Crimson Comes

Chapter 309: lamb won

Latest URL: People in this world have never thought that they actually saw the scene of a **** being slaughtered.

It can be said that this day is worth being remembered.

This day is the day when the legendary Eleven Gods truly descended into reality.

The topic of whether gods or demons really exist has been discussed for a long time. Both believers and non-believers used to argue over this topic, but on this day, there is no need to argue, because the gods really exist. Come to reality, whether you believe it or not, he is there, the abstract vocabulary of God, at this moment, has become a concept of material level...

However, on the day when the gods were proved to be real, another topic was also proved.

Gods can also be killed.

Not only was this topic confirmed, it was confirmed in front of everyone in the world.

I can't imagine what those people looked like when they were horrified by such a scene. It's just that there are too many people who suddenly realize that they seem to recognize this world for the first time.

Many things in this world are like this. Before it happens, others think it is unbelievable. After it happens, this kind of thing can exist, and it is so natural.

For example, before the leaders of the consortium were pulled down, they really believed that they were omnipotent and no one dared to touch them. For example, before the foundation's Faceless Man Project was implemented, everyone believed that the power of gods There is no match, everything in the world can only be passively placed in the position of being dominated. For example, before this, no one imagined that the gods would tremble like lambs in front of the butcher's knife...

"you win…"

Facing Wei Wei, who was walking forward with a **** sickle in his hand, and behind him was a background of demonic logic that had been cut and shredded in large chunks, the three founders of the foundation did not dodge any longer.

Originally, in this plan, they took their own safety very seriously, guarded against being assassinated, and hid very closely.

However, when they saw that the life demon was so easily killed, and the other gods also disappeared from the believers, their strength was weakened to the extreme, and there was no room for them to compete with Scarlet, they suddenly felt that everything was not important anymore Now, despair has come, and now, let alone the lives of the three of us, everything in this world has been defenseless, and has lost its destiny to control itself.

So instead, they simply walked out, stood on the tall building of the foundation headquarters, and looked at Wei Wei who came from the deep space.

And in the tall buildings, the Xingtian team, and even the security team with the strongest scarlet weapons, are facing the enemy at the same time, even eager to fight, ready to fight.

However, the three founders realized the crux of the problem, and it was meaningless.

It is not at the same level at all, and does not belong to the same level of power, so there is no point in trying again.

Attempts that are too far away, on another level, are called:



Wei Wei looked very calm at this time, he just walked slowly from the deep space, and then stepped into reality step by step.

And when he stepped into reality, ripples suddenly appeared in the entire foundation headquarters building. Wei Wei didn't even try to attack, but really kept his mood calm, but the scarlet power on his body was too strong. Powerful, but also too heavy, which caused the foundation headquarters, any power that conforms to the surreal logical concept, to tremble in front of him, and then began its own collapse process.

The crimson weapon that the foundation regarded as the bottom card of the box was instantly stripped of all the scarlet power and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

Even this pile of scrap iron suddenly felt ashamed. It escaped from the container that sealed itself, ran wildly, and then jumped to the sky, starting to disintegrate itself.

The Xingtian team felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, but they suddenly noticed a change in their bodies.

The demonic power in their bodies seems to have their own will, and they are out of their bodies uncontrollably, like courtiers, showing surrender to the scarlet power.

"You have already won, why show your strength?"

The three founders of the foundation looked at Wei Wei helplessly, felt the shaking of the entire foundation headquarters, whispered, and some even closed their eyes.

"It's not me acting."

Wei Wei explained softly: "Having reached this level, the instincts of other demons have been triggered."

As he spoke, it seemed that he was trying to restrain himself a little, so that his scarlet power would not be so arrogant, so as to scare others...


The three founders of the foundation didn't know how to face the scarlet at this time, but they were a little helpless. Someone glanced around, and with their vision, they could only see the crumbling city around them, but he seemed to be looking at Looking inside the entire spiritual barrier, he sighed softly: "These people may not understand at all, but as long as they last a little longer, our plan will succeed..."

"The perfect order model will become the main body, and our group will also get rid of the curse and usher in endless hope..."

"However, they can't wait..."


When he said this, he was somewhat regretful and deeply regretful.

It was true, now that Scarlet had won, but Scarlet had done nothing but those people, those panicked and desperate people, had helped Scarlet win.

"You guys are wrong."

And when the founder expressed such emotion, the other two couldn't help nodding along, Wei Wei unexpectedly denied his words, his expression was also serious, and he whispered: "In fact, I have always believed that You are smart people, much smarter than me, and your plan is so complete and meticulous, but no matter how great and perfect the plan is, there is one thing I don't understand..."

"Why must you high-ranking people design the lives of the low-level people?"


"Are you talking sarcastic?"

Another founder heard Wei Wei's words and suddenly became a little angry: "Because you won, you think you can deny everything?"

"What about the top and the bottom, we are all the same people."

"Of course you can let them design their own lives, but human beings are weak, especially individual human beings, whether it is short-sightedness, impulsiveness, or the ignorance that occupies the vast majority, they are too easy to make mistakes It is too easy to be deceived, when the topic rises to the issue of the entire ethnic group, do you think it is possible for the lower-level people to discuss, vote, and then make a decision like a prank?"

