[The caps in my hand still have this residual temperature…].

[But people are no longer there…].



[Despair is contained in the heart, looking at the hat in his hand, Pikachu can’t help crying anymore…].

[There is a scene where Pikachu and the boy appear in the picture…].

[The beginning of acquaintance… Get along in between… The last one…].

【”Pickup!!! “】

[In an instant, Pikachu’s body burst out with terrifying thunder and lightning, and the thunder light turned into a thunder pillar in the sky and rushed straight into the sky! ] Terrifying golden thunder and lightning shine in the sky, and Machado is struck by lightning… The elves who were manipulated by Mashado were also swept away by the terrifying electric shockwave, and their eyes also regained their clarity, but they looked at each other and did not know what happened…].

[The power of the elves comes from emotions… Glad… Sadness… Suffering… How painful is Pikachu who bursts out with such power…].

[The thick dark clouds in the sky were swept away, and the gentle sun was sprinkled… It turned out that it was not night… Just shrouded in that thick despair….].

【…. Why is it so desperate…].

[Tears fall one by one…. What a battle … What becomes the strongest…].

[Without you… What’s the point…].

This scene made countless people in the ten thousand worlds unable to hold back, such a friendship….

Never used the other side as a tool in battle….

Looking at the bond between the two in the picture, tears welled up like a spring….

[The picture fell into total darkness…].

Everyone stared at the screen, this time it will definitely be resurrected, right!

But the screen doesn’t light up….

Just when everyone in the Pokémon world was already in despair, the scene appeared on the screen again

[The golden feather in Machado’s hand, which was already covered with cracks, was finally overwhelmed, and turned into fragments in Peng’s voice, floating in the air like golden sand, but…].

[If you look closely, you will find that the golden fragments are tiny golden Yan, moving with the wind… Gently floated down in front of the split body, condensed…].

[In Pikachu’s tears, the golden Jin Yan stayed for a moment, followed by an endless burst of colorful light, the light was brilliant, the rainbow light shone, and a figure was outlined in the colorful glow…].

[“Skin… Pickup! “, familiar figure …. Familiar sounds… Familiar taste… Pikachu pounced, crying in the boy’s arms…].

[Gently hold Pikachu, the boy… Resurrected…].

[Colorful light descended from the sky, and the Phoenix King who spread his wings and flew did not know where to come… Gently offer blessings to the two…].

After a moment of darkness, the screen appeared in handwriting….

[“Brave boy, don’t be afraid, strive to pursue your ideals”


[“Your companions have already established an inseparable bond with you, please cherish this bond”


“You guys… You can always trust each other…”

[“Here, offer your blessing – bonds”



Kanto region, Dr. Ohki Research Institute

Looking at the big grinning boy who had no heart and lungs all day and cried with his elf at this time, not only made him, a person who was already a little older, but also sighed.

Ash, who has been shouting all day to become the world’s number one Pokémon trainer, has really done it, and with this dazzling love and emotions alone, Ash’s future achievements are more than that.

“Pikachu, we… Don’t be apart for the rest of your life! “, hugging Pikachu tightly, tears crossed the corners of Ash’s eyes.

What about fate, since they met, experienced, recognized….

Then they are no longer guests, but partners worth entrusting.



“This bond between humans and elves… This is the real elf trainer, if I can, I really want to meet him,” Dr. Tsunade said, looking at the boy and Pikachu in the picture.

It is not without reason to say such words, there are many elf trainers in this world for the purpose of collecting, and after collecting, there are many elves who do not care about them, and sometimes even the elves they have subdued cannot recognize clearly.

“If those people see this video, they don’t know how they will feel…”


Although the people of the various worlds in the ten thousand worlds were shocked by this ability to come back from the dead, they were not too surprised, although the ability to come back from the dead is very special, but one is not in their world, the two can not communicate at all before, and the second is that the owner of the video himself has the ability to resurrect.

And there seems to be no limit.

Seeing the big stone in the heart of the boy and Pikachu, he couldn’t help but land, and he was relieved.

Sincerely happy for them, this bond that transcends life and death is enviable, and even the owner of the video sends blessings to it.

However, everyone still has some doubts, this time the resurrection is the existence of the world where the teenager is located to resurrect the teenager, so what about the next one?

Is it because of the resurrection that has stopped, or because of the world?

Just when everyone was surprised, the dark picture once again appeared color.

[Death scene: Sakura, the best….].


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