Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 848:

The means of the Holy Spirit are essentially indistinguishable from the gods.

This means that as long as it is ready to be used properly, the Holy Spirit can actually deal with the gods and let the gods also recruit.

For example, today, the two Holy Spirits succeeded in getting both powerful heroes, namely, Kazuo and Winner. No matter whether Xiongxiong or Wenner, they did not expect that the two Holy Spirits would have decided to do so. As soon as they discovered the clues, they immediately launched the means of self-destruction, so that they were destroyed by clues and could not be traced.

In the plan before the two Holy Spirits, several sets of plans were originally prepared. There are both ideal solutions for all the smooth, emergency solutions when things are not going well, and even emergency programs in times of crisis.

According to the most smooth plan, when the fast-moving army of the nobility sent the last cruel slaughter of a village, the Holy Spirit of the incarnation of the maid will use all his strength, and will be destroyed by the enchantment of the main plane, and the horror will be reduced. The flames, lightning and storms completely annihilated the group of gangsters.

Then, it has already been prepared, and it has been secretly noticed that some of the gods here will come out and announce the punishment of them in the name of the human gods.

The goddess of wealth who is worshipped and has no ability to shelter the people, although not getting the faith, has come out to destroy the human gods of the evil army... This will certainly shake the foundation of the faith of the goddess of wealth in the gold coin federation, so that those who feel the need of gods to protect People who rethink their own beliefs.

It is a great joy to be able to do this step. All sacrifices have been rewarded, perfect!

The most urgent plan corresponds to the situation in which the powerful good gods are eyeing. In this case, all the original plans are invalidated, and the two Holy Spirits need to destroy their own traces as soon as possible. The most important thing is not to leave clues that the other party can trace.

Of course, in this case, those gods who observe the situation in secret will certainly not come out, and will only pretend to know nothing.

As a result, the previous paving has been ruined. Although the goddess of wealth does not have the ability to shelter the people who believe in themselves, the human gods do not perform as well. Although it has dealt with the faith of the goddess of wealth, it does not help to spread the beliefs of the human gods. It is necessary for the priests of the church to continue their efforts.

Moreover, to completely destroy your own traces, it is not easy to tell the truth.

However, there is no difficulty in the world, only fear of people. If it is premised on the destruction of itself, then it is not difficult to completely destroy the trace.

After all, the essence of the Holy Spirit is no different from the gods. What the gods can do, the Holy Spirit can do the same as long as it is fully prepared.

Although it is a pity and a pain to do so, the two Holy Spirits have nothing to hesitate. For some reason, they are very light on their own lives, and if they need to sacrifice them, there is nothing wrong with them.

Or you can be more straightforward and more harsh, they all have a tendency to be disgusted, so they will not hesitate to bury themselves.

Whether it is to completely transform themselves into different divine powers, or to scatter their souls to the dragons with abyssal attributes, they can completely eliminate the traces of their existence, even if they are powerful, they will not be able to trace them.

Of course, as a result, they themselves are dead.

The look of the cockroach looked at the dark red dragon that was snarling in the flustered aristocratic cavalry. The brow was locked.

"Can you see what the guy is?" he asked.

Wenner studied it a little bit and said: "The red dragon eroded by the power of the abyss should be essentially a chaotic evil, coupled with the erosion of the power of the abyss. To be honest, it can't even be a one-stop. I think maybe it should be a dragon-shaped demon."

Yan Xiong secretly sighed and asked: "So, can you see what kind of change the Holy Spirit is?"

"How is this possible... The abyss breath is the deadly enemy of my generation. I have a bit of research on it, but I want to trace the source in this situation and find out its original origin. This is really impossible."

Xiong Xiong did not say anything, and his heart secretly checked it out.

This Holy Spirit, and the guy who was probably the Holy Spirit, was rushing to destroy his own traces, apparently to avoid being chased out of his own origins.

So why should they avoid being chased to find out the origins? Certainly because of their origins!

If they are the Holy Spirit of an evil deity, then even if it is a sinister thing, there is no need to hide the identity like this - the evil **** is wrong, it is a matter of course. The more anger you make, the more you prove that they are wicked enough to be crazy enough.

What they have done before is indeed mad, but if they are the Holy Spirit of evil gods, then not only are they not humiliating, but they are in line with their identity, and can even be said to be glorious.

This is like a beast naturally eating meat, nothing shameful.

But they deliberately wiped out their traces and prevented anyone from tracing...

Perhaps this means that they may be the Holy Spirit of a good god?

When I thought of it, I was shocked by my heart, and then I denied this guess.

Good God is not going to do evil, but it will never make such a devastating thing. As their Holy Spirit, they are essentially their avatars, and it is impossible to do such things.

It can be so wicked and evil, it must be the Holy Spirit of the non-good camp, and it may even be the evil camp.

Then... Since it was originally an evil camp, why should you hide your traces?

Unless... their identity is problematic.

Maybe... according to their identity, they should not only commit such crimes, but should protect these civilians...

Yan Xiong’s eyes narrowed and began to be secretly examined in his heart.

Although there are many gods in the world, it is not much to sacrifice the two great spirits of the Holy Spirit at once. In these big money, according to the two criteria of "evil" and "original position tends to protect the people", there are very few left.

In this list, the most cattle are of course the main **** of the human god, the glory of the Lord.

His priesthood strictly does not mean any protection, revenge, humanity, this is his two fundamental priesthoods. The former is completely unprotected, and the latter... although it can also be used to "protect humans," it is said from the standpoint of the entire human race, and does not include the protection of all mortals.

Of course, as the main **** of the human god, if his Holy Spirit does this, it will be a huge scandal. So if this is done by His Holy Spirit, this kind of suicide is justified by the practice of destroying the traces.

Could it be... Behind this thing, is it really the Lord of Glory?

No one said anything on his mouth, but his heart secretly screamed...

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