Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2177: Is the second level?

But Jiang Ning felt that what the other party said was useless, especially at this time, it seemed that their every move was originally arranged, and if something happened again, it would be useless, or even meaningless.

When Jiang Ning passed by here, he always thought that there were things in front of him that he had never seen before. It was more likely that because of what was happening now, he always thought that something had not been cleaned up, especially what they said was even more meaningless.

"I hope what you have said is really useful. After all, it still seems to be more beneficial to us at this time, and it is also to you. I think the reason why I can’t come out may be where I can’t say something. , I am not very curious either!"

Now when I think of what I saw just now, there are some unreasonable things. Now their abilities are relatively low. That's why those things with no lethality can exist. It is more likely that Jiang Ning has no understanding of everything now. Thinking of it now...

It seems that something bad has happened since just now. The reason why the people of the Wu tribe said those things, thinking of it, it happened. But if what Yue'er they saw was also real, what would it be?

The tone of that person just sounded really bad at home, but he didn't have any real needs for himself. If he still followed their thoughts, not only did he not make any progress in his actions. Also, their abilities are not very good.

"You don’t have to worry about the usefulness of those people. I can assure you that I can guarantee their safety before you kill a person from the Wu Clan, but compared with their situation, your behavior It should be worse. What do you think?"

That's right, although it seems that there is nothing, but the power that finally came over has no shadow. When I think about it, I know who is thinking about everything now, but because I don't have the ability to handle it, I didn't say much. what.

But if it sounds like the Wu Clan, things are not that simple at all. Could it be that Yue'er and the others were caught by them, but they didn't even feel a bit. Is this phenomenon really bad? What is it now? To rescue them?

"Okay, I can promise you. I will personally rescue those people in front of you. Of course, I will also let your witch tribe get their due punishment. Since your request is not to harm your tribe, I think it can ruin your place."

Speaking of these words, they are really embarrassed. Why do these things happen? Not because things are more troublesome now, and because of the situation in the future, one's own power will not have any effect. I can't even feel any worry, as if nothing happened, it's just a simple thing now.

"Okay, that's all for now. The experience has already begun. And you'd better hope that you can come here without any loss at this time. Otherwise, I think you should leave early. It's too embarrassing now. , Just such a little strength!"

Jiang Ning was shocked, and didn't even expect what happened now. Maybe the hats others put on him in the past were too high, so he didn't understand what was happening now? Isn’t it just because of the current behavior? But what is it!

Jiang Ning ignored the surrounding voices. Maybe everything now has no meaning to him. After all, there are things that can't be done by his own strength. The current idea is to deal with it as soon as possible. After all, it has not been too long.

"Okay, let me tell you now. I can deal with it by someone, and I will tell you at this time when the reappearance is here. Although Yue'er has nothing special, but their abilities appear to be reappearing. It's still obvious."

Although Jiang Ning said so, he has no ability to withstand everything now, especially for the current things, he really has no ability to deal with the current things, but since that is the case, what is the use? ?

"Well, although it looks like we are behind now. But it's not yet at the end. Who knows what will happen? Maybe now is the beginning of his own. In that case, what else needs to be afraid of? No what!"

Obviously there is nothing, but it is understandable to live by yourself when you gradually start. Especially in the current situation, it seems that it happened when they were dissatisfied with their race. But everything now seems meaningless.

"Well, if you don't have any ideas, maybe everything now can be handled cleanly. Since the current things happen at this time, maybe something you need to know will happen. But their experience seems It really is……"

Jiang Ning's hands have gradually fallen down when he says these words, and it is because the current things don’t have any ideas for him, so the current things happen, and his feet can only use his whole body. Strength to walk.

If it hadn't been for this time that some changes had taken place long ago, they might not understand their thoughts, but now they have fully understood why they feared the Wu Clan. It's **** on earth. There is no ability to handle it!

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