[Countless tentacles frantically twitched Shirou Emigong’s body, “It’s time for you to die next!] Hahaha! “】

[Lost… Lose… Lost, in the picture, Emiya Shirou’s Emiya Kiriji, sister, Sakura ,…].

[However, even the last person failed to protect it, and the blood that flowed seemed to drip into the heart…].

[Shinji Ma Kirito threw Shirou Emiya out, and the powerful force made Shirou Emiya break through the wall. ] 】

[The snow has stopped outside the house… The moonlight, shrouded in dark clouds, was revealed, and the earth was sprinkled with a silver glow, but the purity of the moonlight looked unexpectedly desolate

[Blood-red tentacles slowly approached to condense the final blow].

“No hope, no miracle…. Ideals disappear into darkness”


[The nameless card slowly fell in the moonlight, and Shirou Emiya grasped the card, “But it’s still here!!! “】

“Aa!!!aa “, golden shards cut off all evil, terrifying tentacles were cut to the ground, and blood flowed all over the place

[The figure of Shirou Gong Gong held two double knives and looked at the figure of the monster faintly].

[Severe pain came, Shinji Ma Kirito pointed at Shirou Emiya, “Arm…. My arm! The card Sakura holds is undoubtedly a junk card, how can it be a dream summon! “】

[It’s too weird, obviously an impossible scene, but it really happened in front of Shinji Ma Kiri’s eyes, “Why, why, that heroic spirit is!] “】

[The terrifying tentacles waved again, but this time, “Peng! “, a heavy punch landed on Shinji Ma Tong’s face, blood and flesh splashed, bones broken, and Ma Tong Shinji directly smashed the ground outside the house! 】

[The heroic Emiya Shirou slowly walked to the center of the garden and picked up the red scarf, which was left by Sakura…].

[Never taken the initiative to provoke any war!] It’s just that… To protect the beloved].

[Shirou Emiya looked at the red scarf, “Miyu too… Sakura too…”

“You underestimate me so much!!! With a roar, Shinji Ma Tong’s figure swelled several times, and countless tentacles smashed towards Shirou Emiya like raindrops, but each time he dodged, he let Shirou Dodge the dense attack of raindrops, and the sword in his hand was continuously inserted into Shinji Ma Tong’s body, “Explode!” “】

[The huge body gushes out blood under the flash of the sword].

[The wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing the clothes of Shirou Emiya hunting].

[“Are you still alive”, on the eaves, Eimiya Shirou’s hand flashed, and a bow and arrow were drawn, “In that case, let me come, and there will be no piece of minced meat left of you…”

[Suddenly, the scarf fluttered…].

[Shirou Emiya slowly put down his bow and arrow, “Sakura… Thank you”


[“Whoosh! “Blood is dripping, and Shinji Makiri, who wants to sneak up on the assassin, is pierced by the blade and falls to the ground

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me!”] Dragging the stump, Shinji begged for mercy. 】

[Shinji Makiri stopped running away and roared, but in the end he couldn’t even say it himself…”It’s the same when Sakura was killed by you”—”Of course I know this kind of thing, everyone in the world wants to die, so… Hehe, abominable… Enough already… Kill me”

[Stupid people, have long been deceived…].

[Cold light flashes, “Huh! “】



Four battles

Receiving the message from the Valhall Throne, the Hero King’s eyes narrowed and said softly.

“What a wonderful battle”

“Perhaps, he can become the courtier of this king”


Alice Phil looked at Shirou Emiya on the screen, and then looked at Eimiya Kiriji a little at a loss.

“Kirito, this kid…”

“Well, most likely it’s our children”

The address in the picture, the memories of him that appeared

Even… The surname is Eimiya.

Doesn’t this directly mean that this is the child of his Wei Gong Kiri!

But… Why does he still have children….

Alice Phil of the Little Grail will surely die after the end of the Grail….

He who holds on to the Savior… How can you have children other than Illya again….

What the hell is going on here….


Five battles

“Archer, the hero in the picture is unexpectedly similar to you…”



Pirate World

In the conference room, Lieutenant General Tsuru carefully analyzed the situation of the battle and the background of the battle in the Moon World.

“Called the Holy Grail War, players can achieve the final victory of the power battle through heroization”

“… There can be only one person in the final victory”

“New world, new power, similar to the Devil Fruit, after using it, you can inherit the corresponding power”

“Hmph! It seems that they are all outlaws, killing people at will! If you dare to appear in front of me, you will definitely be burned to ashes by me! ”

The red dog narrowed his eyes and said fiercely.

The battle shown in the video is nothing more than a small joke in front of him, and if he appears, it will only take a few moments to end this playful war!


[Video continues].

[Shirou Eimiya in the picture has lifted his heroic state, and walks towards the person on the stone bed with scars. The scars all over his body showed how many battles the boy had gone through before he was again

[In the huge magic array, Meiyou lay quietly on the stone bed, the stars around her fluttered, as a container, she had long been doomed to fate, and a soft voice sounded, “Why are you here, the reason why my brother and Kiriji adopted me is to use my power, I… It’s just a prop, a means, but now…”, the girl’s voice was full of reluctance, and tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. 】

[Very unwilling, very unwilling, she has fallen in love with this warm home, a home with relatives, but because of fate, she has to leave…].


Four battles

“Kirito… Why is this, that kid… It’s really just a prop…”

“It must be fake, it must be fake”

Alice Phil looked at Emiya Kiriji, grabbed Emiya Kiriji’s sleeve and asked eagerly.


“If it could save the wrong world…”

“Wei Gong Kiri, is this world really more important than family!”

“Even, even the daughter adopted since childhood… Also available as… props”.

Tears of sadness, Alice Phil is an artificial human who has not been exposed to so-called feelings.

But her heart hurts….

It hurts….


Hokage World

Speechless for a long time, Zi Lai also looked at the video and said in a deep voice.

“It’s unthinkably dark…”


In the woods

“Die! Damn it! ”

A red tail appeared on Naruto’s body, and with the blessing of the furious Zakra, Naruto attacked the surrounding trees like crazy.

“Again! And so again! ”

“What about my parents! What were my parents like!!! ”

“What was the purpose of sealing the Nine Tails close to my body in the first place!!! Why did I become a human pillar!!! ”

“Am I just a prop…”



The sudden hand knife knocked Naruto unconscious, Kakashi’s eyes were complicated, holding Naruto and looking at the figure on the side, “Yamato, seal…”

“Well, I see”


At the training ground, Sasuke frantically slammed the trunk with his fist, and blood soaked the entire trunk.

“Sure enough! It’s all about taking advantage! ”

“What is your plot for!”

“Uchiha Itachi!!!”

The scarlet blood pooled into a pool of blood, and even more red than the blood was the slowly rotating three-hook jade chakra eye.



[Emiya Shirou’s face showed a hint of silence, took out seven cards, and said gently, “Because of the next thing, what I want to tell you the most is that I haven’t been able to convey it to you, this is a very simple answer, because I am an older brother”


[Seven cards float above the girl, and seven different colors are reflected in the girl’s pupils].

[“So… It’s normal to protect your sister,” echoed softly in the huge valley. 】

[Yes, the boy never wanted to provoke any war, the beloved disappeared in front of him, it was he himself who responded to himself and had to start this war].

[The sister he guards becomes a container, and he has to win this war].


[People make war, but war is also.] Made people].

[At the end of the picture, a huge magic array rises, the girl’s body is shrouded in a beautiful golden light between heaven and earth, and Shirou Emiya named her brother begins a new battle! ] 】


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