Cub Keeper

Chapter 235: The Eve of the Finals (Part 1)

    Lu Yao did not expect that the newly appointed official director of the kindergarten would be so tough.

    Even if I did it again and again, I lost to the first nursery school in the culture class.

    In her first year in office, she chose this project where the cubs of the nursery were not her strengths.

    More magnanimous than Lu Yao imagined.

    What Lu Yao did not expect was that the director of the official nursery was not the director of the original second nursery at all.

    Empire, Royal Palace.

    The current official dean of the Nursery Home looked at the emperor on the throne and bowed to him.

    "Boss, it's too early to let the little cubs contact the interstellar war now."


    There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

    An Luoyu: "It's not too small, it's all transformed."


    "Always show them something different."

    He stretched out his hand to look at the rabbit orc kneeling below, and pouted: "Mis, I made you the director of the official nursery school, not for you to be so rigid. You still need to be flexible in your actions, and don’t ask me to tell you everything.”

    Meath is the lop-eared branch of the rabbit family.

    In the whole rabbit family, there are many rebellious clansmen.

    For example, Milo, who went to be a rabbit police officer, Mi Duo, who was with a leopard, and Mili who became the commander of the Third Army.

    Meath is one of them.

    He went out to be a star thief when he was young, and together with the eldest prince, punished evil and promoted good.

    Handles a lot of things that the Empire can't handle on the surface.

    However, along the way, he really met the human being that the eldest prince likes.

    It's just a pity that the love has not yet begun, and it is found that the human already has a guardian beast.

    While thinking of this, Mies replied to An Luoyu's words: "Yes, boss, I know."


    One week later.

    Lu Yao looked at the crooked portraits drawn by the new cubs.

    The severity of the problem was found.

    If only the young cubs from Yuanguang Nursery were competing, then there would be no such problem.

    However, there are many young cubs from other colleges in the nursery, and their cultural courses are different and the progress is also different.

    Lu Yao touched the picture drawn by the little hamster in her hand, and looked at the twisted "Lan Yi" on it, and the bright eyes of the little cub.

    Complimented: "Well...very good."

    Can't beat the self-confidence of the little cub?

    Yu Manman's eyes sparkled and she was very happy.

    She didn't expect to draw so well for the first time, and she was praised.

    Lu Yao looked at the more than 30 little cubs present and found that the best ones were: Balmain, Leon, Ying Hui, Lan Ze and Wendy.

    How good the paintings of other little cubs are, it is very different, they are not on the same level.

    The things drawn are also strange.

    There is only one reference, but what is drawn is irrelevant.

    So in the following days, Lu Yao brought the cultural class training to the most important position.

    The second thing is the team battle simulation training.

    The cubs were divided into three teams according to the class.

    According to their comprehensive habits, the commanders of each team were selected.

    The cubs of the small class are very good, they don't have much opinion on who will be the commander.

    The little cubs in the second class of the middle class also unanimously chose the little cub from the Federation - Balmain.

    After all, in terms of the strength of the cubs, Balmain is the strongest in the entire second class.

    The only surprise was the original Yuanguang Nursery Home class.

    Shang Yan and other cubs actually wanted to recommend Ying Hui or Zhai Wenqi as the commander.

    But the shark cubs among them had an opinion.

    Wanyou pursed his lips: "I also want to be a commander."

    While talking, he pulled his little friend and stood up from the group of cubs.

    Lu Yao has an impression of these two little cubs.

    These two little cubs from the Second Legion are one of the few little cubs who have turned into orcs before they came to the nursery.

    Lu Yao watched him unconvinced and flicked the shark's tail behind him.

    Snorted twice.

    He is also a very powerful little cub.

    I also want to be a commander.

    Little sea otter cub Shell and Wanyou grew up together.

    He also recognizes the ability of his partner very much, so he is bound to stand on the side of his good friend.

    Lu Yao always welcomes the cubs who actively show themselves.

    Such a healthy competition can exist in a nursery.

    So Lu Yao squatted down, looked at the two little cubs in front of her and asked, "Then are you willing to compete with Ying Hui and the others?"

    Wanyou tilted his head.

    He looked at Ying Hui and other commander candidates and nodded.

    Wanyou: "Of course, we compete fairly. Whoever wins will be the commander."

    His attitude is confident and assertive.

    The tail of the shark behind him is also raised, looking very confident.

    Lu Yao nodded, pointing at the little cub, Ying Hui and Zhai Wenqi in the group beckoned.

    "In that case, let's have a simulated sandbox competition."

    "When you all enter the virtual world, I will assign you the same force, different terrain, and simulate the battle of the three armies."

     "The victorious side will compete as the commander of the first class of the middle class of Yuanguang Nursery School."

    Three little cubs, with a small face and a serious look.

    In the eyes of the little cubs, they are simply majestic generals ready to go.

    But in the eyes of adult beasts and adults, it seems that there is such an indescribable cuteness.

    Lu Yao touched their heads one by one.

    Ying Hui and Zhai Wenqi squinted their eyes, obviously they were used to it.

    I was even very happy with Lu Yao's actions.

    But Wanyou is different.

    He raised his arms like white lotus roots and grabbed Lu Yao's palm with both hands.

    Somewhat fiercely said: "Don't touch my head!"

    "My mother said, the head is not tall!"

    "I am a beast that wants to grow to the height of a marshal."

    Lu Yao was stunned for a moment, then put down her hand.

    She respects the wishes of the little cub.

    Wendy also turned into a half-orc and stood among the cubs.

    For the small cubs of the aquatic race, they can become half-orcs on land, and they remain half-orcs.

    After all, it is inconvenient to push a large water tank all day.

    She looked at the two new aquatic cubs, and secretly envied them for their confident attitude.

    If only you were bolder.

    Lu Yao did not let Wendy's gaze fall.

    She reached out to Wendy.

    "Come and hug."

    You can't grieve the little cubs at home.

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