[The sky is even more blood-red…].

[Under Hubby’s plea for mercy, Gipriel became more and more excited, black mist appeared in his hand, and a huge scythe appeared in his hand].

[Angels… But it is a killing angel that brings despair…].

[“Analysis of friend or foe… Probability of winning… Zero…”, the girl’s eyes appeared in front of Gipriel’s data, and there was no one in ten thousand chance of victory…].

“But zero does not exist in probability…”, this is what Rick proved for her! 】

【“…. The script starts”, and an ice-blue mech appeared with a radius of two meters from the girl, and a huge red weapon appeared in the girl’s hand

[The ring in my hand emits a faint flash… The battle began…].

[“Over-increase! The huge spear was aimed at Gipriel, and a blue light curtain appeared in front of the girl aimed at Gipriel

[In an instant, the shocking and powerful fluctuations instantly engulfed Gipriel’s figure in blue light waves, and the light blue air flow shattered everything in the entire range of hundreds of meters! ] 】

[But unexpectedly, Hubie did not attack again, did not even check the effect, and his figure flashed wildly into the distance].

[Because the girl knows… The Sky Wing Species is known as a killing weapon, and with her strength, it is simply impossible to defeat it…].

[Sure enough, in the next moment, Gipriel’s figure appeared intact in front of the girl, the pitch-black scythe swung towards the girl like a reaping death, in an instant, a dotted line appeared in the void, the girl’s figure slammed down into the air, and the turbulence-like huge stranglehold shrouded Gipriel’s figure, and everything in a radius of 100 meters was strangled in an instant. ] 】

“That’s not enough! The violent thrust caused the smoke to disperse immediately, and Gipriel, like a believer in blood, frantically rushed into the air, trying to smash the girl’s corpse into ten thousand pieces

[“It’s this moment…”, just like the scene at the beginning of the camera, a huge blood-red magic array appears in the picture, and this time under the magic array is not a dragon, but… The slender figure of the girl…].

[“Dian Kai, Great Classic-Yan Long Xiao! “】

[“Boom! “】

[The pouring of blood-colored light, a mountain in the picture was flooded by terrifying blood, a terrifying vibration was emitted between heaven and earth, a powerful shock wave tore the ground thousands of miles away, a terrifying mushroom cloud erupted, and the incoming heat wave even roasted all the rocks].

Seeing this scene like a natural disaster, the eyes of many strong people were about to pop out.

This girl, this girl who looks so slender actually has such strong strength!

The aftermath alone can tear the ground thousands of miles away…

If it is the terrifying power of the previous dragon, everyone can still accept it, after all, in many worlds, dragons have always been the representative of power.

But this girl can also deliver such a devastating blow…

But what shocked all the strong even more was still below….

[The girl in the picture immediately appeared behind her after delivering such a powerful blow and immediately hid inside. 】

[If it is within the passage of one party, you can escape to the range that the Sky Wing species cannot find].

[The dotted line like origami in the space keeps turning, and the torn cracks are slowly closing, as long as this is the case… As long as this is the case, you can escape…].

[“Scrap iron, where are you going?” “, the creepy voice appeared behind the girl, and the girl’s figure became stiff! 】

[It’s Gipriel! The clearly visible void marks on the other side were opened, and in the next instant, the scythe filled with the aura of death instantly pumped the girl’s figure away, smashing countless stone walls like a meteor, and finally slammed down to the ground

【… The sky and the earth were empty, only the dark and corrupt dry bones in the distance, and the blood clouds condensed above the sky

[The girl’s figure rolled down to Gipriel’s feet… This is the first blow…].

[The girl’s figure began to break…].

[“You originally aimed at my head, did you miss it?”] “, stepping on the girl under her feet, Gipriel’s faint opening. 】

[Machine Kai breed with mechanical civilization, with precision civilization…].

[If it wasn’t for the girl’s parts being damaged, how could I have missed it…].

[I don’t know when it will be damaged… Can’t be patched… Maybe it was the day I met the teenager].

[Maybe it’s the day the teenager gets angry…].

[Perhaps… The day I was put on my wedding ring…].

[Girls can no longer work as cold as before…].

[Damaged parts will not be repaired in this lifetime…].

[Because… That’s the damage called ‘heart’… Because… Because Rick said that it is not allowed to kill anyone… So the girl did not violate the first rule…].

[“Although it is impossible for the machine to have life, I always have a bad premonition, so the scrap iron should be buried in the soil forever”, a black shockwave appeared in Gipriel’s hand, violently devouring the girl! 】

[Even if the girl tried her best to block it, she was still knocked down into the crack by the powerful impact…].

[This is the second blow…].

[The girl’s figure began to flash a weak current…].

[The devastating impact above caused the underground to collapse continuously, and in the dark cracks in the ground, only the girl’s shining pupils could be seen, and that… A ring that shimmers faintly].

“Rick… I don’t want to die…”

[In the quiet cracks, the girl lies on the ground and softly conveys her wishes to her beloved… She didn’t want to die… Maybe the girl is just telling her unwillingness…].

[But the next sentence…].

【“… I can’t die…”

“Not because of Hubby’s death… Leads to defeat! “】

[All the functions of the body are wailing, and the mechanical body no longer allows the girl to move… Seems… You can only wait for death…].

[But… At the last moment, the girl’s body dodged the huge rubble at the last moment, but the calf was completely crushed…].

[The broken calf trembled violently in the picture, and the girl was crying… Unstoppable tears… There was fear and sadness in his eyes

[The girl of the machine is not because of pain… Only to burst into tears… It’s scary… It’s sad…].

[It’s because…].

[“For Rick… Only….”

[Yes… Because the girl knows …. I really won’t see myself again this time… The most beloved person].

[I only hope that in the end… Successfully complete this game for the boy…].


Game Life Zero

All races on the continent gathered

The weapons that destroyed the world had been aimed at the Terrans.

They are waiting, waiting for the last minute! Let these bugs know who the real gods are!



Crying silently, Rick hugged the girl’s figure tightly, the girl’s figure was so slender, but why was his chest like a boulder pressed.

Difficulty breathing….

“Don’t be sad… Rick… Didn’t you say that this game was won by Hubie…”

“So… Hubby… Will always be with Rick…”

“… Hughby”

The gemstones in the ring are made of ore….

When exposed to water, it will shine….

Pitch-black cave….

Two brilliant lights have never fallen….

“Always accompanied… Rick…”


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