flowers made of stone…

That’s called the other shore flower exists…

It’s just that under the clumsy carving of the girl, the flowers look a little nondescript… As soon as the video appears… When the girl sees it for the first time…

It’s already… Unconditionally in love…

“This flower is really beautiful…”

“When will my underworld be full of flowers…”

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church

For unknown reasons, all the heroic spirits disappeared, the Holy Grail War ended automatically, and with a puzzled attitude, Rin Tosaka and Shirou Emiya came to the church in an attempt to inquire about Yan Feng Qili, the overseer of the Holy Grail War.

But Yan Feng Qili did not meet, but encountered a heroic spirit that should not exist…

The oldest fat tiger – Gilgamesh!

Under the premise of expressing that he had no malice, a certain ancient king left Rin Tosaka and Shirou Emiya behind in the most nuclear way.

Fortunately, this most ancient king really did not have any malicious intent.

Just in church.


“Encountered, in the video again.”


“To the stage of Wang appearing,”


I want the two to appreciate Wang Yingzi.

That’s all.


Rin Tosaka’s eyes widened, looking at the goddess Ishtar in the video, it was nothing at first, but the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt.

Isn’t that yourself!!!!

Why is it that legend governs love, war, and the goddess of harvest, and will have an image with herself! Shirou Emiya on the side was also full of puzzlement, isn’t Tosaka-san a magician?

Why did it inexplicably become a follower?

Rin Tosaka looked at Gilgamesh on the side with wide eyes.


Apparently, Wang Fun has one more.

“Because in a sense, you’re really a good match.”

Rin Tosaka: “…”


So that’s why you’re poor all day? Duel it!!!

Gold Pickup!!!

The silence of Chaldean 1111 enveloped everyone.

“Tiamat… Immortal characteristics… How is this possible…”

Although the tone was full of skepticism, Dr. Roman knew that this was the end result, and he was well aware of this level of deity.

Even Gilgamesh plus all the god-level followers present could not defeat the god Tiamat. There is no other reason, immortality!

Tiamat will not die unless everyone dies. But he knows…

Whether it was Fujimaru Rika, Matthew, or that king, it was impossible to make such a decision! Despair…

The heart is filled with despair.

Could it be that the seventh special point is the end of the Chaldeans? The eyes slowly lowered.

If you add your own words, you will become Solomon… Maybe there may be the power of a war, but then…

“What are you doing stunned, hurry up and gather intelligence!”

, the shoulder was gently patted, Da Vinci said helplessly.

“Don’t worry, there are still Merlin and Gilgamesh over there, and a group of god-level followers, they will find a way to solve it.”


“I hope so.”

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