Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 805:

After hearing this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

On Earth, a group of good people choose a “Darwin Prize” every year. This award is given to those who “destroy themselves through stupid ways and make a profound contribution to human evolution (Darwin theory)”.

To put it simply, it is "this is really stupid, not IQ is low, but stupid! He is stupid, and it is good for improving the average IQ of human beings"... Well, roughly speaking.

Xiong Xiong remembers that he has read a record of finishing up. The people who have won the Darwin Prize over the years have different. In short, they all make people feel that it is a matter of helping the human IQ!

For example, there is a skydiving coach who emphasizes to the trainees the safety essentials that must be paid attention to when jumping. It is probably to emphasize that "it must be backed up in any case, otherwise it will fall to death", in order to prove that it makes sense. Then I jumped off the plane.

For example, a personal sister stepped on the wire and was electrocuted. When the person explained this to the neighbors, he also demonstrated the scene at the time, and stepped on the wire head without any protective measures.

For example, in order to prove to the visitors that the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office are very strong, they jumped up and slammed up after the acceleration of the running-up - his office was on the twenty-fourth floor, and the window was outside. To the main street - oh, the sky.

For example, if a gambler plays "Russian Roulette" with the notorious life gambling game, the average person is to find a revolver, put only one bullet in the gun, and then turn the drum to a few laps. Everyone took turns shooting at themselves. His approach is to find an automatic pistol, facing his head... Maybe it’s only a slam, and he only has one head.

One of the most impressive examples of Yuxiong is a thief who tries to insert a plastic tube into the fuel tank of a car and **** out the gasoline with his mouth, so that the oil in the tank can be stolen. However, he found a cleaning car and inserted the plastic tube into the place where the manure was stored - and finally he died of poisoning.

All in all, these guys have provided people with a lot of warnings and jokes, and they are always happy when they think of their deeds.

Now, there is one more in this rank.

Yan Xiong feels that if the "Darwin Prize" is also held in this world, this year's Darwin Award is definitely not the **** of rain!

He regarded his thoughts as a story and told his friends that everyone laughed and smiled very happily.

In any case, the "stupid death" itself is enough to make people happy.

However, this joy did not last long. After only a month or two, the problem appeared.

With the fall of the **** of rain, the vow of the **** of drought is no longer resisted, and the rainfall of the entire main plane begins to decrease significantly, and there is a sign of the dry season.

This makes people worry, too much rain is not good, but the drought is even more terrible. In particular, this year's drought has not eased the rain god, I do not know how strong it will be!

From the New Year to the snowmelt in the spring, there was only two rains in the north of the main plane, and it was not big. The rain in the south is a little bit more, and it has been three or four times, but it is too small compared with previous years.

Then, the spring season is coming.

On the earth, there is a saying that “spring rain is as expensive as oil”, which means that crops need rainwater when spring ploughing. Although there is no such proverb in this world, there are similar proverbs, which mean almost.

This year, this expensive spring rain is really like oil, and it is very pitiful.

After the end of the spring ploughing season, there was a rain in the northern region. The light rain and the leaching lasted for an afternoon, covering less than one-third of the mainland.

There are not many rivers in the north of the main plane. In general, there is a little drought in the north. This is a big Gobi from the north and a prairie. Now that there is no rain, the drought has suddenly been greatly exacerbated.

The backing is better. After all, there is snow in the mountains, but the situation in the plains and hills is getting worse.

The south wins more in rivers and lakes, and the foundation is still thick. Even if it doesn't rain very much, you can rely on artificial water to resist the drought, and the situation is not so severe.

But none of the southern lords, no one can be practical - how long the drought will last! If it lasts for too long, the South can't eat it!

Don't forget, the southern climate is hot and the water in the farmland evaporates quickly. And the crops in the south are some of the big water users, and there is no water!

However, the development of things will not change with people's expectations.

After spring is summer, and as the climate gets hotter, the drought is getting worse.

In many places in the north, the vegetation has gradually dried up. The farmers did everything they could to save even a drop of water, and there was no way to rejuvenate the crops in the fields. Once there was a vast green prairie, there were even large patches of yellow.

The situation in the south is not so severe, but the farmers who are exhausted in the water intake work are also everywhere. Many lords even go to the armor and take the water of the army guarding the territory, ready to go with any enemy who dares to glimpse their own water source. Fight one battle and defend the water of life with blood.

In this case, the good gods can't sit still, they have lowered their gods and let their priests help the disaster. Many good gods even lowered their incarnations, opened the door to the water element plane with divine power, and introduced the rolling torrent into the sky of the human world, turning it into rain and moistening the earth.

At first glance, this method is very effective, but after only a few days, they have to stop.

The Lord of the Order spoke, and the gods were not allowed to interfere excessively with the natural environment of the main plane.

He said that occasionally there are two gods who are blowing a wind and rain, and that is all right. Occasionally, when an earthquake strikes a volcano, it is not impossible. But hundreds of gods work together to extract water from the water element plane to give people rainfall, which is more and more!

Especially criticized is the orc **** system, because the orc grassland is vast, so the orc gods are full of power, hundreds of gods incarnate in the sky like a big net, one by one open the plane channel, the water element plane and the main The planes are connected and are rushing down the prairie.

Being criticized by the Lord of the Order, the gods suddenly stunned, and no one dared to give rain again.

As a result, the temporary relief of the drought has deteriorated again, and ... is more serious than before!

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