Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2155: Forget the past

Li Ming's complexion sank after hearing this.

Afterwards, he said coldly: "I never thought that the people of the Earth Witch clan would still be in this Central Plains. We always thought that the people of this Earth Witch clan were already beheaded. It's clean, but I don't want to, it turned out to appear again! What can I do?"

"Actually, they are not very powerful. As long as we work together, we can win the battle!" Jiang Ning couldn't help but sneered at this.

Regarding the strength of the Earth Witch clan, he has indeed found out the truth, because in this, no matter it is everyone, he has a bottom in his own heart, so in his thoughts, he is not There will be any fear.

However, although he said he was not afraid of this witch clan, he still needed to connect with people, otherwise, it would be a big problem.

"Master Jiangning, if you say this, I have to say that you are a little careless, but I know the battle at that time very well! At that time, there were already powerful people participating in the battle. I can imagine that there was a battle. How awesome!" When he said this, Li Ming couldn't help but ponder, and then continued.

"Actually, the strength of the Earth Witch clan is not on the surface at all. If they meet a tough person and cannot deal with it by themselves, then they will use their secret weapon to directly control a person with a curse. At that time, no matter how strong the mind of that person is, it will be controlled. You can imagine how strong their strength is!"

"If I remember well, there were three powerful people here, and they all fell into their hands. At that time, the three powerful people were blinded by their minds and became directly Their killer weapon, that's why they fought so fiercely at that time! And the reason why they can control that mighty one lies entirely in a treasure!"

After Jiang Ning and others heard this, they couldn't help being shocked.

If that is the case, then Jiang Ning himself would be in danger. After all, here, they have the ability to control the mighty ones, which made him more worried.

"Then, the treasure that controlled the mighty one was found and destroyed that year?" This question is what Jiang Ning wants to know. After all, if this treasure is still there, then everything else is It's completely gone.

"Hehe! Naturally, things that are against the sky can't be easily destroyed. As for where it spread at the time, we didn't know! But I think since they dare to swept back, then they must have their own confidence. My heart comes, otherwise, it won't appear!" At the end, Li Ming's expression couldn't help but become solemn again.

Jiang Ning and the three girls looked at each other, and they all saw the solemn color in each other's eyes. If it were really like this, it would be completely bad.

However, there is one thing Jiang Ning can't understand. Since this baby was found at the beginning, why not destroy it directly? This is a question that is easy to think about.

At that time, Li Ming's words completely answered his doubts: "This thing is not intended to be destroyed, but cannot be destroyed! And if you put it away, I would like to belong to the Wu family. There will be induction, so maybe they found that baby!"

"As for the reason why they don't do anything now, it may be that they want to see who is the most powerful in the Central Plains. Then it will be directly controlled by that person, which is better than fighting!"

After Jiang Ning heard this, he was shocked again.

He had never thought that a person of a race would have such a careful thought. If Li Ming hadn't told him, he might still be kept in the dark now, and when the time comes, he will deal with it enthusiastically. After starting from the Wu Clan, he found that he had no ability to deal with them, and then he was directly controlled.

Once this situation occurs, it will be an embarrassment for the entire Central Plains.

Because Jiang Ning understands his strength incomparably. Although he is not invincible, it is impossible for ordinary people to join hands to deal with him. After all, Jiang Ning's own strength is already extremely powerful. If you add a system, it will be so powerful that no one can stop it.

At this moment, he completely dispelled the idea that he could deal with the Qi Di Wu Clan, and at this moment, he was still a little scared.

As for the three women, they were already trembling at this time. They thought of the moment when they were controlled and their physical strength was taken away. They actually felt very lucky.

"Then what should we do now?" Jiang Ning couldn't help asking again at this time.

After all, I don’t know the secrets of the past, but Li Ming and others understand it, so if there is a person to guide, it is a good thing. It can even be said that once there is an accurate policy , May be able to make De Jiangning and others triumph.

"What can't be done, let's unite first, and then see how to deal with this matter! These things must not be rushed, once it is rushed, it will not be able to save the ending!" Li Ming said very experienced .

Even though he was still a child back then, he had already experienced something like that, so he was relatively confident in dealing with the Wu people in this place.

Jiang Ning pondered for a while, and immediately said again: "Should we notify some masters and join forces together, or if they are controlled, they will be completely finished!"

"This is feasible. After all, the people who came out of the Jiuyou Bamboo Forest are also extremely powerful. If they are controlled by them, it will be a big event! If my guess is good, they are now I'm looking for a master, not just to stop doing things, nor to fear us!" Li Ming guessed for a while and said directly.

Regarding this speculation, Jiang Ning also nodded. After all, only this way can make them become kings of the Central Plains. Otherwise, they cannot become kings.

There is another point, that is also here, they also want to control and find more masters, so they slow down their pace.

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