Under the leadership of the middle-aged housekeeper, Joshua, Shirley and Herland entered the Crystal Palace smoothly.

During this period, Mrs. sizer wanted to invite Joshua to join the chat circle of those nobles. She was obviously going to tell the nobles of other countries that she was the "thing" she was looking at.

But Joshua politely refused Mrs. sizer's invitation.

While waiting for the official start of the world exposition, Joshua and Shirley found two small benches and made furnace stones directly in the exhibition hall of farosi.

Herland was quietly watching as an audience.

"When I drew the original picture of this card, I felt that The effect of this card is too strong, isn't it? "

HIRI is fighting with Joshua. The role he chooses is mage Gianna, and Joshua uses the paladin Uther.

The successful appearance of a piece of the strongest orange card fording of the paladin directly led to the complete collapse of Shirley's scene. He could neither retreat nor advance, but was forced to be beaten to death by fording.

"I think it's Shirley. You're too early with that sheep changing technique."

Herland, who had been watching, whispered to Shirley.

In fact, Herland didn't have much contact with the "furnace stone legend" game, and even had no account number. But the rules of the game were very simple. After watching one or two games, Herland understood the general rules.

She didn't expect that her magic machine could make such an interesting card game.

Just as Herland was ready to play in person, a hostile figure stepped into the exhibition hall where farosi was.

"Sister, do you think the caster's transfiguration can really turn a holy army into a sheep?"

Shirley picked up the magic wand and immediately stood up, and asked her sister.

In this world, casters have mastered the ability to transform humans into animals, but this is more of a voodoo curse than the normal school of mages uses.

So few spellcasters in Herland's College mastered this kind of "vicious" magic.

"No, I've heard from mentor dunsk that this kind of metamorphosis works only for very stupid and weak people."

Herland looked at the Protestant knight who walked into the farosi hall, and from her bluster she didn't seem to be visiting an exhibition or a statue.

Judging from her heavy armor and oppressive momentum, she did not belong to the kind of stupid and weak person.

Herland also learned from Shirley and picked up his short staff. Herland knew that the real identity of Joshua must have a great relationship with the devil.

The style of the Anglican army has always been that it will not let go of any demon, and it will never be able to stand apart like water and fire.

"Calm down, Siri. Whatever you break, the one next to you may be worth a year's reward."

In this way, Qiao Xiu reminded him that this was not a place for fighting. The paintings displayed here were all from the hands of famous artists from farosi, and Mrs. sizer also sent special people to guard here.

"Why are you here?"

The Messiah stopped not far from Qiao Xiu, and she did not dare to go any closer.

Now that she didn't carry a sword, her combat effectiveness was reduced by more than half, and Joshua was a terrible chaotic demon.

If Joshua is ready to go to war, the Messiah must give himself plenty of retreat.

"Why are you here? It's going to the world exposition, of course. "

Joshua gave her a very simple answer, which was also from the heart of the truth. Unfortunately, the lady Knight's impression of the devil over the years made her not believe what Joshua said.

"Whatever your conspiracy, the holy army will come soon."

A golden mark appeared on the hands of the Messiah. This mark is a way for the Anglicans to contact each other on the battlefield to confirm their identities. The only meaning of the mark is that they have found the devil.

Joshua didn't give any further explanation, because the valet of farosi, who was guarding the exhibition hall, had already come.

"I'm sorry, miss. Please don't use magic here. It's disrespectful to farosi artists."

The valet did not care whether the Messiah was wearing the Anglican armor or whatever.

This exhibition hall is equivalent to the territory of fallow. It is forbidden to use any offensive magic. Anyone who dares to violate it is undoubtedly in open provocation with fallow.

The Messiah opened her mouth and tried to explain to him that the magic was not offensive, but several other attendants who guarded the exhibition hall came slowly to her, so that the Messiah had to withdraw his magic.

"You Don't you know he's the devil? "

The Messiah pointed to Joshua, who was sitting there, hoping that the servant would give him to her when he knew his identity.

There's no need for Josh to be protected by those troublesome dwarfs"Devil?"

The valet looked back at Joshua, then shook his head at the Messiah with a look of regret.

"I have never heard of it. Mr. Joshua is an important guest of the Duchess, and if you are so hostile to our guests again, we will have to ask you out by rough means."

What the valet said was very polite, but he was prepared to prove with practical actions that politeness was only in terms of words.

When did this demon know another Duchess of falloy?!

At this moment, the Messiah was deeply aware that his power was too small. A senior Knight of the Protestant army was not qualified to provoke the Dukes of other countries.

If she had the status of head of the Anglican army, she could force Qiao Xiu to come out of the exhibition hall.

"If Miss Missy doesn't trust me, how about staying like a Firestone tavern to watch my every move, and to have a good round of hearthstone?"

Once again, Joshua sent out a diabolical invitation to the paladin, and by the way, calmed the attendants who guarded the exhibition hall.


At this moment, the Messiah hesitated. As a noble holy army, one should not listen to the devil's advice.

The female Knight stepped back a few steps and walked out of the exhibition hall. The golden inscription in her hand lit up again. After telling the other people in the Crystal Palace that the enemy appeared, she resolutely stepped into the exhibition hall again.

"I'm not going to let you run away." Said the Messiah in a firm voice.

Although after saying that, the lady Knight naturally sat in the opposite position of Qiao Xiu and took out her own card set to challenge the boss behind the scenes.

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