Although the dragon-headed and tiger-body beast fell heavily, he didn't feel any pain at all. There was no gravity here, so he didn't fall to the ground, he just fell downwards.

Duan Zhili and Smurf didn't know the wonder inside and were very scared. However, when they saw that the dragon-headed and tiger-body beast was completely fine, they thought it was so funny just now, so they burst out laughing.

The dragon-headed and tiger-body beast touched his big head and felt that he had moved too much just now and made such a big joke.

But how could you not be excited when you heard Zhou Qing say that she wanted to help her find her father?

The dragon-headed and tiger-body beast happily climbed up into the clouds again and said to Zhou Qing: "Master, are you telling the truth? You have really decided to help me find my father."

Zhou Qing smiled and said to the dragon-headed and tiger-body beast: "You are so good, of course I will help you find your father.

When Duan Zhili and Smurf heard Zhou Qing say that he wanted to help the dragon-headed tiger-bodyed beast find his father, they were very excited. They said to Zhou Qing: "Then when should we set off~]?"

In fact, Zhou Qing's decision to help the dragon-headed tiger-bodyed beast find his father this time was just his own temporary decision. He had not yet consulted Duan Zhili and Smurf.

He didn't know if they were willing to set off with him, but when he heard the two of them asking, he knew that they were willing.

But in order to be more sure of their thoughts, Zhou Qing had to ask him personally.

So Zhou Qing said to Duan Zhili and Smurf: "Are you two also willing to join me in helping the dragon-headed tiger-body beast find its father?"

Duan Zhili said to Zhou Qing: "I must go with you, because have you forgotten? My special skill is that I can feel where there is strong power.

"Since the dragon-headed tiger-body beast is so powerful, his father must be even more powerful than him. It would be difficult for you to find him without me."

"I believe you need my strength and I can help you."

Zhou Qing felt that what Duan Zhili said was very reasonable. Without Duan Zhili's help, it would be difficult for them to find strong power at once, and they would lose many opportunities.

If Duan Zhili joins them, they can easily find the father of the dragon-headed tiger-body beast.

When the Smurf heard what Duan Zhili said, he suddenly wilted, because he did not have any special skills and could not help Zhou Qing find the father of the dragon-headed tiger-body beast.

So Smurf said nothing and sat there with his head hanging down, thinking about the problem. Zhou Qing could see that Smurf was a little disappointed.

Then he said to him: "`~Trouble, you also really want to go with us to help the dragon-headed tiger-body beast find his father, right?"

The smurf nodded crazily, and then shook its head. Zhou Qing was laughed at by the smurf. He didn't expect the smurf to be so cute, nodding and shaking his head again.

Duan Zhili deliberately teased Smurf and said to him: "Smurf (Zhao Li Zhao), what's wrong with you? You're nodding and shaking your head. Don't you know how to speak?"

The Smurf said reluctantly: "I would like to help the dragon-headed tiger-body beast find his father with you, but I don't have any special skills and I am afraid that I will cause you trouble after going out with you."

Zhou Qing saw that Smurf was very unconfident now, and felt that if this situation continued, it would definitely affect his future life, just like what should modern people do if they are depressed?

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