Crowned with Pearls

Chapter 537: One hundred and thirty-six · Relying on

  Chapter 537 One Hundred Thirty Six · Relying

   Mrs. Su San squinted her eyes and smiled, "Then tell me in detail, how can I get out again?"

The old lady Su is still alive, Su Rong has now become a nobleman again, and the entire uncle's house has fallen into the hands of the big room. The incompetent Master Su San, and the one who has turned his elbows out, can't wait to listen to everything. room.

   Want to go out?

Seeing that she was offering incense to the Bodhisattva, Madam Zhong followed a few steps forward and lowered her voice: "Third Madam, if you are serious and resentful, we have a ready-made way to let you vent your anger, as long as you are willing, at least later The Bo Mansion can't just imprison you like this."

   Mrs. Su San noticed the word "us" in her mouth, turned her head and glanced at her: "Who are you?"

Madam Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then she lowered her head a little uncomfortably. After a while, she looked up at Mrs. Su San again: "We are human beings, and we have to live, and I am also entrusted by others to come to help the three of us. Madam, please bring a message, Third Madam, if you don’t want to watch those arrogant people in this Buddhist hall like this, now there is a ready-made method, do you want to use it or not?”

   The light in the room dimmed little by little, and Madam Zhong silently lit the light, looking at Mrs. Su San's face.

On the other hand, because Young Master Wang came over today, Mrs. Su specially invited Mrs. He over, and she also mentioned the news of Mrs. Su San's side to her, and said a little embarrassedly: "It's my fault, I'm too complacent. already."

   Mrs. He was silent for a while.

In fact, Su An is also her grandson. After all, she is her grandson. It would be a lie to say that she didn't mind at all, but one has to look forward to see how it should be. Since it has come to this point, I will regret it more. It doesn't make sense to think.

  The past is in the past, and the wrong things should be paid for.

   She didn't even move her eyebrows: "If she can't figure out these truths, it will be a good thing for her to spend her life in the small Buddhist hall."

  Some people, even if they want to live again, have no chance.

   Old Mrs. Su was even more embarrassed by Mrs. He's attitude. She paused and said, "Anyway, why don't you go and see her?"

   After dinner, Young Master Wang was sent away. While it was still early, Mrs. He finally went to Mrs. Su San's room.

   Mrs. Su San was in the small Buddhist hall. When Mrs. He arrived, the two little girls were carrying the dining table out, and the dishes above were basically intact.

   She raised her hand to signal that they don't have to salute. She lifted the curtain and entered the room, where she saw Mrs. Su San kneeling on the futon chanting sutras.

   She didn't disturb Mrs. Su San, she stood at the curtain and waited for a while, and when Mrs. Su San opened her mouth, she sighed: "Is your breath smooth?"

   Mrs. Su San's face was expressionless, and she was no longer full of anger or complaining like she was before. She just lowered her eyes slightly and said nothing.

Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. He was not surprised. She paused and said in a slow tone: "The past is the past, and this is also the fate between the children. Please ask me to be the matchmaker. I wasn't thinking about it."

   Mrs. Su San still did not speak, as if she was asleep.

   Mrs. He frowned and explained several times patiently. Seeing that Mrs. Su San always ignored her, she had to let her rest earlier and retire by herself.

The moonlight under the porch was just right. From Mrs. He's point of view, the moonlight was hazy and surrounded by a halo, which made people dazzled. She stood for a while before going down the steps. As soon as she walked out of the main courtyard door, she saw it waiting not far away. Su Yao's heart suddenly warmed, and a smile appeared on his face: "Why are you here?"

   "I'm afraid you'll feel bad, so I'll come and wait for you." Su invites Mrs. He to hold her hand, explains a few words softly, and glances at the main courtyard again: "How is your wife?"

Mrs. He's expression was indifferent: "It's still that temper. We have forgotten about her this time. How can she be happy when she hears this." She breathed out: "Forget it, this is unavoidable. , you can't just beat the mandarin ducks just because she's unhappy, there's never been such a reason in this world."

The moonlight was hazy, and Mrs. He took Su Yao to walk under the moonlight, with some emotion: "Yao Yao, sometimes I think about it, all I want is to help my grandfather overturn the case, to make the family better, and now it has been realized. When you are a little older and have a good home, your grandmother will have nothing to ask for in her life. You can go underground to meet your grandfather in peace. Except for not taking care of your mother, I am really a qualified wife, you My grandfather shouldn't blame me."

She clenched Su Yao's hand tightly, looking at this young man with a somewhat immature face, a little sad and a little proud: "Yao Yao, you are very good and very capable, my grandmother hopes that you will choose carefully and leave in the future. Road. No matter which road you choose, don't look back when you choose, your grandmother is always with you."

   Su Yao's throat was a little tight, she knew that Mrs. He would say this because she heard the rumors outside.

   Mrs. Ke He never had to let her be.

   She leaned over to Mrs. He and said softly, "I know, grandmother don't worry about me. Not only do you want to watch me grow up, but Sister Xianyi and the others all need you. We should all be well."

   Mrs. He laughed: "Yes, all are well. In a few days, there will be a meeting in Princess Mingchang's mansion. Sooner or later, you will face these entertainments, so go there generously and have a good time."

   There are rumors about Su Yao and Xiao Heng outside. It's not that Mrs. He is not worried, but the more this is the case, the more she can't shrink back.

   It is one thing whether Su invites to go that way or not, and it is another thing to avoid being disrespectful because of being plotted to ruin his reputation.

   Mrs. He now understands that, if you don't back down, she won't come to you if it's right or wrong.

  Su Yao also understood what Mrs. He meant, smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry, I know what to do."

  The moonlight sprinkled all over the front of the courtyard. Mrs. Su San came out of the small Buddhist hall and stood under the porch. Soon she saw Madam Zhong sneaking in quietly. She raised her eyebrows and asked coldly, "Are you gone?"

   Grandma Zhong should be: "The four girls are waiting for their in-laws outside. The two of them walked away together chatting and laughing."

   Mrs. Su San raised the corner of her mouth sarcastically.

   It's really ridiculous, look at her, she can't wait to hold her daughter up to the sky, but she's so indifferent to herself, and I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Su Yao poured into Mrs. He.

   (end of this chapter)

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