Ino's answer undoubtedly led the focus of attention to zenas.

For a moment, thousands of people in the theater watched, and the evil spirit of sin seemed a little uncomfortable.

Just now, zenas's attention was focused on how to dance with this lower demon to the satisfaction of his Highness The Prince of demons.

At this moment, the music stops, the dance is over, and zenas stands on the stage, bearing the gaze of these tiny creatures in his eyes.

This evil karma demon wants to show his teeth, and Joshua won't let him use the fire of sin, so zenas can only think of using this method to stare back all the human eyes.

A rustling voice could be heard throughout the auditorium, and at last a brave female spellcaster appeared in the three rows in front of the audience. She was not young and seemed to be encouraged by her companions.

All of a sudden, she stood up a little stiff. Her pale blue magic robe represented the inscription system she had learned. It was wengelke, the God of water and healing, and the major of HIRI's sister Helan.

"Mr. devil, please You demons are really what the church says Is it? "

This girl is obviously an academic spellcaster, that is, she has been studying in college, but rarely uses magic in real combat. It is a completely different school of study from hilly, a wild mage who practices her casting skills by fighting in the afterlife.

This also led to her understanding of the devil only from books and missionary narratives.

In fact, more than 80% of human beings in this world have no chance to really contact with demons. Except for the countries of frost and the holy religion which are hostile to demons all the year round, most of the people's understanding of demons comes from the preachers of the holy land.

Therefore, the Holy Land preaches the sinister and cruel image of the devil, which has become the first impression of the world's human beings on the devil.

As far as zenas is concerned, it is not in line with the impression preached by the holy land Joshua can tell the caster lady in charge.

Although insidious is not quite in line with it, cruelty is too much.

The human bones that died under zenas could be piled into a hill, and the sinful demon had never felt sad for killing any human being.

It's the same reason that humans don't feel sad when they kill a chicken.

But in the fairy tale beauty and the devil, demons don't kill people, just like the doctrine issued by the church that every devil is a heinous thug.

"That country has always been biased against our people, but I can prove that we demons, like all the people sitting here, sincerely hope for peace."

As the criminal demon ponders over how to answer, the "golden finger" given by Joshua is once again in use, and a line given by Joshua to zenas has popped up in the chat window in front of zenas.

Any nobles who have a little political sense will not believe this, but most of the young people sitting in the ordinary audience are young people.

Zenas successfully created a beloved demon image in front of these human beings.

With that brave spellcaster girl, the atmosphere of the meeting became more active.

In the end, Sir John White had to come to the side of the stage to preside over it, so as to avoid the situation that the audience seemed out of control.

Sir Bauhinia arranged for his casters to float a ball of light made by illumination over the theatre. Once the ball floated over someone's head, he was lucky enough to ask his own questions on the stage.

This short question and answer went smoothly. The next few people asked questions that had nothing to do with the church or the devil, such as "did Belle and the devil prince finally get married?" "What is life like after marriage?" "How many children are you going to have?"

This kind of question is a little bit like an elderly woman. Eno is completely confused by these questions. The enchantress may not have considered the issue of bearing offspring in his life.

In fact, few enchantments have considered this issue. For them, mating is just a kind of joyful experience. In short, it is to have fun. But it has to be admitted that this race has a strong reproductive ability.

Eno blushed, and at last, relying on the reminder from Joshua, finished answering these difficult questions.

Soon after, the ball of light floated to the front row again, where she was the first to ask the caster girl. She stood up again and asked the second question under the pressure of the crowd.

"Mr. devil, I Can you feel the meat mat on your hand

Once again, the caster girl's second question put zenas in a dilemma.

Meat mat? Zenas took a look at the meat ball on his palm. He used it to beat many people to death. Why does this human girl want to rub it?

However, for cats, whether it's their hair, or their claws and meat balls on their claws, human beings can't resist.Since which girl wants to try Josh had no reason to let zenas refuse.

So zenas nodded and agreed to her request.

She was allowed to step onto the stage under the arrangement of Sir Bauhinia and came to zenas.

Zenas stares at the weak human caster, who used to be able to easily kill her with just one claw, but now she's not standing here as zenus's enemy, but as an admirer.

The sinful devil held out her hand at the human girl, and she pressed her hand on the meat pad in the palm of zenas's hand, and gave it a little squeeze.

"And My cat is the same. " Her voice passed through the protolith with a strong inscription on zenas, which was clearly heard by all the audience present.

From this moment on, the fans meeting tended to be out of control. Fortunately, except for the students from Nolan School of magic, all the other well-educated businessmen and nobles were invited to the scene, and the scene was barely controlled under the arrangement of Sir Bauhinia.

The meeting lasted two hours, the same time as the movie of beauty and devil, and the visitors left with satisfaction.

Joshua believed that the audience who attended the meeting would be skeptical when they saw the gospel of the church again.

The seed of public opinion, Joshua, has been buried today, but it is not yet time for him to openly confront the holy land.

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