Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1109: Witch talisman suppression


Seeing those half-witches who had reached the level of the Tribulation Phase flying into the Sacred Axe Mountain, the other half-witch discussions in Anyi City suddenly became more intense, and the whole Anyi City was filled with'buzzing' clutter. sound. %ん

"Even the Witch King and several Tianhou were alarmed, and I don't know what happened to the Holy Axe Altar."

Some people can't help but start to feel a little worried.

There are not only a handful of people who have such anxieties, but many people can't help but start looking at the still shaking Sacred Axe Mountain with worry at this time.

Yin Xiu listened to the discussion of the half-witches around him, and couldn't help but secretly said: "I didn't expect that the half-witch who flew into the Holy Axe Mountain just now with a crown on his head is actually the'Witch King'! However, judging by his aura, his strength It should indeed be much stronger than the other'tianhou'."

As the Witch King and the few heavenly princes entered the Sacred Axe Mountain, after a while, the tremor of the Sacred Axe Mountain gradually ceased again.

The half-witches in Anyi City were finally relieved a little. At the same time, those half-witch warriors carrying giant beasts have also rushed to the Holy Axe Mountain one after another.

However, people's eyes are still focused on Sacred Axe Mountain, including Yin Xiu.

After a short while, the Holy Axe Mountain really moved again and trembled, and the tremor was even more intense than the previous two times.

Even the clouds above Sacred Axe Mountain were affected, changes began to appear, and the storm surged.

Immediately afterwards, a faint sense of depression began to gradually diffuse, covering the entire Sacred Axe Mountain, and even a large area around it, and it continued to spread gradually.

At this moment, everyone felt that everything was unusual. Something seemed to break through the shackles and burst out.

All the half-witches in Anyi City couldn't help looking at the Holy Axe Mountain in a daze.

Including Yin Xiu can't help but frown slightly, staring at the surging sky above Sacred Axe Mountain more intensely, and a thick cloud has gradually formed.

In that thick cloud, there seemed to be faint thunder and lightning, and the depressive aura became stronger, making people involuntarily feel a throbbing or even trembling feeling.

"What the **** is it? It would attract such a huge momentum. This shouldn't even be a prelude." Yin Xiu took a deep breath and murmured.

boom! Rumbling

A violent roar came from the Holy Axe Mountain. The entire Holy Axe Mountain and the surrounding secondary peaks trembled violently at the same time. Numerous large and small rubbles rolled down one after another. The situation seemed almost like a landslide. It's normal.

However, just as the many half-witches in Anyi City were full of worries, a scarlet, blood-colored beam of light in the middle of Holy Axe Mountain suddenly rushed into the sky, instantly turning into a mysterious and weird witch charm in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a second blood-colored beam of light rose into the sky again.

Then there are the third, fourth, fifth

A series of blood-colored light beams appeared without gaps, and after rushing into the clouds, they would instantly turn into a series of mysterious witch charms. Those witch talisman floating in the air, like blood-colored stars, gleaming with blood-colored light.

As there were more and more blood-colored witch charms in the sky, the turbulent billowing thick clouds quickly began to disintegrate, disappearing invisible.

The stronger and more depressive breath also quickly dissipated.

Even the violent tremor of Holy Axe Mountain began to calm down again slowly. Until the Holy Axe Mountain completely calmed down and no longer tremors, there were no fewer than a thousand **** witch charms shining in the sky!

In addition, in the Holy Axe Mountain, there continued to be **** beams of light bursting into the sky, turning into witchcraft.

Seeing Sacred Axe Mountain calm down again, and the **** beams of light that rushed into the sky and turned into witch charms, the half-witches in Anyi City, who had been quite turbulent, were able to breathe a sigh of relief and relax.

Now that the abnormal movement of Sacred Axe Mountain has subsided, and the aura that made people feel a little trembling just now has disappeared, then it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, for all the reasons just now, many half-witches can't help being filled with a bit of doubt, wanting to know what happened just now and what happened in the Holy Axe Mountain.

Although all abnormalities have completely subsided, there are still blood-colored beams in the Holy Ax Mountain rushing into the sky for a long time.

Yin Xiu calculated roughly, at this time the number of **** witch charms in the sky had reached more than four thousand!

When there are no more blood-colored light beams in the Holy Axe Mountain, the number of blood-colored witch charms in the sky will be as many as 4,999!

Looking at the sky above Sacred Axe Mountain, the large area was densely packed, really like the stars at night, shimmering with blood, Yin Xiu could not help whispering to himself: "Looking at these witch charms, some seem to be suppressing something. thing."

"Is it possible that what powerful existence is really sealed in the Sacred Axe Mountain, and all the abnormal conditions just now are caused by that existence trying to break the seal?"

For his own guess, Yin Xiu felt that the possibility was not low.

Especially thinking of the half-witch in the long robe who came out in person to urge those half-witch warriors carrying the beast sacrifices to quickly send all the behemoth sacrifices to the holy axe altar as soon as possible, and perform blood sacrifices for that big witch sacrifice.

Yin Xiu felt that the blood-colored witch charms that appeared in the sky at this time, as well as the blood-colored light beams before, were not unexpected, in all likelihood, it was only after the sacrifices of the giant beasts that were sent into the Holy Axe Mountain were sacrificed by blood. Forming.

Under Yin Xiu's gaze, the blood-colored witch charms in the sky quickly changed.

A series of witch charms began to gather quickly under the influence of a mysterious, and quickly turned into the shape of a giant axe in the air.

Immediately after that, the illusory blood-colored giant axe instantly turned into a **** light, and flew into the Holy Axe Mountain with a ‘swish’.

After about three or four breaths, there seemed to be an extremely majestic and majestic invisible force in the Holy Axe Mountain suddenly surging, so that the surrounding space unconsciously produced a feeling of pause.

In the entire Anyi city, everyone felt the power passing by, but before everyone could feel it, the invisible power disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But a huge blood halo suddenly appeared in the Holy Axe Mountain, just like the same sun, gradually spreading, until the blood light completely dissipated invisible (to be continued.)

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. The high-speed first release of Cultivation Return is in the latest chapter of the city. This chapter is Chapter 1109, the suppression of witchcraft. The address is. If you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and Weibo. Oh!

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