

Girl with long dark red hair sitting quietly under a cherry blossom tree

Below is a constant stream of vehicles.

Tears wet the falling petals drop by drop

Ei Liyi didn’t make any sound, but the red and swollen eyes no one knew how long the girl had been crying….


“… The world… Not gentle at all…”

Beautiful sounds echo under the cherry blossom trees….

But for some reason….

Cherry blossom… Falling… Faster….


Rebellious Lelouch

Looking at the dead girl, Nunnally was a little distracted


“Why… Is the world really that important? ”

“If you have a choice… I just want my brother…”

“Can… Stay by my side…”


Play for life

“Gipriel, why do you have to kill Hubie…”


“… It turned out to be her…”

Gipriel looked at Hubby with some silence whose picture had been destroyed by himself.

6000 years….

I didn’t even recall that memory for a while….

She said how could a pile of scrap iron have that kind of reaction….

It turns out that there is already a mind….

“… Sorry…”


[Battle of the Gods…].

[Countless black clouds shrouded in the sky, thunder fell, blood clouds were replaced by pitch black, greedily absorbing the blood in the blood clouds, hatred, malice, sadness].

[It seems that even that… I won’t let it go…].

[God Spirit Species, Creator of the Heavenly Wing Species, God of War Artexiu, at this moment, descends here].

[In just a few moments, Artesius understood everything, “Is it the fate of the strong to be pulled off the stage by the weak? Is that right? Monkey? “】

[The majestic voice is all over the sky, and the gods appear, but the funny thing is that it seems that the gods are creating great wars, creating sorrow, and creating death…].

[Black clouds are all over the sky, countless thunders are frantically bombing everything on the ground, and in the distance, the figure of Ji Kai slowly recedes…].

[I don’t know… Where to retreat].

[Even so, Artexius, who knew everything, did not care, the black cloud slowly rotated the pillar of light that reached the sky, countless heavenly wings stood still in the void, and the terrifying and dark aura completely exploded. ] 】

[“Sky Strike! “】

[“Void Zero Plus Guardian! “】

[“Pulp burst! “】

[The light shrouded the entire planet, and in an instant, the sky was reflected red].

[The three world-destroying forces do not give in to each other, but even so… Unable to stop Artetheus’ heavenly strike, all the energy collided and contracted with each other, and finally turned into a light that declared the end of the day

[The glaciers are melting, the rivers are evaporating, and all races can only meet the light of this doomsday…].

[But the next moment…].

[Below the base point of each race, countless barriers have been raised – the canon is forbidden to pass].

[This is… Hubby… The last thing to do for the teenager…].

[Doomsday’s attack deviates direction and slowly drives towards the distance…].

[In the face of this devastating blow, all lives are running away, without exception].


[“We are props without heart, without life in the past, without life … above”


[Thousands of machine species stand in the way of doomsday death…].

[They have weapons that analyze being attacked and deploy the corresponding imitation weapons].

[With this armament in hand, Rick the Will can penetrate the planet].

[In this way, the star cup will appear in front of you].

[But… If you endure an attack like that…].

[“Our machine is a machine without a heart, just a prop, only faithfully following orders and executing…”].

【… The machine is lifeless…].

[The significance of the gods creating them is also unknown].

[That’s how they are… No heart, no hope, no expectation, no sadness…].

[They will only collect information and are forced to defend].

[How similar to humans, although favored by the gods… But it’s just a random toy…].

[Here, all the machine kai seeds that already have a heart, offer! ] 】

[Radiance swept everything… All the machines are crushed… They already have a heart… Unafraid…].

[Because, they know… This shared heart… Not them].

[But… They already have a heart…].

[When facing death… They’ll also be like Hubie… It will also be like people… I want to be able to live…].

【… Just like Hughby… Putting all the… Bet on this moment…].

[Hubby… Everyone of the machine kai… Have been deceiving myself … They have long been not… That so-called props…].



【… All the machines are gone… There was no shadow of the Kai species on the empty ground, and there was no proof that they were still alive

[But… That heart…].

[The heart I got from Rick…].

[In the to all machine kai species… With the highest respect! 】


[Under the stars, Rick stands on the top of the mountain, and the dim moonlight in the distance reveals a trace of purity…].

[“Dian Kai… Entrust you with the True Code, the Star Killer”, the calm but wave-wading voice echoed in the heavens and the earth

[Starkiller slowly rises in the night sky…. The Star Cup has come].


[The gaze is extremely far away…].

[Hahaha, how ridiculous! ] 】

[O gods! You are gods! 】

[The cleverness of human beings can easily be seen through! ] 】

[But, even so, you fought back with all your might against the so-called monkey, garbage attack in your eyes…].


[Naw, god Sama…. This game, the gods square… Already defeated! 】


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