Chapter 0060 [Uruk… Forever here!!! 】!!

“That’s the Magic King Light Belt, right?”

In Chaldea, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew wait in front of the screen and are startled.

The two of them had already walked side by side through five strange belts, and they were naturally very familiar with this ribbon of light hanging high in the sky.

And there’s no doubt that they haven’t been to this yet.

“Uruk… No wonder it’s so familiar, it turns out to go to the special point in the future. ”

Fujimaru, Tachika’s expression gradually became serious, and there was a hint of importance in her orange-red eyes.

Having seen several videos before, they also deduced the general rules. One, this video can be seen by all worlds.

Second, the video time may go back to the future or may play past pictures.

Before that, the Chaldeans used the observation mirror to capture the seventh special point in Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago.

And Matthew also seemed to understand something, and after a moment of stunned, his eyes couldn’t help but show a surprised expression, and his amethyst eyes showed joy.

“Senior, then we can learn about the seventh special point intelligence in advance through the video!”


Although it is only the beginning of the video, with this alone, the two have already obtained huge information.

The two women couldn’t help but look a little excited, if they could get information before they set foot on the special 150 points, then in the future action, the success rate would definitely have an unimaginable increase.

But in the next moment, the expressions of the two were stunned………

【Autumn breeze bleak…】

[Originally, there was a mighty figure standing out of the empty city gate, with fiery red patterns all over the body, wearing a shawl armor and holding a shield and spear]

[As if to stand…]

[But… So how is that…]

[So what about it…]

[That’s a god!!! 】

[Even if there are heroes and warriors who come forward, this disaster cannot be stopped…]


[“If you have the ability, come and take it!!! “】

[“If you have the ability, come and take it!!! The shout resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, and at the same time, countless figures composed of blue crystal starlight appeared, holding spears and shields, they echoed, everyone’s eyes widened, and a miracle appeared! 】

[The empty field roared, and countless Uruks looked at the city gate in disbelief… The figure with blue starlight shouted unyieldingly! 】

“Have the ability to take it!!”

“Have the ability to fetch!!!”

Every sound was so, they had the slightest fear, the spears pounding on the ground, this was not a display of flesh and blood, this was… and spirit, meaning [composed of will!!! 】

【Come on friends! Gathering souls here, countless souls turned into points of light, and huge shields appeared, guarding Uruk! 】

【”Guardian of the Yanmen!!! “】

[The rough man stands in the center at this moment… One man guards one city!!! 】

[Behind a person… It is the tens of thousands of people who need to be protected!!! 】

【”Bang!!! “】

[The spear slammed into the shield in his hand, and a roaring flame burned above the shield! ] 】


[Burning… It’s not a flame! 】

[Is this spirit!!! This will!!! This last life!!! 】

[“Bastard! “Looking at the figure on the opposite side, Gorgon’s eyes showed a cold light, and the power in his body began to flow, turning into a stone statue!!! The blood-red black glow turned into a pillar of light and collided violently with the shield. 】

[In an instant, the wind and clouds surged, the ground began to crack, and dazzling flashes rose in the field]

[The pillar of light that destroys the world carries an unstoppable might, and human beings are so small in front of the huge gods…]

[The shield is shattering…]

[The shoulder armor is shattering…]

[But that figure still doesn’t move! ] The blazing flame is still burning…】

[Guarding the city wall, the Yan Gate is not satisfied with the crack… The shield won’t last long… Even the warrior’s body will begin to shatter…”



[But what about this!!! This body will fall at any moment! Destroyed! Broken! 】

[But, as long as this spirit, this courage, and this protection remain, it will never fall! ] 】

[What’s the harm even if it’s death!] 】

[The incendiary spear clenched and hit the ground, and every sound was so exciting]

[“My ancestor was the great hero Hercules! That is, the son of the great god Zeus, the past of Sparta, Leonidas! “】

[The wind blows, and the warrior’s helmet turns into a stone statue and blows down, but that Yanmen is one step closer! ] 】

[Calm eyes were full of indescribable emotions, and the spear in his hand was swung out violently, piercing through the black and red pillar of light! ] 】

[This declaration is not to praise one’s own great deeds, nor is it to add a stroke to the annals of human history]

[It’s just…]

[Just… For, years later! 】

[At a certain time, somewhere… There will still be people who will stand up in times of crisis! 】

[The spear breaks through the pillar of light of death, breaks the smog in people’s hearts, and he is swearing to people!!! 】

[Uruk… Forever here!!! 】

Winter wood church.

“I didn’t expect the first picture to be here.”

On the bench, Gilgamesh sat quietly on the bench, his face did not have half a wave, but there was satisfaction in the eyes of the scarlet snake.

This is his Uruk!!! This is his courtier!!!


Chaldean, Matthew covered her eyes, but quietly watched the video through the slit, and the huge figure of the Warcraft Queen Gorgon made the girl can’t help but open her eyes in disbelief.


Silent, although I know that every special point crisis situation will rise, but after watching the video, I will still be shocked by that power.

“It’s more serious than you thought.”

Like the two women, Romani and Achman’s mood at this time was also unusually heavy.

Different from the previous five special points, the next sixth and seventh special points can be said to be an unprecedented challenge.

“Hey… What can I do…”

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