[Childish singing sounds in the corridor].

[In the artistic corridor, Satomi Rentaro slowly walked in, and the white-haired girl wrapped in a shabby pink coat held up this sign, her eyes covered by white bandages, and the corners of her mouth raised a smile and sang softly].

[The wooden sign reads, ‘I am a cursed child’].

[Satomi Rentaro and Tina crouched down and looked at the girl, “You…, what’s wrong with your eyes, if you are the son of the curse, you shouldn’t get sick”


[The girl was stunned when she noticed the source of the voice, slowly untied the white cloth stained with stains, could not see the pupils and the whites of her eyes, only it was dark, and said with a smile, “My eyes are filled with lead, my mother abandoned me, she hates my red eyes”


“Ridiculous! How ridiculous! In the office, Sengoku clenched his fists tightly, and irrepressible anger came out of his mouth.

By now everyone understood!

Everyone hates these innocent children!

These supposed heroic beings have become the beginning of evil!


“As adults, they don’t try to solve it, but they vent all their dissatisfaction on these children… Such a country, sooner or later, will perish! In the white castle, Artoria said.


“… In other words, the girls in the opening scene are abandoned children… Why is this so… Shouldn’t they be respected for keeping these people safe? So what is the meaning of their protection of people? Naruto said angrily as he looked at the leaded girl in the picture in disbelief.

“….”, Kakashi looked at the angry Naruto a little silent, if the things of that year were changed… How similar Konoha’s approach is.

At this moment, he began to question the practices of the three generations.

The girl reached out to touch Tina’s cheek, “Are you also a cursed child?” You are very beautiful, and I can only live if I pray for others, so I don’t know what expression to show other than a smile like this.”

[“Ding-dong”, (the sound of the can hand being thrown into the bowl), “Thank you”, the girl smiled and thanked the voice, and the past two were full of mocking laughter].


[The picture flashes].

[In one of the ruins, Satomi Rentaro and Tendogi looked at the group of children in front of them, “Then I will be your teacher from now on.] ——”Well, we all like teachers too”, the innocent smile appeared on the children’s faces, and a long-lost blush appeared on the withered little faces


Pirate World

“Daddy, what’s wrong with you? These kids look as if they’ve taken shelter,” asked Marko as he looked at the silent white-bearded dad.

“How do the weak protect the weak…”

“If I could, I would really like to be the father of these children”


The world of rebellious Lelouch Xiu

Lelouch looked at everything indifferently.

“Such a world should not exist at all…”



[The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the drizzle is falling with the wind].

[Satomi Rentaro almost walked trembling to the original gathering place, blood stained the ground red, a huge deep pit appeared in front of him, and the yellow line surrounded by three indifferent looking jingcha].

[The yellow windmill symbolizing hope is covered with blood, the rabbit doll is broken in its limbs exploded at the bottom of the pit, Satomi Rentaro and Langahara Enju look at the scene in front of them blankly, “Bomb…”


[In the morgue, the figures of countless corpses were covered by gray cloth, and Rentaro Rito saw Rentaro shaking his hands to uncover the cloth covering the girl, his face was gloomy, and the girl’s body was shattered by the explosion].

[Lanyuan Yanzhu was stopped at the door by several people, “Let go! Satomi Rentaro turned around and was grabbed by Langahara Enju, “Why are you here?” “】

[Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s face showed a desperate expectation, “Didn’t you say that there is class today?” “。 ——“… No need to go”].

[“That… That… If not today, what about tomorrow morning? Even if it’s a section, it’s okay for a while.” ——“… Yanzhu”].

[Lan Yuan Yanzhu took two steps back and said loudly, “No, people want to see Xiaomi, they want to see Sha Shanai, we have made an appointment, we want to show them the girl of heaven!” You see I brought it all! So… So, Rentaro…”

“Sorry, please take her away,” Satomi Rentaro said to Jingcha behind him, bowing his head. 】

[“Don’t! No! Let me go! Lan Yuan Yanzhu’s pupils turned scarlet, and he instantly broke free and ran to the room


[“Ah!!! “】

At the end of the picture, only a pitch-black screen and a silent crowd remained.


Pitch black bullet world

“Is this how the world is? Surprisingly beautiful…”, in the abandoned building, the girl in the white bandage hugged her sister in her arms and whispered.


“Is this how we end? So what is the meaning of our existence? Rentaro, people don’t understand, why is it so cruel to cursed children in the era of plunder? We just… Just trying to find a place to live in this world, everyone says so, the police system is just a means for the source gut creatures to kill each other, surface scenery, and dispose of garbage.”

“Why… Will it be so…”, Yanzhu’s eyes were filled with tears, and she tried to ask.

But the answer, as if known from the beginning….


Hokage World

“What’s the point of such an edit!!!?”

“Can’t be saved! Can’t change! What is the meaning of existence! Naruto shouted with tears in his eyes.


Pirate World

“Abominable! Where is the justice? What did these girls do? Is this clip just to make me wait for someone to grieve! “, Sengoku clenched his fists and said dissatisfied.


At this point, the disappeared screen reappears.

Is it the second death scene?

The black and white screen flashed quickly and vividly.

In the eyes, all worlds are shocked


I’ve saved up 120,000 words!

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