Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2159: Masters in groups

Jiang Ning and others set off again, the next place is still unknown.

When they met a master, they would go to discuss with this master and talk about the harm of the Wu Clan to others and people of the race.

Some veteran masters quickly agreed to Jiang Ning and others’ requests, and they merged with Jiang Ning and others. Some younger players are in the same situation, because as long as they can become stronger, they are There is a bit of background, almost all of them can know the things of the Diwu clan.

So, here, everyone has a very rich experience, otherwise they will not become a master of the master.

When the team of Jiang Ning and others grew stronger and stronger, the team of Li Ming also grew rapidly.

However, the people Li Ming was looking for were just average, and their strength was not as strong as the people Jiang Ning was looking for. After all, Jiang Ning's strength was placed there. If there is no accident, then you can still find a very powerful master.

"I don't know what happened to Li Ming, I found a few masters!" Jiang Ning couldn't help showing a depressed expression after gathering a dozen masters.

When he was looking for a master, there was no news about Li Ming. This was an extremely depressing thing for him.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of thing is encountered, there will be news flow, but now he and Li Ming have no communication at all. It can even be said that after they separated, it was already There was no news at all.

However, Jiang Ning also understood that nothing would happen to Li Ming. After all, when he was separated from himself, he brought a lot of masters with him. There is no doubt about this.

"Don't worry, maybe Li Ming has found as many masters as we do. When we go up to Jiwang Mountain, we will have a lot of confidence!" Liu Mei's face couldn't help showing expectation.

Although their current team already has more than a dozen masters, it is obviously not enough for the Shang Di Wu Clan. After all, since they can use the power of the curse, their ability is already It has become extremely powerful. It can even be said that in this Central Plains, there is no race that can stand against them.

This is why all the masters readily agreed to join the Jiangning team after listening to Jiang Ning and others' words.

"I hope they can have a good result..." Jiang Ning's mouth also showed a smile.

Although Li Ming’s strength is not very strong, Jiang Ning knows that this man’s mind is extremely shrewd. Even if something happens, he can handle it, otherwise he would not be in the land of death. It's been mixed up inside, and it's still able to win over so many masters.

When he was in the Jiuyou Bamboo Forest, he was even more shrewd. He directly used one of his own broken powder techniques to link up with Jiangning, so that Jiangning could not abandon him. Later, he passed Jiu directly. Youzhulin, returned to the land of the Central Plains.

Originally, when he returned to the Central Plains, he was preparing to continuously improve his realm, but he did not expect that such a thing happened at this time. For him, it was an extremely depressing thing. With.

Because his strength is already about to be promoted, maybe it will take a year or two to rise to another level.

However, in the face of disasters, everyone will stop the work at hand, no reason, just because they want to protect their own race, even the person who can be said to be the most dear.

"Let's go, let's speed up, try to get to Jiwang Mountain as soon as possible, and then wait for Li Ming's people to come!" Jiang Ning smiled and said directly to everyone.

There are a dozen people who followed Jiang Ning. Many of them just passed Jiang Ning, but they have never been able to pass Jiang Ning. After all, his strength lies there, and at the time Jiang Ning was just It's just to release a small amount of one's own strength. If you release all your strength, it will be even more invincible.

At the same time, Li Ming also missed Jiang Ning and others in the same way. After all, thinking that at this time, they can't allow them to do more things. Once the people of the Diwu clan start to do things, Then they have to deal with it, and it seems that there is not much time left for them.

After the earth witches came out to the Central Plains and disclosed their identities, they shouldn’t sit and wait for death. They would definitely have a lot of actions. As for what kind of action, Li Ming didn’t know, but he only knew that he was certain. Speed ​​up, or something will happen, they will not be able to bear it.

"Let’s go, let’s go to Jiwang Mountain! We had previously agreed to head towards Jiwang Mountain in half a month. Now it’s almost half a month, and during this time, we have already I can't find any useful masters!" Li Ming said to many masters.

These masters are middle-aged and young. They all know the legends of the Diwu clan. Even some people didn’t want to participate in these things at first, but they were People from the older generation of their own forcibly squeezed into Li Ming's team.

This is because the older generation of people understand very well that the terrible witch clan can be summed up in one sentence, then there is no land of the central plains if there is the land witch clan!

This is the legendary method of the older generation, so from this point you can see how powerful the earth and witches are.

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

Some of them don’t know a lot, but Li Ming, who has rich experience, directly tells the past things, and many people have no grudges. After all, such important things, If someone dared to take the lead, that would be extremely good.

If it is given to the people of the Earth Witch Clan to defeat them, perhaps no race can be preserved intact, and all races will have major problems. This is beyond doubt.

"I don't know if Jiang Ning has been to Jiwang Mountain or not. I am a little worried now. After all, the masters here are not enough..." Li Ming couldn't help but mutter in his heart as he rushed to Jiwang Mountain. stand up.

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