Zhou Qing smiled and said nothing, and continued to exercise and recover.

When Duan Zhili and Smurf saw that Zhou Qing didn't say anything, they stopped asking. They also followed Zhou Qing's example.

The reason why Zhou Qing was relieved to bring Duan Zhili and the others here was because once they got out of here, they would forget some of what had just happened.

If it were not like this, Zhou Qing would not bring them "900" here with confidence, because we have been together for a long time and trust each other.

But there is no guarantee that once someone lets the news slip, it will be a disaster if this place is leaked.

So Zhou Qing set up a special skill, that is, once someone leaves here, they will lose all their memories.

Duan Zhili thought to himself, no wonder Zhou Qing was so energetic the next day after every battle. It turned out that he had such a mysterious place.

It seems that I am so lucky to be on good terms with Zhou Qing. Every time I went out for a fierce battle before, I had to adjust my breathing for a month or two, otherwise it would be difficult to return to the original state.

Now that Zhou Qing is here, they can quickly restore their original cultivation.

Zhou Qing felt what Duan Zhili was thinking in his heart. He felt that Duan Zhili was thinking too much, which would not be very good for his recovery.

So he said to Duan Zhili: "The main thing you are thinking about here now is how to restore your body to its previous state, instead of doing other things that are not beneficial to your recovery."

Duan Zhili's strength and awareness Zhou Qing was talking about himself, so he quickly gave up all his thoughts just now and followed Zhou Qing's instructions to slowly tease his body.

The Smurfs didn't think about anything and just followed Zhou Qing to lead them to this space and float there.

The dragon-headed and tiger-body beast was particularly cute. When he arrived here, he felt that everything in it was strange.

He found that there were many clouds inside, so the dragon-headed and tiger-body beast climbed up and lay there leisurely.

Zhou Qing saw the dragon-headed and tiger-body beast doing this, and felt that it was better for children. No matter it was a person or an object, as long as they were young, their thoughts were relatively simple.

When Zhou Qing saw the dragon-headed tiger-body beast, he always thought he was like a child. Although he looked cute, he was very powerful...

He is very strong, and after this battle, he has grown a lot.

Zhou Qing believes that after several battles, the dragon-headed tiger-body beast will be as brave as his father, but no one knows where his father is now.

Just now, when he was at his weakest, the dragon-headed tiger-body beast told Zhou Qing that he missed his father.

So Zhou Qing decided at that moment that after they restored their original cultivation, he would lead the dragon-headed tiger-body beast to find his father, and he must reunite them.

Zhou Qing suddenly felt uncomfortable and immediately realized that he was thinking as much as Duan Zhili. He had to give up all thoughts and quietly adjust his breath in 2.7.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be swallowed up by the phenomenon here, so Zhou Qing gave up all ideas and learned to lie down on the clouds like a beast with a dragon head and a tiger body.

He found that this position was so comfortable. He hadn't thought of it before, so he said to Duan Zhili and Smurf: "You two should quickly lie down on the clouds. It's so comfortable."

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