Cultivation From Cellphone

Chapter 614: Meet old friends

From Augusto's tone, Qin Feng could know that this orc squad was definitely not simple, and he might not be their united enemy.

But fortunately, there are available raw materials everywhere around this area, and Qin Feng only needs to fill it up in an hour, and then it will detonate directly.

"Hurry up and dig hard for me, and dig all the surrounding soil around the egg." Qin Feng instructed the seven team members.

The seven team members looked at Qin Feng a little puzzled, and some team members curiously asked, "What are you doing this? Shouldn't you just call someone from the military service department to come here? No matter how you look at it, you know it’s not easy, you see. Is there any pattern on it?"

The other team members felt the same way. These few people were used to direct prostitution once and for all, and suddenly let them do something dangerous. Naturally, they felt a little bit of resistance in their hearts.

"I'll give you two choices, either listen to me or die directly!" Qin Feng directly gave them the choice of life and death. His time was already running out, but they couldn't let them waste time.

When it comes to this, what else can they say, and start working honestly.

However, the seven people were very quick, and within ten minutes, they were filled with eggs.

The next scene directly made their mentality disappear. Since Qin Feng bombarded and compressed the soil, he directly compressed the originally filled soil to one-tenth of the original.

The main thing is that after finishing it, Qin Feng still looked at them dissatisfied, and said in a stern tone: "Hurry up, go on! Go on!"

Now they really have a bitterness and can't tell them, and they immediately piled up the dirt one by one. Their hearts are still hanging.

Because the ghost knows whether this egg will suddenly change, the closest one of them will definitely be the first to suffer.

After Qin Feng's constant urging, five minutes before the egg opened, it was already covered with all the compressed soil, and Qin Feng directly exploded it with high pressure.

"How far back are you quickly, while raising the protective cover on your own body, something is about to happen." Qin Feng said after taking a deep breath.

In fact, even Qin Feng didn't quite understand how fierce this thing was. The explosion of so much compressed soil would definitely trigger a series of chain reactions at that time. You don't have to think about it.

Auguststone and his family would really find something to do for themselves, now Qin Feng doesn't believe that they can still suppress the news.

The original arrangement of their family was to make Qin Feng become famous in a battle, so that the entire human seniors knew that Qin Feng could rely on his powerful physical ability to compress the energy soil.

This ability of Qin Feng's eyesight in the general high-level may be the physical strength, but if it enters the eyes of those really awesome big people.

They must be able to instantly think of how powerful Qin Feng's role is, and Qin Feng also took this opportunity to directly enter the core circle.

This is also the most fundamental reason why the ancestors of August Stone and his family chose Qin Feng.

At this time, Qin Feng kept counting down, five, four, three, two, one, zero!

The egg immediately burst out with a dazzling light, and almost wiped out Qin Feng's eyes, waiting for the light to fade. Qin Feng completely understood why this military exploit was able to send himself to the battalion commander.

Because a full ten times ten square formation of tiger head orcs came out of this egg, tiger head orcs have always been one of the most powerful races on the Goth plane.

Even Auguststone and his family were far from qualified compared to the Tiger Head clan, and what appeared before Qin Feng's eyes was a hundred orcs of the Tiger Head clan.

Qin Feng, who was silly on the spot, said directly: "This Nima is really playing a big game. What is the Auguststone family?"

Their family is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to pit everyone from the Tiger Head clan.

"Qin Feng, why are you still stunned? Detonate as soon as possible. If you delay it, it will be over!" August Stone's anxious voice rang in Qin Feng's heart.

Qin Feng, who had been sober, exploded the power of all his physical body without any hesitation at all, hit the ground with a fierce punch, and exploded directly.

The explosion spread directly to the opened egg. The tiger-headed orcs just opened their eyes and haven't figured out what happened. The explosion that greeted them directly.

I think that all of them would not understand what happened to their deaths. With such a huge energy explosion, they were naturally directly submerged by the energy tide.

Qin Feng naturally became clever immediately, and immediately hugged him fiercely, burying his head deeply in his chest.

Naturally, all kinds of explosions have never stopped. After more than half an hour of explosion, they were forced down by Heavenly Dao Sect's supreme powers by means of sky-reaching means.

The following situation was naturally known to him immediately. He didn't even care about the orc corpses of the Tiger Head clan, and he lifted Qin Feng's body directly and headed to the zero-one-faced central command post.

And Qin Feng had long been pretending to be unconscious under Augustus's reminder.

With the bursts of energy injected, it could not cause Qin Feng's body to react at all, but instead caused Qin Feng's nausea to rise.

Had it not been for the performance, Qin Feng would have opened his eyes long ago.

The thing that Qin Feng couldn't accept the most was that he didn't expect that he would be able to meet the plague **** of the smelly Taoist priest. His voice has never stopped, and he kept giving these strong men various bad ideas.

In fact, Qin Feng had been waiting for Auguststone and their partners to appear, people who had come into contact with Qin Feng's body and felt cold.

But waited left and right. After waiting for a long time, the person didn't show up. Just as Qin Feng wanted to jump up and slash the stinky Taoist priest with a thousand swords, a chill came to his heart.

Qin Feng immediately knew that the people he was waiting for were coming, and after reciting the 100 numbers in his heart, he slowly opened his eyes.

The entrance to the eye is a technologically advanced hall, and Qin Feng is lying in an awkward position, since he is on the most central podium.

"Look at me and I said this kid will wake up, you still have to send him to the freezing room, and wait until you return to the Heavenly Dao Sect. Then I said that you should be right to listen to me." Came.

After Qin Feng frowned and looked at the smelly Taoist impatiently, he turned his gaze to the person who August Stone and his family said would take care of him.

When he saw this man, Qin Feng almost didn't shut himself to death directly, because this was the white dragon, who embarrassed his own white dragon at the beginning!

I like the infinite evolution from the mobile phone, please collect it: ( The infinite evolution starts from the mobile phone, and the literature is updated the fastest.

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