In fact, in certain methods, although I don't understand what happened. But since that has been the case, it means that there is no room for repentance in the Lord, although there is not much reaction at this time. But Qingfeng could understand that his mood might have changed long ago.

But for his current attitude. Qing Feng did not dare to agree, there was nothing at all. But everything at this time shows what other things have happened in my own experience. The cruelty of the Lord has never disappeared.

He just hid some dark things. As for all these actions, Li Ming's stimulation may be required. Without him, it would not be the case now.

However, thinking of everything Li Ming has experienced at this time, Qingfeng just feels that it pays for it. He didn't seem to be hesitant just now, and now he just prayed to the Lord of Darkness not to do too much.

"Qingfeng, let's leave. They should be worried at this time. Besides, don't tell them about everything here. Although you don't understand what is causing the ghost. But if you guessed correctly, that person must have acted like that person. Otherwise it won't be what it is now."

Qingfeng sighed, he might not understand what happened. If it is such a simple matter, why didn't he say it? Everything now looks like a mystery, one by one.

However, Jiang Ning on the other side had another bad premonition. Intuition tells him that Li Ming's end will not leave so easily. Especially here, things are like a blow to other people. There is no meaning.

When Qingfeng returned, he saw their actions, although he didn't understand what they meant. But at this time, thinking of Li Ming's cry just now, he should also figure out what he should say.

The place where Li Ming entered was created by the Lord's father. I heard that there is the most poisonous thing in the world. Everything is no less than ten. There are also some things that specialize in sucking the blood and bones of others.

What we can know now is that there will be no good days for Li Ming after entering. As for the rest of his life, he has no certain ideas. Especially when thinking of the torment of the Lord's father, Qingfeng couldn't imagine it. What will it be like for people who have been tortured by the Lord of Darkness to be sent there again.

"Qingfeng, have you all taken care of it? What do you mean now? Do you want to act with us? If this is the case, I still need to thank you well. After all, it is also our main force."

Jiang Ning knew some things, and the Lord would not easily say it. Now he and the person Jiang Ning saw at the beginning are not the same at all. So some things, Jiang Ning directly ignored the Lord.

"The temporary thinking is this, but you can already come out? Why are they still in there motionless? Are you playing with something? But things at this time are really interesting."

Jiang Ning was dumb, he didn't know when he could come out, but now looking at himself, who was extremely convenient in his actions, he couldn't help but suspect that all of this might be caused by him. Otherwise how could it be so easy.

But the current situation is not so easy to deal with the old four. Even if you want to deal with it cleanly, you must deal with some things that don't seem special at this time.

Although I don't understand what happened at this time, especially the current situation, I don't understand what will happen. The reason why this is happening now is because my situation doesn't look very good.

Jiang Ning didn't understand what was going on right now, and why things that looked good had no ability to handle them. What's deeper is that everything here is a threat to them, even if it is something they want to deal with, it has no meaning at all.

"Since it's this time, I don't think there is anything wrong to deal with, and everything at present can be determined long ago? Shouldn't you feel a pity that you have done these things now? So when something happens, you Box it yourself."

There are some situations that he doesn’t understand at all, although he doesn’t understand what happened, and what can be handled for them in everything here, but since this is already the case, maybe there is nothing to deal with. thing,

Looking at the current master, Jiang Ning couldn't understand what he was thinking. Isn't it because his situation has changed? Or is it just that something unforgivable happened to these dispensable things? It is impossible to deal with just because of these decisions.

"Although I don't understand why you helped us. But I think you should know. If it wasn't because we misunderstood all of this, you might not have happened to what is happening now. So what can be determined is that what is happening now is basically because Our reason."

Jiang Ning's words were also a headache. How could these things happen? Isn't it because your abilities are particularly useful? But the current situation has nothing to say, if something happens again. That is, I want to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Be careful, we are already in. If you don't want something that is not easy to handle at this time, you'd better not act rashly. And everything now seems to be troublesome, you shouldn't want to deal with the current things. And there is no ability."

Jiang Ning was shocked, what can be explained along the way is that they have no ability to say these things. And all that can be said now is that his abilities are relatively low. I forgot the most important thing now because of talking to others. This is unforgivable.

"These things you said are true? But I think you should understand a little bit what is called real hell. Although your things seem meaningless. But these things make them grow up. So you are the most Be careful."

I don't understand what happened, but since it's already the case, there is no way to make up for the current thing even if there is something else. I don't even have any feelings, and there are things like these because I have nothing to deal with in my ability. That's why it looks particularly embarrassing.

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