"That's nonsense!"

"This is the case with the human race. High-level design requires a more rational mind to decide."


Wei Wei looked up at the three founders, but they were also looking at him head-on, with no fear in their eyes, only anger.

Today, all the demonic powers have surrendered, but the three founders who got rid of the demons and faced Wei Wei purely with human rationality are exceptionally firm.

"I said you are smart people..."

Wei Wei didn't get angry, instead he smiled and said, "Just like what you said now, I think it makes sense."

"It's just that you also didn't understand my question. You can design a perfect model and attach the best fantasy to this model, but when you choose to stand outside this model, you will also It means that this model is not perfect, can you guarantee that there are no factors affecting the implementation of the plan? Can you guarantee that the weakest people are protected?"

"Or the simplest question, can you guarantee that after this model appears, everyone will be respected?"


The three founders focused slightly, and they remained silent in the face of this question.

That's right, no matter how perfect the model is, it can't change the fact that the three of them originally planned to stand outside the model.

Since they stand outside the model, it means that some people related to them are naturally in this model and in a detached position.

They naturally knew that this would have a certain impact, but at first they felt that this small part of the impact was not enough to shake the success of the entire model.

"You won't have it, I know that."

Wei Wei smiled and said to them: "This is also one of the things I am dissatisfied with you. For example, in this plan, you also planned to sacrifice me. Although I did not break any law... at least I have been working hard Abide by your rules and regulations, but because you feel that I am in the way, so you are going to kill me. During this process, you have not considered me, and of course there is no respect..."

"Is he complaining?"

The three founders of the foundation all had a strange doubt in their hearts.

"But fortunately, I helped you think of the crux of the problem."

Wei Wei smiled suddenly at this moment, and said: "I know what you are missing, you just lack a little bit of fear."

"When you start to be afraid, you will naturally learn to respect."



The three founders suddenly found it ridiculous, and after a long time, someone said: "You have indeed succeeded, you are now the most terrifying existence in the world, even the gods are trembling in front of you..."

"Who else dares to disrespect you?"

"You are about to become the only one, and you will become the **** of all. Are you still worried that you don't have enough respect?"

"The scarlet demon has come to reality, everyone is trembling, and how can anyone dare to disobey your will?"


"Then you guys really underestimated me."

Hearing their angry words, Wei Wei suddenly smiled very gently, and said, "The only one is really not difficult to achieve, and I may be more suitable for the word devil than God."

"However, my requirements are not that high."

"I don't want to control everyone's fate, I just want the children to grow up..."



One of the three founders suddenly noticed something, and looked at Wei Wei in disbelief: "We have come to this point, what do you think?"

"The most primitive consciousness has begun to wake up. Only when you become the only one can you possibly fight against her..."


As hostile parties, the three founders of the foundation shouldn't have said such things, but they had to, because Wei Wei won.

Mom's consciousness is about to wake up, or has already woken up, and in the face of mother's consciousness, no matter whether it is the scattered Eleven Gods, the Foundation, or Scarlet, they are powerless to resist, so they have the last time Confrontation, and in this confrontation, no matter who wins, he needs to face his mother in the end, and only if he wins this last confrontation, is he eligible to face his mother.

Therefore, they even panicked. If Scarlet retreated at this time, the whole world would be threatened by her mother.


But in the face of the founder's reminder, Wei Wei just shook his head slightly: "The only one will appear, and when the only one appears, mother will lose the condition to wake up."

"However, unlike what you think, I am not the one who won."



The three founders felt confused at first, but soon realized something and were a little terrified: "What do you want to do?"

"Do what I've always believed in!"

Wei Wei laughed and said, "I don't want to be the last winner, and I'm not the last winner either."

"The final winner is the lamb!"

"The One will indeed be born, but the One will not be in my hands..."


When he said this, he suddenly turned around with a smile, and threw the scarlet sickle towards the center of the spiritual barrier. The moment the sickle flew out, it had already begun to attract countless surreal logics. The ten gods themselves began to collapse, were pulled, and then harvested by the scarlet sickle, solidified, and turned into unprecedented powerful weapons with all the characteristics of demons...

But this weapon is sinking.

Now, countless panicked people are looking up at the sky, and they all saw this sickle, so this sickle was deeply imprinted in their hearts, the deepest part of their spiritual world.

"Now, you have to learn how to respect people."

At this moment Wei Wei smiled very brightly, and said to the three founders of the foundation: "The only one can exist, but the only one can only exist in their hearts. When despair reaches a certain threshold, scarlet will appear and kill all of you... So, you smart people, you can still do whatever you want, but you must learn to respect."

"This is my ceremony."

"Before this day, the lambs didn't know how powerful they are, but from this moment on, they know."

"As long as they know their strength, you have to learn to respect them."


Wei Wei looked at the three foundation founders with a smile, but he seemed to be telling everyone: "Are you satisfied with the result?"

"If you are not satisfied, there is nothing you can do!"

(end of this chapter)

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