"Although I feel the danger in this misty forest, you two insist on going in, so I can only risk my life to accompany you.

Zhou Qing and Duan Zhili saw that the Smurf had calmed down, and they both let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

Zhou Qing was still curious about the Smurf glowing just now, so he asked: "By the way, Smurf, why were you glowing just now? It wasn't because you were sick but because you were angry?"

The Smurf heard that Zhou Qing was so curious about why he was glowing, so he decided to talk to them carefully and let them know how powerful he was.

The Smurf said to Zhou Qing and Duan Zhili: "The reason why I glow is because I have huge electric energy. When I am angry, it reaches its limit. If I am angry, it may explode directly."

When Zhou Qing and Duan Zhili heard what Smurf said, they were both frightened. Could it be that if Smurf got angry, he wouldn't even let himself go?

It would be terrible to have an explosion. If it exploded, wouldn't that person cease to exist?

The Smurf saw the confusion of Zhou Qing and Duan Zhili, and quickly explained: "The explosion I am talking about does not mean that I will disappear and disappear, but that I will directly blow up the things around me.

"And I still exist. How could I be so stupid as to blow myself up? What do you two think?"

Zhou Qing listened to the explanation given by the Smurf and realized that it was not the Smurf that was stupid but himself.

I just heard the Smurfs say that, and I thought the Smurfs were going to kill each other. It was so scary. "I didn't expect the Smurfs to explode the things around them.

Duan Zhili also felt that he was not smart either. How could anyone think of committing suicide to vent their anger?

Zhou Qing and Duan Zhili realized that they were stupid, and laughed loudly at the same time. It seems that people who always get along with each other have similar habits.

The atmosphere at this time was very harmonious, and the Smurfs had forgotten the unpleasantness just now.

"Since everyone has decided to advance and retreat together, what else should we do? Let's move forward quickly." Zhou Qing said.

"Yes, since we are not afraid of anything, there is no need for us to wait here. The danger will be even greater when it gets dark." Duan Zhili analyzed.

0...Please give me flowers...

A few people ran deep into the misty forest. They knew that the deeper they went, the greater the danger and the greater the adventure.

Although Smurf said he was not afraid just now, he still felt fear when he entered the misty forest.

He asked Zhou Qing tremblingly: "Master, why is there no sound in this misty forest?"


Zhou Qing also discovered that there was no sound at all in this misty forest. Logically speaking, there was also the wind blowing through the leaves and making a rustling sound, but there was nothing.

It's as if everything inside is still, without any change at all.

There was no sign of movement, no sound, not even the chirping of birds.

Zhou Qing was also a little scared, because he had never experienced such a scene before, it was simply creepy.

It felt like entering a haunted house for Zhou Qing, which immediately reminded Zhou Qing of the horror movies he had seen.

Zhou Qing's pores opened and her hair stood on end when she thought of the horror movies she had watched. .

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